
I love my daddy!

Hello! My name is Cristal! And I'm a snake! But not a normal snake. I was born around 10 months ago, (daddy says it was 1 ssssepember or something) from my purple egg and soon met with my daddy! He told me that I'm a very strong magical snake, and then he started teaching me how to use my magical crystal! I really love my daddy! We spend a lot of time together, playing and training magic! My daddy is very strong and he's always busy reading and training to get even stronger and smarter but he always find times for me and I feel so happy!

But I wasn't sure if daddy loved me back as much as i did, or if he even knew that I thought of him as daddy, he never called me a daughter and I was always to shy to call him daddy. I was worried that he would reject me or even hate me! So I created a plan! I curled on my daddy's chest when he slept like we sometimes do, but I woke up early. But I didn't move! I pretended to be asleep. I waited for my daddy to wake up so I could start with my plan. Soon my daddy woke up. I felt him stirring and then I felt his eyes landing on me. He stopped moving and relaxed, he must have wanted to let me sleep some more, HIHI that's my daddy! Then I pretended to sleep talk, hoping to get a reaction from daddy so I said that!


I could feel my daddy's body jerking a little but he must have thought he heard wrong so I tried a harder approach!

§"ssssdaddysss I love yousss"§

I said it! I said it! Now did ma daddy hear that? I could feel ma daddy patting me hihi, he must have heard! T-Then does he-

§"Daddy also loves you."§

OMD! (Oh My Daddy!) he-he actually-

§"Daddysss!!!"§ I jumped to snuggle my daddy! It was the best day of my life! My daddy loves me! He said so! And I love him too!


Hello! It's again me, Cristal the snake! An today's my first birthday!

It was two months since my daddy said he loves me and I made great progress in my magic since then. Daddy says that it's thanks to the training I increased my magic cap-capcity? I don't know what I mean but apparently I have more magic than I had before, daddy says. My daddy had his seventh birthday a month ago so I wanted to give him a gift, so I trained, and finally I managed to fully disappear, daddy said it's called in-invisibility! He was really happy and even daddy's ,,Friends,, praised me as well! Now I wanted to do something great to show daddy at my birthday too but the flying thing is really hard... I was sad about it and daddy instantly saw it. He picked me up and said I didn't have to do anything for my birthday and that he's always really proud of me. I was so touched! I love my daddy so much! He always knows how to make me happy! And I really like his Friend as well! They were always so nice to me! I think they could be good mates for my daddy but when I mentioned it he become red and said that they are too young. I didn't understand him until daddy told me that humans grow slower than snakes, and for him it sounded as if I proposed him to mate with a hatchling! I became so embarrassed! But daddy is not like a normal hatchling he's really smart and strong so maybe it's alright... nevermind!

I had a really lots of fun at my party! Daddy made me a huge hot terrarium for whenever I wanted to just lie down and relax, the blond girl, Daddy calls l-Luna gave me a professional scale cleaning set that I really liked, and the bushy friend H-Hermion gave me a pack full of delicious snake treats! It is one of the best days of my life! Right after meeting daddy and when daddy first said he loves me! I really love my daddy!


Today daddy took me into town. But not the normal one but the same one where he first bought me. I am now 16 months old, and I spent over four months trying to learn flying magic with my daddy! I even partially succeeded! I managed to raise and float for over a minute until I lost my concentration! I was really excited and daddy was really proud of me so he decided to bring me on one of his ,,Diagon visits,,? I spent the day invisible under daddy's coat but I could see a lot of interesting things! I even saw a very tasty looking rat in the hands of a red haired boy but daddy said that I can't eat it..yet. I don't know what he meant but if I can get him in the future then I don't mind waiting, the rat felt as if he would satiate me for months to go hihi. Then we came to this shop selling cold food and daddy let me taste it! At first I thought I wouldn't like it, but it was actually really delicious! It made daddy curious if I have taste buds like a human, whatever that means, so he brought me to taste many weird products all around which I actually liked quiet a lot. In the end daddy said that apparently I could taste things just like, or even better than humans! Daddy seemed happily surprised so I was also happy!

