
Chapter 3.11 - Enemy at the Gates

Serin sat in the town center, crates of the town's armaments, supplies, and several bags of gold and platinum discs from his trophy room. Peter was the first to arrive. Serin then looked at him. "Peter, I know you are a smart man, and I have seen some of the quests posted on the board. How many insects do you have that are worthy opponents for the changelings?"

Peter looked a bit nervous, and then answered. "I have several hundred of twelve varieties. I only have twelve varieties because these are able to hibernate through my control."

Serin didn't want him to know. "Peter, something has come up. I need to purchase every bug from you. What will it cost?"

Peter looked at Serin, "What is happening Serin?"

Serin knew honesty was the best policy. So as Peter looked at Serin, he answered. "We are going to be attacked. And I need the protectorate as strong as possible, as quickly as possible."

Peter froze. He knew that if Serin, who had killed an adult dragon in a single shot, was worried, it was serious.

Peter then calmed. "I will request to be the sole source contract for honey for the nation. Private sales are fine, but I will request that any honey purchased by the government for any purpose be done solely through me at the current market rate."

Serin thought this was a ludacris request. Peter was the only source of honey in the valley. Probably the only farm in the world.

"I accept, but why is your demand so low?" Peter smiled, one of his mandibles twitched. "Sakina and I are expecting a child. I was not going to announce it for a few more days since we are busy with new immigrants."

Serin then understood. Peter would sell his farm to ensure the survival of his offspring. And even if the child would be a changeling, Demis were extremely protective of their young.

"Then let me present these for you and Sakina" Serin handed over a crate. "This contains 2 weapons that require no magic and little expertise to use." Serin then forced the skill [Marksman] into Peter. "And now you have the skill and know my secret. Send Sakina over and I will give her the skill as well. The pain will subside in 4 hours. In that time I will start sending changelings over for you to do bouts with."

As Peter left with a headache, and as he did Serin watched as Rufala the healer arrived. Olma was right behind her.

"Rufala, what is your luck skill at?"

Rufala looked a little nervous. "It is only 40. I have put every point I have earned by leveling up into luck, I promise. It is just very difficult when most of the quests are not oriented towards me."

Serin walked over to the adventurer's guild. He looked around. There wasn't a single person in sight.

The attendant watched as Serin walked up to the Attendant. "Good evening Serin. It feels like the calm before the storm today. How may we assist you?"

Serin spoke calmly, "I would like to put in a quest. I would like someone to get 2 chairs from the tavern and bring it over to the town square where I have my supplies. 1 person. The reward is 10 luck points."

The attendant snickered. "Well aren't you a clever one. Place your hand on the orb for payment."

Serin knew that by the rules of the world there was a minimum reward required for a quest. there was no maximum reward. Loophole.

Serin did so and felt half of his mana be drained away.

He then looked at Rufala. "Rufala, I made this quest just for you. There are a lot of follow on tasks I will need your help with. So go grab the quest and we can discuss."

Rufala finished and did so. Serin then inducted her into the protectorate. She saw the Luck perks she had gained and understood.

"Rufala, you are a member of the protectorate now. Please fall in and await everyone else."

Olma came over and congratulated Rufala, and then went off to chat. As people started to trickle in, Serin looked. He had a few hundred brainburn potions stockpiled. He had been spending a bit of time to make them each day with his [apothecary] skill. Rachel had also sent him a [message] informing him that Julia the apothecary had taken over duties making them.

As people arrived, Serin began to speak.

"If you are already of the protectorate, form a group to the left. Otherwise, form a line to the right. If you are in line, I want you to arrange yourselves so that those with the highest luck stat are at the front. Those with the lowest towards the back. It is my wish to make you all members as soon as we can."

Serin watched as roughly 30 people joined the protectorate side. The remainder was pretty much the entire population of Demis and Changelings. Even the three human town guards had joined in, and they shuffled to the middle of the line.

Serin then spoke. "If you are of the protectorate, you are going to be today's givers. You will each be given a brain burn potion, get your allotment, then if you are a changeling, you will run across town to Peter's farm, where he will put you in a few fights. There will be twelve fights available to you. Only fight creatures you have not fought, as there is a limited supply. Then when you have fought at least one creature, and your mana has replenished, you can return and we will repeat the process. Do the changelings have any questions?" There were no questions, so Serin looked at the few Demis protectorates. "You are different because you are Demis. Instead I will give you an allotment skill or spell that I know very well. You will stay within 10 meters of me and practice it. Whatever its governing Stat is, make sure that is useful to what your combat capabilities are. If you are a caster, practice willpower stats. If you are a fighter class, practice an endurance or dexterity skill. I have brought plenty of supplies for you to practice with. Whenever your mana is high enough, come over and we will pull it."

One of the changeling's raised their hand, "What quests are we donating mana to?"

Serin smiled, "The quest doesn't matter as long as it can be solved in a few minutes. Maybe get a glass of water or make a sandwich. What matters is that each quest will be assigned to those who wish to be a protectorate and the reward will be however many Luck points are required to bring the next candidate into the fold. We will continue this until everyone here is pulled."

The gathered protectorate looked confused, so Serin continued, "Then spell or skill allotments will be given every 4 hours. Whatever you want. If I know it its yours. If I don't have it and you know of it and the price is reasonable I will pull it from the banked skill book quest."

Sute and Uriel had then walked up. They had wondered where most of the town had gone. They then heard the next phrase crystal clear. "Our right to live on these lands has been challenged. In twenty days, a horde of monsters will arrive." Sute and Uriel then got in line with those wishing to be a protectorate. Mast and Flick joined.


The operation was insane. People were very quickly being worn out. But the protectorate was growing fairly quickly. Soon everyone with a Luck of more than 40 was a member. This is where it started to slow down. Many of the changelings and Demis had low luck, and the lower the luck the greater overall expenditure of mana to bring it up to 50. Even with a new protectorate to pull banked mana from, the cost soon outpaced the ability for Serin and the Protectorate to pay. And as for the uninitiated, with Uriel and Sute's mana pools they were able to bring in one more, but the rest of the combined candidates could not muster enough mana to request one quest. So Serin switched tactics.

