
Chapter 4.17 - Always Outnumbered

Serin saw as the guides were assembled outside. Although Serin was impressive with his new adjustments to weapons and equipment, his adjustments and changes were minor compared to the drastic changes in equipment the other guides had acquired in the time since their last delve.

The snows of early winter fell on the ground as the members started to walk to the dungeon gate one at a time. Serin, outfitted in his new serpentskin pants and tunic under his plate armor pieces, stared as the others walked up. It seems everyone had the same idea as Serin with the Serpent skin. Serin had kept all of his material, so it must be the materials Serin traded to the tamers. Serin had only used his material to craft armor for himself and Olma. Olma's outfit was much like Serin's, except She did not have any covering from her elbows and knees down. Olma had explained that she had to have these areas open for when she changed.

Allister had gone with a layer of Serpent skin weaved into the outer layer of his robes. Serin used [Identify] and could tell that Allister had enchanted his robe to [endure the elements]. Rachel's new outfit was also much like her old one. Well fitted, dark in color, and definitely made with serpent scales. A few key places had larger additional sections that looked like they were ribbed with mithral. Jericho was with them and his outfit was rather intense. Three swords of various lengths, two pistols and a scattergun. All strapped to his body in a rig very similar to Serin's. Serin did not know that Jericho was well versed in fighting two handed, but it seems the old wolf was full of tricks.

Flick and Mast came up. Flick in a skintight leather bodysuit with almost full face covering, all dyed black. Mast looked the same as before, with his formal wear of his station. Serin looked at him, and Mast winked at him and opened his coat to show that he had sewn an inner lining of serpentskin to his entire outfit.

Ferrah the tamer, looked to have the best armor. Serpentskin leather, wooly padding, and studs and spikes crafted from horned rabbits. She hadn't gotten as far in the dungeon as the others solo, but this time she was prepared with a nasty looking scattergun. Serin remembered that after he had crafted his new scattergun, Ferrah had asked to borrow it so she could ask Ephraim to make her one like it. Additionally Ferrah had asked for Serin to enchant a similar firing pin for her scattergun. She had paid for it in materials, as it seems the Ranches were developing quite well. Olma also never turned down a steak dinner.

Serin had expected to find a replica of his scattergun, However it seems Ephraim had been holding out on his ability to craft. This scattergun fed rounds not from a tube, through an ingenious roller mechanism that connected the bottom of the scattergun to a large backpack. Serin stood highly impressed by this. "How many rounds does that backpack hold?"

"Several hundred"

"How do the rounds feed?"

"The spell [Magnetism]."

Serin remembered the spell, but had never thought of any real use for it other than as a spell to fight fully plated knights. He had never thought about using it for a mechanical means.

Serin had also crafted a [Prope]l pin for Gorge, but it seems it was used in a different manner. Gorge had created a forearm blade, and the pin was used to extend the blade out. Serin couldn't see the triggering mechanism but he could tell that at short range this would be devastating with such a blade.

Edel was much the same as Allister's outfit, but Sakina's definitely stood out. From far away it looked like heavy plate armor, but when she got closer, Serin realized she had several insect species nested in large hives attached to her armor. Although Sakina was comfortable, it seriously gave Serin the creeps.

It seems everyone was prepared for venturing farther down. Serin was excited to see where the adventures would take them.


Serin was first up. He was hoping today that he would be able to reach at least level 30 in his biome, as well as go down to level 30 in every other biome. Serin had left the representatives in charge of town while they would be delving. Previous to this, Serin's group had purchased auto carts from the merchants. Serin had noticed that the merchants were coming in longer trains and greater numbers. Although Serin's city was protected by divine decree until announcement rites, this did not stop trade. And word of the riches of this unknown town was spreading to other merchants.

This might be a problem for later, but for now, Serin was glad there was a 3 cart caravan heading into the dungeon.


As second strongest, Olma chose to take on Serin's levels 1-20. Serin had previously taken her through the biome so she was certain of her skill against everything but the serpent. That was where Olma had asked for help from Serin. Serin had built her a single shot bolter specifically built for enemies like the serpent.

On level 20, Olma was prepared. Much like Serin's axe, Olma was able to use her transformed arm to spear into the soft part of the serpent, and with a well placed shot, took it down. The resounding boom of the scattergun shook the ground, and even with Olma's heightened strength and aberrant changes to her shooting arm, it had still broken her arm in several places. But the scattergun worked.

The group was stunned by this gun. Olma walked back with a smile on her face and was using her mana to [regenerate] her arm. "I am calling it quits at this level." After her arm was regenerated, she tore and chewed a chunk of serpent flesh. Then to the group's amazement, Olma focused on her arm and the group watched as she changed her skin to be like that of the serpent. Serin just shook his head.

He had spent a long time making her armor and when she had mastered three changes, she wouldn't need to use it. Olma had only mastered having two changes to her body at the moment, which she usually used to turn one arm into a weapon and another into a hard armor shield.

Serin looked at the group, "I would say she is qualified to travel to level 20 of this dungeon solo, if the group agrees." The group nodded in approval. Olma spent a minute rechambering another round. Due to the immense force of the modified scattergun, each round was locked in place.

Serin saw as the two gates opened. "As per our group's rules, everything we have collected so far belongs to Olma. From here on, it is my evaluation."

Serin smiled as he prepared to enter the next gate.


Hello Readers! Special thanks now includes Ale83 and nighmora.

Sorry this one took a minute to get out! I work long hours in the middle of the desert and this was my 2 day break. I usually have time to write when i ride to and from the location i work at.

But no worries, I got some chapters lined up so I can steadily release. Also Tuesday I will be flying so I will have plenty of time to write in CDG if anyone is in Paris that day.

Stay boundless Friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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