After visiting the weird white crooked building with goblins daddy seemed really happy for some reason so I asked him about it.

§Daddysss why are you happy?§

§Oh that's because your daddy just became a millionaire and found a dark artifact he wants to destroy haha§

That's what my daddy said. I don't know what a ,,milionejr, is but I became worried about this dark artifact. But daddy said that I don't have to worry, he explained that thanks to pointing the dark object to the goblins, he got a lot of money and the dark artifact as a bonus after promising to destroy it. I don't know how much is 50 million pounds but it seems it's a lot, so I was happy that daddy is now rich and can buy me even more tasty meat!

I love my daddy so much! hihi!


It's Daddy's Luna's birthday today, and I'm 18 months now! My daddy's Luna is having her party in something daddy called ,,Disnee Land,, that he recommended her parents to take her to. We needed to take a trip through the ,,Portkee,,. It was not a nice feeling. Daddy's apparition is much nicer but daddy said they needed to do it like this this time because it's a very long way and he never was there. I saw how daddy used his magic to make his uncle and aunt ignore his absence for a few days and then make something similar with Hermione's and Luna's family. Daddy always does it if something would make people ask questions about daddy's strength, I don't understand that but daddy insist that it would be bad if people knew about his strength. At least I understood that it's better when your enemy doesn't know your strong points! Just like my invisibility! No critter nor any insect have any chance against me hihi! I'm really happy daddy taught me this magic.

Now the hardest part about this birthday was actually, what should I give Luna. In the end together with daddy's help I created a birthday card! Daddy already taught me how to read, and praised me with how fast I learned, so I used that and after daddy provided me with some fun colorful things I created a post card with ,,hapy birdhdai Luna!,, writer on it. I was sad when I realized that I spelled it wrong but daddy said it's very pretty and Luna surely wouldn't mind. And daddy was right! Luna was really happy with the card and hugged me after I delivered it. I don't know how this girl is able to hug a snake like me but she did! And it felt really nice!

I was watching as daddy and his two ,,friends,, were becoming closer to each other and I wondered when they would finally become mates? But daddy said it's too soon, maybe daddy doesn't realize how much the girls like him? No, he's very smart, I'm sure he does. But does he?

The ,,Disnee Land,, was a lot of fun in the end. I liked all the new food and had a laugh with daddy making fu of this weirdly clothed people walking everywhere but I felt that daddy was tense around them a little. I later learned that daddy is actually scarred of them, that's why he only looked from the side and maked jokes about them without getting closer. I don't understand him but in the end everyone is scarred of something, so I told daddy that he don't have to worry because I would protect him.

What I liked the most was to drive the thing daddy called ,,rollercoster,, it felt like my flying but much faster and I could have an excuse to wrap around daddy even tighter! It was great! The wind in my scales! Daddy's touch! I couldn't have enough of it and neither could Daddy! He also loves ,,rolercosters,,. His Luna and Hermione liked it as well but Hermione rode only once because she didn't feel good after the first one. Really how can she not like ,,rolercosters,,?

The few days we spend in ,,Disnee land,, was great! I'm so happy daddy took me with them! Now I hope we can continue the levitation lessons Daddy was teaching me! I really want to help daddy as much as I can and without hand that's my only way! I'll do everything for my daddy! Why? It's simple.

I love you, my daddy!



That was the most amusing chapter I ever wrote hahah

You can’t imagine how weird it was writing from the perspective of a snake with daddy issues hahaha

And yeah it was a time skip, Konrad got helga hufflepuff’s cup and lots of money from lestrange vault and got some power up while crystal can already go invisible, fly, a little of levitation and she can even read and write like a 6 yo.

Anyway enjoy this chapter hahaha


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