While the protectorate kept their skills up, Serin started to teach. He first chose a passive intelligence skill, Architecture. And with that little bump he was able to squeeze enough mana to fulfill one more quest.

Serin additionally sought out Perry, the female human crafter. Serin had her sit near him and gave her a special request. "Perry, I want you to bring your crafting supplies and start crafting a specific item for me. Craft them until you fall asleep, and then craft them when you wake up." Serin quickly pulled a pen and paper from his bag and created his design. "Affix an amethyst hard to the top of the side strut, there should be three struts in all. The overall size is 1.5 meters in length. Can you do this for me?"

Serin had a plan, but there was no way she would finish the thousand or so struts she needed in time. It would however increase her dexterity skill, which was the governing attribute for [Marksman]. So when she had a rifle, she would be better able to aim and shoot.

When the sun started to set, many of the protectorate were already physically and mentally exhausted. Serin did not have the mana to spare to refill dwindling stamina, so when it was time for them to sleep, Serin created a plan. "We are all spending the night here under the stars tonight. It is a crisp fall evening, so go home and bring back blankets. However, do not expect a full night's sleep. Every person will keep their status screen open. As your Mana refills, I will come by, wake you, pull your mana, and then let you go back to sleep. Then when the next candidate's quest is ready, i will wake them up, have them execute their task, draw their mana, and let them go back to sleep."

They all understood.

Serin had so far been a giving and generous ruler. Their society functioned off of a shared collective interest to survive. If he was doing this, it meant their very survival was at risk. Serin was glad they were understanding. He had pretty much put his own development on hiatus as he posted quests. He also knew that there were only so many ways he could pay people to accomplish duties, and his mana was his greatest resource. He was dwindling away his own ability to pay for cheap labor in the future. Higher level attribute points cost a much higher amount.

But he had a plan. But for now, he went over to the attendants. "What is the cost for the [delay] spell, and what school does it call under?"

The attendant smiled, "The novice spell [delay] falls under the magical school of [Technomancy]. Its cost is 5000 mana from deposit." Serin then asked. "What about the Spell [Overload]?" The attendant replied, "This is an Advanced [Evocation] spell. "It costs 15000 mana."

Serin then smirked. 'Neither are master spells, so they would not be outside my reach.'

Serin did not want to stray from the Town square for now. There were still some people training, and others would soon wake to train. "I will cash out mana for two books please." Serin then learned the spells. He had never learned a skill under Technomancy before. But he was already sure he could recreate the bombs of the Sarween Technocracy.

Perry the female crafter was currently curled up next to Serin's supply. Serin did see that there was a collection of amethysts present. Serin grabbed one that was about the size of his fist. Then he cast overload into it and threw it as far as he could. The stone sailed over the buildings, but within about five seconds, it burst into a giant ball of light that left Serin temporarily blinded. The sound and light woke some people up, but Serin just smiled and said "Have no fear. Just testing a bit of magic."

Serin learned two things. It took roughly 100 mana to overload an amethyst the size of his fist. The resulting explosion caused a bright blinding light and a loud boom that Serin was sure would be detrimental to any nearby. Serin then tried casting [delay], using the parameters 'until thrown', and [overload]. As expected, Serin expended magic, he saw the increase in his magical skill, but the amethyst didn't change color. Serin then threw this amethyst and as expected it detonated 5 seconds after being thrown. Then he grabbed a bit of sleep. As much as he would want to start charging the pile of amethysts he had, he needed to let his mana recharge. It took roughly 3 hours to charge. And while it was charging, he could use that time for a catnap.


The next day was more of the same. Uriel and Sute had explained to their Planetouched what was happening. Most of them had just escaped one war, and they were not keen to join another one. Mast and Flick, seeing the princess and prince volunteer, readily joined up. However it seems that the militaries of their world considered Luck a dump stat, because they were at the back of the line.

Serin was relieved that the changelings were coming back from Peter's ranch much stronger. Serin had pretty much demanded Rufala go and asked Olma to ensure that she was able to defeat every creature. As an added measure, Serin took one of the two barrel scatterguns, and modified it for extremely short range. He handed it and two boxes of shells. "This will make mince meat of your targets."

She nodded, and then looked pleadingly at Olma, ensuring she had not earned her wrath. Olma just smiled.

Serin had taken time to explain to Olma that other than him, Rufala was the only healer. Until more healers developed their skills, Rufala was at Peter's level of being a living national treasure.

Serin then worked through the day. He instructed everyone to consume brainburn potions and donate all but 1 of their mana. He was able to bring 1 person up to 50 himself. Uriel and Sute together brought another person. The rest it was a ratio of 30:1. But Serin mused if he could do this every 3 hours, that was 5 more protectorates. 5 more people granted his power. He spent what time he could "teaching" skills to others. Anything to increase intelligence, as he was able to bring the collective mana pool from up by roughly 500.

Serin did the quick math. If everything went perfectly it would take another day and a half.


18 days until the horde arrived. Serin knew not from which direction, but unless they could fly or climb outrageous heights along sheer cliffs, or came from underground…

Serin then thought. It was almost pure basalt rock in the basin that he built on. He couldn't take any chances.

So for the next two days he taught everyone the [marksman] skill and how to engage at close and medium range. He sent for his armory to be cleaned out.

Serin looked to Uriel and Sute. "Your task is to protect your people. Being a member of the protectorate is voluntary, but their safety is guaranteed. From that end, you will be charged with assisting Lady Eris, Dana, and Onna with guarding all of the younglings as well. When the time comes I am entrusting you with the most valuable treasures of our nation, our young."

Uriel and Sute, although new to all of this understood that this was not babysitting duty. Mast and Flick were the two strongest soldiers in the Lybringer and Skygge armies and they were tasked with guarding the prince and princess respectively. There were a few other Planetouched that had volunteered to join the protectorate, but they would be needed on the front lines.

