
Days go by and Goblin's Evolution

Two days have gone by with me stuck in this cell getting fucked by Gobugrak everyday and consuming his semen.

You may be wondering why drinking goblin cum is more appetizing than an actually meal, well lets just say goblins can't cook to save their lives.

The meat he brings in for me to eat is either undercooked and dripping with blood on some parts to the point of being raw, or being burnt black that even charcoal could taste better in comparison.

All in all semen tastes better in comparison and satisfying even....

Any ways during these 2 days he has cummed in me 17 times in total meaning, though for some reason today he only came 6 times which is odd since he can do more.

*Ding* 'Host has had sex with another creature, calculating amount of cum shots'




*Ding* 'Gobugrak shot 17 cum shots giving host 23x13=1495 exp and 23x13x2(From Unique Item)=598 tp'

*Ding* 'Host has lv up twice becoming lv 6 with 235/1300 exp needed to lv up'

In which I have in total 949 TP making my mission for 1000 TP gained through sex almost complete and TP to use to help me.

After which thinking for a while I know that my best option is to increase my charm, since this would not only make Gobugrak more attracted to me losing some high focus around me along with being more convinving to him.

That being said I bought 2 enhancements from the [Shop] being attractive eyes, and glossy skin as they provide high charm values, you may be asking why only 2 when I have enough for 3.

However, getting attractive eyes gives me an ability useful for right now.

*Ding* 'Host has purchased enhancements attractive eyes and glossy skin for 600 TP applying changes'

Hearing this I felt pain in my eyes as my skin felt like hundreds of ants bitting it.

While I was feeling this a black substance came out of my skin, before falling to the floor evaporating.

Although this process should only be painful because of my 'skill' part of it was converted to pleasure making me aroused throughout the process.

*Ding* 'Finished applying changes to host, since host purchased attractive eyes you can now buy lovely gaze from the [Shop] for 500 TP'

Once the pain from my eyes settled away I looked at myself to see my skin has become shinier, and softer to the touch than before.

Although I couldn't tell how different my eyes have become I can still tell that my vision has become clearer than before.

Checking the [Shop] for the lovely gaze skill showed me I made the right choice.




Lovely Gaze lv 1/10: (This is a passive/active ability that in passive mode makes those that look in your eyes that you are a loving and loyal person making them unlikely to think you are otherwise. Once active requires host to look at the other parties eyes using 30 mana, the effect causes those that are under skills effect to slowly lose all guard to user thinking of them slowly as their partner with repeated uses.)


Seeing the effect of the skill in passive and active use shocked me as they were incredible useful for the current situation.

Finished observing my body and potentially new skill I decieded to open my [Status] to see the changes and apply 5 points to luck, 5 points to endurance, 5 points to strength, and 5 points to charm.




Name: Anna

Race: Human

Lv: 6 (235/1300 for next lv up)

Class: Trap(Common Rank growth type)(+1 Vit and +1Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 210/210 (Hp regen 2.1/min)

Stamina: 210/210 (Sta regen 2.1% total sta/min)

Mana: 140/140 (Mp regen .7/min)

Defense: 21

Attack: 22


Vit- 21

End- 21

Str- 11

Agi and Dex- 15

Int- 14

Wis- 7

Lck- 20

Cha- 47

Free stat points-0

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv 1/2: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger)(Next lv allows user to percieve fortune leading user to feel excitement instead of fear as sign)

Harmonious Growth lv max: (People who have sex with you have potential to have their class and race evolved)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Sexual Attraction lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Gangbang Endurance lv 6/10: (Increases endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Cum Addict lv 4/10: (Provides nutrients when consuming semen, effect increases with lv increase.)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)

Attractive eyes: (Makes the eyes have a shine to them looking delicate and having a soft gaze from them, +10 cha)

Glossy skin: (Makes the skin shinier and softer making it difficult for those to stop touching, +7 cha and +3 end)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)


Nodding to myself on my current status I drift to sleep while my biggest worry comes to fruition.

Gobugrak POV:

I finished fucking my slave today for the 8th time satisfying me with the cooperation with my woman being so docile, so thirsty, and so subserviant.

Chuckling to myself thinking about how in the beginning she was so against it, only to act like a bitch in heat willing to do whatever is needed to get fucked.

That being said the reason for my mood being so good is not only from my obediant bitch, but also because I am ready to evolve tonight.

*Ding* 'You have 50/50 points for evolution, once you go to sleep you may evolve'

Seeing this I was ecstatic as I could finally evolve getting one step closer to becoming stronger.

Soon I went to my room to sleep excited as to what I'll become.


*Ding* 'You can now evolve, select which form you wish to become. Warning once chosen can not be redone.'

'Bringing up option for evolution:

Hobogoblin(Common): (A normal hobogoblin with not much to note. Increases all stats by 10 except for charm, luck,wisdom, adn intellegence by 5.)

Savage Goblin(Uncommon): (A goblin evoultion in which the teeth and claws of goblin become sharper and deadlier opting for more speed and attack then defense of recovery. Increase strength and agility by 15 with vitality and endurance by 10, with all others by 5 points.)

Goblin Mage(Uncommon): (A goblin evolution with a much more developed mind than other goblins though weaker physically. Increase wisdom and intellegence by 15 and other stats by 7 except for luck and charm which is 6.)

Goblin Ranger(Uncommon): (A goblin in which the fingers have much higher dexterity made for firing faster and manipulating weapons better. Increase agility and endurance by 15 with vitality and luck by 10 with all others by 5 points.)

Super Goblin(Rare): (A goblin in which all attributes recieve a decent buff increasing size of goblin. Increase all attributes by 8. Increases future evolutions potentials)

Hobogoblin Sharpshooter(Rare): (A hobogoblin with more dexterity in their hands allowing better manipulation and developed legs to run quicker. Increase Dexterity and endurance by 20, vitality and strength by 15, and other attributes by 5.)'

Looking at my choices I almost disregarded all goblin choices except super goblin, since this was a rare class that gives future to potential gain better evolution.

Thinking of whether getting higher stats now to better acquire my revenge, or risk it and go for the slower route.

Thinking like this I was enlightened when I rembered my woman and her ability to evolve me faster meaning even if I have to wait another evolution to gain higher stats and enhancements.

Wrapping up my thoughts I selected the super goblin evolution and said yes.

*Ding* 'You selected Super Goblin(Rare) as evolution, you will sleep until evolution is finished. Evolution starting in...




With that I passed out excited for my first evolution and potential to becoming great.

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