With that Serin decided to start issuing gear. Every protectorate was given access to a weapon from the armory. It was to be their duty weapon. There were a few mithril daggers and swords, an adamantine warhammer, but the majority of the melee weapons were provided through the dragon's bones. A single adult dragon could create over a hundred melee weapons. Swords, daggers, even rapiers were made using minimal metal and bones of a dragon. It took Ephraim having to make an adamantine chisel to chip the bone into shape, as the bone was stronger than steel. Additionally, the spines of the dragon's tail were used as speartips. As for armor, like Serin's Armor, there were lesser pieces made. Mostly chest pieces, a few dozen armguards, and flame resistant cloaks made from the leathery wings of the dragon. For ranged option, Serin had been having Ephraim produce firearms for some time now.

Serin decided that these weapons were of more use on a battlefield than his armory.

"Every member of the protectorate is a member for life. Because of this, take one weapon and one piece of armor from the armory. We live in the wilds. My first order to the protectorate is that you will always have your weapon and your armor on you while you are outside your home. Besides it being an identifier of your station, if I had to bring you back to life because you left your sword at home, I will ensure I tie it to you with a string the next time."

They looked at Serin who did not currently have his weapon. Serin then showed as he pulled his rifle from his bag. Many townsfold did not know he had a magical bag, the [quartermaster's bag]. He grinned at those who thought he was breaking his own rule.

Serin then took the time to start individualizing the lesson plans for each member of the protectorate based on their skills and on what stats they were either closest to bringing to 50, or which stats they would rely on the most. But this was mostly for changelings and for Demis who were already high ranked in the skills they knew. For mages, it was worth it to practice their magics, and for this, Serin taught them the [delay] and [Overcharge] spell. Using a bit of science he also had the crafters start building glass bottles that could fit handfuls of amethyst shards. Like the explosive power of grenades using the rubies and garnet with overload, amethyst would easily turn the glass into a fragmentation weapon. And with that, they trained. Serin had prepared food brought out from his personal larder. If the town was overrun, he wouldn't have a need for it.

Serin then had the strangest thing happen. A few young Demis he did not recognize came up. They looked a bit battered and bruised, but they stood in front of Serin. "We want to request to join the protectorate."

Serin was confused. They looked capable, but they looked like they were younglings. Except they all had unique features of the Demis. Lady Eris caught up. "Ah Serin, they made it to you."

Serin didn't understand. Lady Eris explained. "Due to the heightened tensions with the impending invasion, these four forced their plates."

Serin then looked, "Oh? Is this normal?" Lady Eris sort of looked away. "Sort of. They only had a bit of development left naturally. So instead they forced it."

Serin then looked, "Forced?" Lady Eris sort of blushed, and then one of the four Demis, a brutish boy with rams horns smiled, "We made a deal. We asked the changeling students to train us non stop in their fighting, and in return whatever the enemy was, if we successfully killed it, we would let them eat it."

Serin giggled. Even the children were making deals. These children will make fine merchants in their day job.

Serin then looked at them. "We need to get you four caught up. How many points until your luck is at 50?"

The four of them smiled, "It's already there." Serin stood stunned, "let me see your plates."

And with that they showed their plates. They had indeed forced it. Their classes were Healer, Mage, Brawler, and Swordsman. Other than their Luck being at 50 and the primary stats for their class being a bit higher than average, the rest of their stats were low. Charisma was near 5, while the other stats were at 10.

Serin looked. "Due to your low charisma, until you rank that up I cannot put you in charge of others. You would actually be a hindrance with a score that low."

The changelings were a bit stunned, "We didn't know that." Serin gave a warm smile. "There is a lot you do not know. But we will fix that. I will contract you all immediately. For the swordsman and Brawler, we will focus on getting your Endurance to 50. Fighting for a long time is better than fighting with a lot of force. For the Mage and Healer we will bring your Intelligence to 50. For the same reason. For the healer, we need to speed your learning. So I have something for you." Serin looked and saw she had basic healing spells. He handed her several XP stones.

Serin looked at the four of them "I want the four of you to work together. If you had a rogue archetype as well, you would be better suited. But for now the mission is simple." Serin pointed at the healer. "What is your name?" The girl squeaked. "Liza, Lord Serin."

Serin then looked. "Liza then. The three of are in charge of keeping her safe. Additionally should she need it, she will be given access to your mana."

Liza furled her brow. "I don't know any of the ragdoll's spells. He said it was bad luck to have untrained Necromancers in a town." She was referring to Allister when she said ragdoll, of course.

Serin laughed. "He was right. So I will teach you one spell. This can only be used on the willing to turn their stamina into your mana." and with that Serin gave her the spell [Leech]. And the brain burn. Serin looked at the other three. "Consider this your punishment for good behavior. We will be saving the brainburn potions for those who will be frontline fighters. The four of you will need to suffer together. You are in for a long few days."

He then gave the rest of their team either an Endurance based skill or an Intelligence based skill.


At the fifteen day countdown mark, Serin made sure that every home had a deadbolt and crossbar installed on the door. Progress was starting to halt for the changelings. They had gotten an initial large boost of stats from fighting Peter's menagerie of insects, but after that it stopped. From then Serin had them form into groups to train. Time was split in training them in their respective skill sets, and training them to work in a team of different classes. While most teams were being built this way, Serin had Liza and Rufala pulled aside.

"You two are the only other true healers in this town. I may be powerful, but I am only one person. I will be counting on you two to keep the fight going for many of our people who may become wounded. So all of the spells you are going to learn are going to be those."

They looked at Serin, "What about increasing our intelligence? Life magic usually increases willpower."

Serin grinned, "Yeah we're fixing that too, Let me see your plates. "Serin did quick math, and jotted some stuff down."

"So for Rufala, I am going to need…" Serin did the calculations. Then he yelled up to everyone in the square. "Alright everyone, quick break. I need you all to line up for mana donation. We are capping someone at 50 in all stats." there was a murmur of excitement.

One of them called, "Who gets the quest?" "What's the reward?" "Is it on a lottery?"

Serin shook his head. "The first one will be the Demis Liza."

Then a few people laughed, "Why are you giving it to her? She has no combat experience!" "She's been plated for only a few days!" "It should go to someone who can use the points more."

Serin then commented back, "Because she classed 'Healer'. I am sure that when she is scooping your intestines back into your chest, and ensuring you live to see the next sunrise, you will be glad you gave her a bit of your mana this morning."

Serin's words of wisdom quieted the rabble. It was to be expected. Serin was asking for them all to endure hardship. They all wanted to survive. Serin had to just convince them this was the best possible path to it.

So on that day, two people were selected to have all of the Stats brought to 50. The first was Liza. Even though she was a newer level plated than Rufala, she plated at level 15 while Rufala was still only level 8. Overall Liza's stats were higher. The second was Rufala. The attendants smiled as usual, but Serin could see they were impressed with his plan.

Serin had instructed them to not spend their magic, as he wanted them to practice their healing arts.


By countdown Day 12, Everyone had either their Endurance or Intelligence stat raised to 50. Serin had Lord Koni build walls and small alcoves on the roofs of key buildings around town. These would help if they were being overrun. Serin did not have Allister and Jericho stop their task. He had a feeling that he would need the extra living space when the fighting was done. Serin had ensured that Rufala and Liza knew every single healing spell he knew, with the exception of [Bring to Life]. He would not give that one up until they had mastered the ability to cast it without sacrificing their own life. They were of kind heart. Serin didn't want that to kill them in the end.

By Day 8, Serin had been able to craft individual weapons for the monks and Brawler that had special weapon requirements. The brawler asking for a set of metal wraps for his hands, and the changeling monks wishing to fight with small metal rods. Serin started having nominations for group leaders. The first was Ansar. So everyone pitched in their mana to bring him up to 50 in every stat. Leftover mana was used to practice their skills.

By day 5, Serin had procured mana and stamina potions from the apothecary. He issued these out to all of the soldiers. They were fairly weak potions, as they were based on medicinal plants and were not infused with mana, but any little bit helped. Plus they were of no use stockpiled. Serin also didn't have use for the mana for his donation quest, so he withdrew them on a select group of spells Jericho advised. Serin started to have materials delivered to the gatehouse. Serin grabbed up the last of the supplies he knew he would take. He then went over to the gatehouse. He wanted to have at least 20 personnel man the gate until the threat had arrived, in case advanced forces could be seen. He set himself up with a tent and laid an overcast map on the ground. The ground shifted and formed to that of the surrounding area.

2 days before the arrival of the threat, a detachment of what Serin believed to be kobolds was seen. It was still almost at the edge of their vision, but they had given away their position when passing a few silent alarms Serin had placed far outside his territory. By Serin's surmise this was an advanced scouting party. Serin went outside the gate with a few of the wildscouts and assassins. Then, using the sleep spell, he put the scouts to sleep.

Serin and this raiding party pulled the scouting party back, and the wildscouts made sure to remove any trace of Kobold's existence. To the following forces, it would be as if the Kobolds disappeared into the forest.

Serin had questions, and he hoped he would be able to get them from the kobolds.

Serin brought them back behind the gate, had them triple bound and gagged. Then he used greater identify.

He was not happy with what he read.

[This creature's morale is boosted by the great queen's army.]

Monsters did not inherently increase stats like plated. As they gained experience, they could evolve to a higher form of monster. Jericho had taught him about the branching path of the undead, and that even if an undead killed thousands of enemies, it could never become a Lich.

This was the same as Kobolds, as no matter how advanced they became, even if they grew wings through their advancement, they would always be a kobold. They would never advance to be a Dragon.

Jericho came down and confirmed their fears. "It seems that the death of the red dragon here has been heard across the world, and another dragon has come to claim this territory." Serin looked at Jericho, "We have questioned the Kobold, but he refuses to give up information. What threats do we face if it is in fact a Dragon's Army?"

Jericho chuckled. "Well First you will have the Dragon. That alone is an extreme danger. But they won't show themselves until the defenses are routed or their pride is wounded. Other than that, there are Kobold infantry, archers, and most likely Kobold towers. If we are unlucky, there will be Drake riders as cavalry once our gatehouse is disabled and Winged Kobolds to attempt to attack from over the mountains. If we are extremely unlucky, we will have to deal with Wyverns carrying small groups of Kobolds and possibly mercenary wizards."

Serin then shook his head. He needed a plan.

In a few hours, he held a strategy meeting.


Serin stood with the 12 representatives back in town. He also invited a few of the protectorate that had shown exceptional aptitude in leading their fellow citizens.

Serin started. "The first goal is the ensure the protection of this citizenry. That is why I will be leaving Rachel here with twenty of our best long range fighters, as well as a squad of ten melee fighters. Their goal is to stay in the town and repel any attacks that come from over the mountain. I will leave Allister here to ensure that structures and defensive points are hardened against aerial attacks."

Serin continued, "Lady Eris, Uriel, and Sute, will take the citizenry to my private dwelling and have them hole up underground. Mast and Flick shall accompany you. Your job will be to keep the citizenry, and most importantly our Younglings, safe. The protection of the town will act as a smokescreen to buy time, should the flying forces be stronger than anticipated."

Serin looked at Bilol and Ephraim, "You will take a group of our soldiers used for stealth. After this I will be creating a small tunnel. From the gate to a few hundred meters behind. In this tunnel is where you will prepare. When the battle is underway I want you to be ready to exit the far side and come back to the gate. Should I call for you, it is because the enemy has attempted to route us from the gate. I will need you to envelope them from behind and hopefully we can hold off the sneak attack."

Serin looked at the kobolds he had tied up under guard. "Pick changelings to duel those Kobolds. We need all the strength we can get."

Serin then looked at his people. "The wall has been given an additional roof of Basalt along the rampart for cover, but should we be taken from behind, we will be trapped."

Serin them looked at them. "This is my first time leading troops into battle. Any suggestions are welcome."

Olma then raised her hand. Although she was not a member of the counsel, she didn't leave Serin's side, so the entire council had learned that she was another person present.

Bilol nodded to her, to giver her the floor. Olma began to speak. "If we were able to ensnare enemies and have them dragged across the wall alive, we could have the excess fighters not manning the walls dispatch them. If its a changeling, every new enemy we face makes us more combat capable."

Serin looked to the council. Serin grinned. "I don't want the area on the other side of the gatehouse open to archers lobbing arrows, and i don't want to give the enemy a means of scaling the wall. But other than that, use any means."

Serin then looked "The primary healer on at the gates will be Liza. The primary healer in town will be Rufala. They are to be guarded at all times. Rufala will be guarded by Edel's team, known as the Rowdy Bunch. Liza will be guarded by her fellow miscreants." Serin then smiled, "Yes. your team will be known as the Miscreants. It's your punishment for skipping your last weeks of school."

Serin then looked. "Please understand, I am best when fighting larger opponents one on one. I am not as effective against mass amounts of opponents. I will be creating a tower to attack from. Other than a dragon's blast, I am fairly immune to long range attacks. Even so," Serin looked at his people. "It will be up to you to make sure our walls are not overrun. Leave the larger targets to me. I will need you to focus fire on the hordes."

With that, Serin concluded the meeting.


The horde was now visible. They had camped the night before outside of the range of most spells. Serin had built the ground coverings on his side of the gate, as well as his basalt tower. It wouldn't be distinguishable from the mountain surrounding them until someone was up close, but from here he was able to see the camps. He realized this might have been the first time luck was not on his side.

There were kobolds, yes. They were much closer than the enemy commander's camp. And they numbered in the thousands. That was not what bothered Serin. Serin could spot through the trees several dozen drakes pulling supplies and doing quick recons of the area closer to the gate.

That was not what bothered him. Serin spotted the distinct figures of flying draconic beings, with only two legs and smaller in the air. They flew with smaller winged spear wielding Kobolds.

That was not what bothered him. What bothered him was three distinct Humans. Each one dressed as a mage. Human mages could use [Terramancy].

Serin took a breath. He relayed what he saw to those below. Serin then made a decision. "Everyone prepare. We are going loud."

Serin had taken a little time each day to practice firing his weapon longer distances. Both spells and bullets. He knew, even if he hit, he would at best be able to take out one of the targets.

Serin had to choose which one. He had seen the one in black using shadow and flames. This could prove detrimental if he knew [shadowstep]. The one in blue had been healing their troops. This would also be detrimental. But he had seen one of them making barricades with the ground. That would be the decider. Serin knew he didn't need to wound him. With a healer present, he would have to kill the man in one shot.

Jericho had taught him about facing off against humans. In a situation like this, Jericho said to aim at their Mouth. The bullet if aimed right would pass through the base of their neck, instantly killing the person. Even if regeneration was used, this part of the brain controlled life. And once it was destroyed, [regenerate] could not help. Only [Bring to Life] could bring the soul back into the body.

Serin set down his rifle, he laid down as prone as possible. Serin had switched out his shorter barrel for a longer barrel, to stabilize the shot. Magic would be visible from there. Serin then slipped the magekiller attachment on his barrel. It would hide the visible flash of his shot.

Serin then breathed and aimed. This distance was a bit farther than he was used to. Serin powered his precognition and Marksman skill to slow down time. The earth mage had just built himself a small dwelling out of surrounding stone and was looking at his work.

Serin Breathed in, breathed out, and fired.

Serin's aim was true, and instantly the earth mage fell. Serin kept time slow. He looked over, the other two mages had heard the shot but hadn't reacted yet. Serin saw the strands of fate hover over the healing mage. Serin took another shot. This one passed through the heart of the healer, and the healer fell to the ground. Serin watched as the third mage disappeared into shadow. Serin didn't take any chances. He aimed at the healer mage on the ground. And while he was attempting to heal himself. Serin dropped another ten bullets into his head and chest. Serin kept firing until the target's blue tunic was drenched red, and he stopped moving. Serin then shifted over to the earth mage, and fired the remainder of his magazine into the barrier mage's head and chest.

Without [Bring to Life] and [Regenerate], those two would not be coming back.

This all occurred in less than twenty seconds. Serin deactivated precognition and stopped aiming.

Calls of alarm could be heard throughout the woods. It was the middle of the night, and soon Serin could tell the Army was mobilizing. Serin had certainly stirred up the hornets nest.

He was upset he couldn't kill the third human mage, but two of three was a win. And ensuring their defenses and the attackers greatest support were killed was worth it.

Serin then saw it. Several dozen kobolds and wyverns were flying towards them, and another dozen headed towards the town.

Serin sent a [Message] back to Rachel back in town.

[Expect company within the next twenty minutes. Fliers are coming your way.]

Serin then realized that not everyone had his level of low light vision capability. Serin then had an idea. [Magelight] was a spell that fired a fast moving ball of light that stuck to the first object it hit.


Melick was guarding the wall. He was a mage in the protectorate, but as a changeling, he was not able to see in the dark. The changelings were told the enemy was coming, but no one on the wall could see or hear anything. The clouds obscured the moonlight, so it was difficult to see. One or two Demis commented that fliers were incoming, but were still out of range.

Then from Serin's tower, a quickened bolt of light fired out and instantly stuck to a wyvern carrying kobolds.

Melick smiled as he saw the wyvern light up and try to shake off the spell, but it was stuck. Serin called from the tower. "If you can see it, you can shoot it!"

Melick waited for no invitation, and fired. He was not the only one. A volley of rifle bullets and various spells hit the Wyvern, killing it and causing it to crash to earth, most likely killing the kobold cargo it was carrying.

Melick then watched as Serin fired shot after shot of magelight, and dozens of targets started lighting up. Melick watched and saw which target was killed by his spell. He was excited.

He had never eaten wyvern.


Serin knew Rachel knew [magelight], so he sent her a [Message].

"Rachel, you can see well at night. Many of your soldiers can't. Cast [magelight] on the targets and let the squad do the work."

"On it."

Serin then saw small lights in the distance, which had to be over the town. Then he watched as the lights the popped up fell shortly after. Serin couldn't concentrate on it as much, as a second wave of fliers were attempting to take the wall. Serin watched their attack and used [magelight] to identify each of the targets for the forces below at the gate . However it was then Serin spotted another force of just winged Kobolds flying towards the west. They then disappeared behind the mountain cover. Serin was aware they would use the mountain as cover and were probably being sent to route his forces at the gate.

Serin sent out a [message] to Bilol and Ephraim,

[As predicted the enemy is sending in a saboteur force to take us from behind by surprise. It is winged Kobolds, about two dozen.]

Serin then realized these were probably veteran forces. He didn't have time to think though. He had to deal with the newest development. Serin watched as the kobolds had started to cut down nearby trees to make a small barricade from the incoming fire. Serin realized they were developing trenches.

Serin didn't lose focus. He was focused on finding the last mage. He had warned Jericho of a Mage about using fire and shadow, and Jericho had responded that he was probably an independent mage hired by the dragon. Since a dragon's wealth was more than its horde, it was understandable that humans would enter into a bargain with them for power.

Then Serin heard a whisper in his mind. '

[Found you.]

Serin then saw with his heightened vision, the orb flying at his perch.

From outside, the protectorate at the gate watched as Serin's tower exploded.


Bassin the Black, Conqueror of the Dark Flame, recognized as an independent mage by two different nations, smiled.

Bassin was hired by the golden queen for his ability to rain down destruction at night. When his fellow hired mages were struck down, Bassin realized he would not be able to work unimpeded until the veteran longshot hiding in the mountain was taken out.

Bassin also would have had much trouble finding him. That was until the longshot marked his targets and then fired at them. He had watched the magelights fire out from an unusual outcropping in the mountain. That was his cue. He had watched from inside his living shadow, as he gathered power. Bassin wasn't called 'Conqueror of the Dark Flame', for nothing. Due to his power over magic, he had learned to summon Flame that was hidden in shadow. So with that, he summoned his power and drew his summoning circle.

Bassin summoned equal elements of shadow and flame, the power of which was heightened by the power of his magic circle. With the spell complete, a black orb of burning flame sat above him. He marveled in his glory, knowing that whoever was in that tower would never see the fireball coming. And with the longshot taken out, he would be able to begin summoning flaming arrows to rain down upon whatever meager forces guarded the gate. Bassin launched his orb of destruction. He waited until it was too late for someone to evacuate then he used a targeted [message] to mock the sniper for killing his two colleagues.

[Found You.]

Not 2 seconds later, the orb collided with what Bassin would expect. The crest was a facade and it was actually a hollow sniper's perch.

Bassin took a minute to marvel in his destruction. He had expended most of his mana to deliver such a large blast, as it was advanced magic to combine different spells of advanced level. Now in an effort to recharge faster he retracted his shadow into himself and dismissed his shield. He had calculated his full mana would be refilled roughly 12 minutes faster this way, and without the only sniper the enemy had, Bassin was feeling confident he was outside the range of the other weapons. Plus, he was still partially hidden under the shade of a few trees.

Bassin opened his satchel, and within he located his mana recovery potions. He went to grab one when he felt something hit his chest. He looked down and saw that there was a large hole in his chest. On the ground he saw a large icicle embedded in the ground.

Bassin fell to the ground. The speed in which blood pooled around his body was a clear sign he had miscalculated. A second sniper must have been on standby.

As Bassin's vision faded, he hear a whisper in his mind.

[Found you too.]


Serin definitely knew luck had interceded. His high luck perk, [Bad Timing], had saved him once again. He felt the warning of the incoming blast, and had just enough time to fall back into the hole he had dug through the center of his column. Activating his [Slow Fall magic], so he would safely landed two meters below ground. The perch he was in, along with a few magazines, was blown from the tower. Serin's shield was able to buffer the falling debris and as he landed he rolled into his small rat tunnel.

Serin knew how close of a call this was, but more importantly the mage had given away his position. Serin then followed the tunnel to a set of climbing holes he had put into the natural stone mountain near the edge of the gate. Climbing up this shaft he came into his secondary perch. Serin made sure to leave nothing to chance. He sighted himself on the mage and cast darkness on his undermount. He then overcharged an icicle spell. If 90% killed an adult dragon, 20% should be enough for the human.

Serin fired. Then Serin smiled as he realized the mage did exactly what any overconfident siege mage would do when they felt they had secured their safety. They had let down their shield.

The icicle punctured through his chest, leaving a hole the size of an apple. The mage fell to the ground. Serin normally didn't enjoy mocking his prey, but this was an exception. Serin used [Message] and simply whispered.

[Found you too.]


Morning had come. The invading kobolds had been dealing with a severe disadvantage of the mages on the tower.

Serin had instructed the protectorate on the covered rampart to send volleys of [magelight] into the forest, then to shoot anything that moved with bullets.

This tactic was highly successful.

Rachel had reported that they had successfully destroyed all forces inside the city. Serin had detected the veteran winged kobold Saboteurs that had attempted to route the gatehouse, but the numerous melee fighters were waiting for the kobolds. Without their element of surprise the battle was fairly one sided. When Bilol's force came in behind the Kobold Saboteurs, They realized their error. The remaining kobolds attempted to fly away. It was no use. As they attempted to fly away, they were instantly shot out of the sky by the reserve marksmen who had been spending most of the battle loading magazines.

Serin looked around and realized that this entire battlefield was a massacre. Several arrows had made it past the defenses and there were a few Demis and Changelings wounded.

Normally the enemy would eventually be able to rout Serin's forces or at least take the rampart, but Liza the Demis healer was readily available. Having such high boosted stats, as well as the entire catalogue of Serin's healing magic, she made quick work of all but the most dire of wounds. As none had taken a killing blow, she was able to give them treatment, hand them a sweet treat and a smile, and put them right back out on the rampart.

Serin noticed that people who had been injured were rarely injured again. It seems that those fighting quickly learned their mistakes.

With the sun rising, Serin called out for a change in shift. He noticed that many of the mages and marksmen were getting tired from fighting all night. Serin had them retreat to rest.

The fighting continued until about noon. It was then that the Kobold army tried it's next maneuver.

Serin watched as three towers, constructed of cut logs from the forest began moving forward precariously. Serin was awestruck that they were attempting such as this. So, in lieu of very strong magic that would definitively give away his position, Serin just created 5 meter holes in the path of the ramshackle towers. He made sure to leave roughly 10cm of dirt as disguise.

Without fail his plan worked.

Serin also realized that there was a slowdown in the amount of bullets being fired from the wall. He called to Rachel to ask if the human crafter assigned to ammunition was going to restock soon. Rachel replied back with the last thing he wanted to hear.

[Serin, we are out of blast powder. Whatever you have left, save it.]

This is not what Serin wanted to hear. He sent a [message] out to the protectorate.

[Save ammunition. Only engage using spells. We must save the last rounds in case our magic fails. Mages, be conservative with your shots. The enemy is attempting to route us through attrition. They have failed to realize that we are well stocked and could easily fight them until the first snows of winter.]

Serin didn't want to do this, but he was ready. The enemy had attempted to attack with overwhelming force and they had failed. Their magical siege capabilities were gone. Their winged saboteurs were dead. There was not much left for them to do. Serin could see that the enemy's only plan was to try to wait Serin out.

Serin felt he was missing something. He had then remembered back to the perk he received when he had killed the other dragon.

Serin opened up his screen and read it. A smile crept upon his face.

Perk (Rare-Achievement) – Dragonslayer

- Due to the slaying of an adult dragon in single combat, the user has been recognized as worthy to demand an audience with other dragons. Additionally, the User gains proficiency in Draconic.

Serin then exited his perch and jumped down to the rampart. His protectorate smiled. If he had come down to the front lines, something was about to happen. He motioned for his forces to stop firing. Serin willed his language to shift to Draconic, and called to the Kobolds below.


Below Serin watched as below, the arrows stopped flying. He heard squabbling sounds, then he saw as one of the Kobolds ran back. The Kobolds all had their weapons ready, but paused their action.

Serin then saw as the Kobold runner returned. He yelled out in Draconic, "Golden Queen comes, will meet you outside the gate. You may bring one other as you choose."

Serin looked and nodded to Olma. She smiled.

When Serin saw the smile, he pondered. 'Worst case scenario, she spends the rest of her life by my side. Best case, she eats a dragon she kills herself. She must be excited.'

Serin and Olma, refit with supplies and covered in magic, walked through the Gate. Serin had his weapon at the low ready. It wasn't hostile in manner, but also gave him the ability to bring it up in a moment's notice.

Serin was not ready for what he saw. A woman, looking not a year over 40, walked towards him in a white dress adorned with golden scales. Her hair was the purest golden blonde, and her eyes were as golden as the Sun. Serin looked at her. She may have the unmistakable appearance of a human, but this was a dragon. Serin breathed a sign of relief. If the stories were to believed, golden dragons were intelligent, and were able to be reasoned and brokered with. Red dragons attacked first, asked questions later.

Serin did a slight bow. "My name is Serin. I am Sovereign of these lands. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What name might I call you?"

The woman chuckled. "Oh, a polite one. I do so enjoy when they are polite." She looked and did a shallow bow herself. "I am Narissa, Golden Queen of Glassback mountains."

She then looked. "I see that you were the one to kill Reginald. Otherwise, I would not have been bound to entreat with you."

Serin smiled. "If Reginald was your friend, I apologize. He had attacked our town without provocation and gloated about slaying one of our citizens. It was a shame but he forced my hand."

Narissa smiled, "Reginald was no friend of mine." Narissa looked. "Did you subjugate the goblin horde that Reginald used as his labor?"

Serin shook his head. "Sadly no. When we initially entered the valley, they attempted to kill us, so we were forced to defend ourselves. They are no more. I am sure you understand."

Narissa waived it off. "We are only given the right in this world that we can defend from others. Speaking of which," her gaze narrowed, "It seems you have defended this valley quite well. I have been informed that all of my winged servants, as well as the three mages that I was contracted with have been killed, as well as roughly 800 kobolds."

Serin shook his head. "An invading force came unannounced into our lands a day prior and did not deem it worth announcing itself as a dignitary. Mixed with my message from the divines stating that this was an invading force, I had to fight the way I knew to win."

Narissa smiled, "And why do you parlay now, little king?" Her eyes shown with a golden hue. Serin knew he would have to speak the truth.

"Further violence would lead to bloodshed on both sides. I only wish to spare my people from it. So if we can come to a contract, I would be glad to end the hostilities. Otherwise, I will use my right as a dragonslayer to challenge you in single combat."

Narissa's smile grew fierce, "And you, Serin King of an unnamed town in the hidden jewel, think you can defeat me, A golden dragon?" Her eyes were fire.

Serin stood his ground. "I do not want to fight you, but I will if I have to. I killed Reginald in 3 seconds with 1 spell."

Narissa studied Serin. Saw his markings. She then saw his hand he had put behind his bag in a bag. She could smell powdered essence. Several kilograms worth. She then noticed that Serin had not moved. Besides the shimmer of a [shield] and [resistance] spells, there was the faint blur of one who has activated [Dash]. She then looked back and saw that the other's smile was unmistakable. There was no fear. The black eyed girl behind him was excited at the thought of killing her.

Narissa calmed her pride. This man before her wasn't some mage who beat a wounded dragon. He killed Reginald with speed, guile, and overwhelming force. Narissa's temper was withdrawn.

Serin then came up with an idea. "How about we sign a treaty? We will end this conflict, and you can be my guest?"

Narissa smiled, "You are quite the king, aren't you. Most see dragons as just another monster to be conquered. What can you offer a guest such as me that I cannot get as tribute from the other nations?"

Serin smiled. "How about a glass of chilled honeywine?"

Narissa's smile disappeared, "did you say honeywine? As in wine made from honey?"


So after almost an entire day of intense fighting, the enemy force was repelled, a treaty was signed, and a trade contract was opened between Narissa, Golden queen of the Glassback mountains and Serin, Human Sovereign of the unnamed town, capital of the unnamed nation located in the Hidden Jewel.

Serin requested that other than the queen's guard, the last of the winged kobolds, the rest of the army stay outside.

Serin's lodgings were close to barren, but it was made up for in food, wine, and entertainment.

First, Serin presented a token of friendship, a block of gold that weighed roughly 50kg, taken from Reginald the Red Dragon's horde.

Then Serin made a request. "Kobolds are a bit rare in these parts. I was wondering if you would be willing to part with a few dozen of them. I want to give some of my citizens a chance to fight them in combat. You and I can watch from the stands."

Serin then smiled, "An audience favorite is the honeyed Ham. It pairs well with the sweet honey wine." It was obvious Narissa put more value in the thought of honey ham over the lives of a few dozen kobolds.

And with that, the 26 changelinglings that were unable to defeat a kobold in battle were given the chance to do so.

Narissa was stunned at the skills of the changelings. Olma, who had not had the chance to defeat a kobold, showed off her impressive skills as the Scion of Change. Sprouting Dragons wings she took to the air over her target, and while above, the tail of a scorpion sprouted and spit poison on the Kobold.

Narissa was amazed. "The powers of your people are extraordinary Lord Serin. I am surprised the other humans have not tried to subjugate you."

Serin smiled, "They do not know we are here."

Narissa looked quizzically, then she understood. "You have not completed your announcement rites. How very clever. You will most likely gain the rank of city state, but progressing past that becomes difficult. You will eventually have to expand. Or the paradise you have built here will be swept away to the annals of failed history."

Serin nodded, "I thank you for your sage wisdom. I recognize the humans kill what they do not understand. They would be hard pressed to accept the Demis. Even harder still to accept the changelings or Planetouched."

Narissa looked at Serin. "I enjoy this experiment you have made. I truly hope it succeeds. And I am not saying that just for the gift of casks of honey wine, or the golden threaded dresses, or the animals for breeding." But then she smirked at him, "But for those alone, this nation is worthy in my eyes."


Narissa's army left. Before she left, she had mentioned that she would be sending the merchants that parlayed with her to Serin's domain on her behalf. Serin looked forward to the incoming trade opportunities.

Serin then met with Jericho. He and Allister had specifically sat out the fighting. They had an important task ahead of them, which was ensuring that every single person had a domicile. And with Lord Koni's help, it was done.

With the threat to his nation ended, Serin had a grand party to celebrate. Jericho's wine cellar was tapped, Serin's spice cabinets were raided, and of course Peter donated some of his special honey, coated in pixie dust.

Music, dancing, wine, and food. A few friendly brawls, and a lot of cheers and singing. It was overall a celebration to be had as the first snows of winter started to fall.

Serin had a few drinks and decided to make a speech.

"I wanted to thank you all. Not only have we defended our claim to this land, but we did so without a single casualty!" There were cheers all about. Serin continued. "We were also able to gain recognition of our claim to these lands by another group. So although it is only one, it is still a dragon." Cheers continued.

"We can also expect trade caravans soon! So ensure you have materials to sell or credits to spend."

Another cheer happened.

Serin then continued. "I also wanted to announce something special. After the battle and treaty, I was greeted to this message on my kingdom screen."

Serin displayed the text. The requirements for his next national development, City State, were listed.

[Nation quest: Become a City State

Population: 396/500

Foreign Powers recognizing Sovereignty: 1/1

Foreign Treaties: 1/1

Dedicated Military force: 114/100

Nation Happiness: 96/60]

Serin then smiled, "We are very close to meeting our goals. Raising our population by just over more than 100, we will be able to attain the next kingdom perk. The first one brought all of you to us. I cannot wait for the next one."

With that there was a cheer, and calls for wine appeared everywhere.


Snows were heavy on the ground of Serin's Town. It had been about 6 weeks since Narissa's became their first trade partner, and Trade caravans had started arriving about 4 weeks ago. The traders had come in over-protected caravans, as Narissa had warned them that the wilds to Serin's domain were dangerous and Serin offered a product "worth more than gold."

Coming from a dragon that hoarded the stuff it was quite the pull. Serin had created an area for the trading caravans to pull in. And the traders were not disappointed. After getting free samples of Peter's honey, the traders not only traded off all of the supplies they carried, but exchanged a fair sum of credits towards anyone who sold them honey.

The traders learned what Serin's town requested as supply, and they had promised to return in a fortnight. It was while waiting, at roughly the 6 week mark, Serin found himself sitting with the counselors.

From the Humans, Jericho, Rachel, and Allister sat at one section of the large table. Ephraim, Lady Erris, and Elder Merrin sat with the Demis. Bilol, Danna, and Onna sat with the changelings. Uriel, Sute, and Hassan sat with the planetouched.

Rachel looked at him. "You realize that this is 100% your fault, right Serin?"

Serin had his head in his hands. "Do any of the representatives know of anyone equipped to handle this kind of work? We cannot risk losing 60% of our protectorate as well as most of our laboring body to this issue."

Sute smiled, "Most of the Skygge people are apt at this task. And since we have had issues with employment since most of our citizens were previously coastal workers, we have quite a few of those able to take on this initiative."

Uriel also answered. "We also have a few that have run the finest operations in the Lybringer empire. They would be glad to take on this initiative."

Jericho just shook his head at Serin, "You have a lot to learn, don't you boy?"

Serin huffed. "How was I supposed to know that this would happen?"

Rachel then stood. The bump on her stomach was very noticeable, "What the hell did you think would happen? We had just defeated a dragon's army, and you threw a grand three day celebration! As much wine and food as one can have, then basically announcing it is a civic duty to bring our population up?!"

Serin started to comment, "I meant it to prepare the way for more refugees, not have a three day hedonistic bender." She then threw her glass of apple juice at him. It seemed to just miss."

Serin just sat. "So what is the count of those with child?"

Ephraim started, "12 demis are with child. All of those that were not previously paired have decided to do so." Sute, also with child stood up, "26 of the Sygge are with child and 38 of the Lybringer are as well." Rachel commented, "12 Humans." Serin then furled his brow. Rachel commented, "two will be born human. 10 are expected changeling." Serin then looked to the Bilol. He had an absolute grin on his face. "53 changelings are with a child. Specifically, every single adult female has fulfilled the needs of the town, and our population will soon explode." Serin looked at him, "How is that possible, I thought you said changelings had difficulty reproducing with their own kind?"

Bilol's grin didn't disappear. "We do. I am simply reporting we have 53 changelings with child."

Serin just put his head in his hand. Then he felt the comforting warmth of Olma hugging onto him. A noticeable bump on her stomach.


Did you readers expect that? I didn't, and I'm the author!

This is the end of chapter 3. I would like to thank the support of Ale83, those that have added it to their collection, as well as my fans in Argentina, Singapore, and Germany. You guys are the best!

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