
Choice. Desire. Hope.

I bought it.

And let me say.

It did not lie by saying : Simplest.

It is really crude and simple.

Its like you use interactive .txt file.

Everything is in simple text, making me doubt everything at first.

Thankfully, I now know more about my possibilities. For example, I can move any part of a interface by using UE. Like, it would change position and not be like straight text separated only by lines.

And no, there are no status and any other information needed for a normal system. I mostly had a slider and a huge list of possibilities available for me. And the first thing I searched for was help function.

Welp... it requires some UE for every use, but the knowledge achieved that way will be available at any later date for free ... If I buy that function.

How do I know that?

UE: 5...

yea. I used some. now I know that to increase UE generation rate I could only wait, as any other possible way required a lot more functions to be unlocked.

Thankfully, I was not really in a hurry. Currently I slowly enjoyed sun rays, as my robot body flew in the space.

Why did I appear in a space without a ship?

Because I wanted to bathe in the sun. I literally wanted to bath on the sun's surface... Until I decided against it and just heated my skull in a plasma furnace that made me feel relaxation and a warm feeling.

It was one of the few ways to feel anything with a body.

And to get myself a body using system, I first will need to get in contract with another being. Otherwise, My generation speed will be slow.

Yea, it was a predicament. My body usually could generate a lot of energy, but that energy mostly was used to run system itself, while any being with a 'soul' could help me generate more energy, and much more than I could even think to generate by myself.

Sadly, it seems that as a base for a system, to grow it - I would need a 'host'… or a contractor.

And I don't know if I even want to become someone's system or anything like that.

I don't know about rules, if there are any, but it feels strange.

Not desiring life of 'servitude', or better said 'restricted life', after living for years practically without restrictions, I continued looking through the interface.

I could interact with it only by my thoughts, as it always stood in front of my eyes when opened. I couldn't touch it with mechanical hand, energy blade or anything else I could think of.

pressing every point of every window I could, I found what I looked for. Or closest thing to it. Connection to the other being. And it costs UE...

Kinda more than I have. a lot more.

So, for now I decided not to pay to it any more attention as it would take years to even try the 'system connection' route.

~ Week after finding out that I could connect to people ~

Welp. There it is. another way to receive more UE. I literally got used to it that I didn't even try to do anything to it.

Hive mind.

Yes. I still has connection to my people, and after realising that I might cheese my way through and not connect directly to someone but to the whole race. My race. My people.

My only support in this life.

I would've died long ago without their support. Support coming not just from outside words, but from the inside. I could literally feel it.

And as I began immersing myself in it, I felt small disruption in it. And I didn't like it at all.

Waking up, I felt angry. Something, or someone disturbed me. And not for a real reason. But because the way it made orders was bordering my connection.


Obelisk made me angry. After such a long time, as it tried to keep itself away from me, evident by it's actions, It stepped somewhere it shouldn't have stepped.

As I left my trance, Month passed. and I was not really concerned by it, I knew and felt time passing.

But being disrupted in the process is like hitting a sleeping person with a sledgehammer on the head. It's painful not only because of pain, but also because of difference in the outside feelings.

Obviously, I wanted to get back to the soothing state, but I decided to get rid of obelisk, or it would be making my life much less enjoyable.

So... yea.

Let me explain why I said 'get rid', and not fight against it.

I literally own one of the moons around Jupiter. And almost without supervision of the government I created the one and only Ark.

Eight years it took for me to establish facilities necessary for it and build it piece by piece inside the moon... or outside the moon, depending on how you look at it.

Moon was literally part of the Ark, as it was constructed in and around it.

I bought tenth moon, 36km in diameter ( currently 35 km in diameter ).

Why it became smaller? Well. I needed resources for it, and Don't even ask about amount of holes inside the satellite itself.

As for how and why do I have it?

Well. The moment I realized that nothing really holds me from building enormous stations, I decided to create a ship and a planet that would have many biomes and living animals. Obviously, as gravity was an issue, it would be changed to the necessary inside those biomes.

This Ark would not be just like biblical Ark, it would be a weapon and a shield against anything and everything that I would meet.

Oh, and obviously I had my own small fleet of ships.

But it might be unnecessary.

As I was contemplating, I began activation sequence that would move us out of orbit, and I didn't care about other satellites that would be in trouble.

Moving such a huge mass might sound incredible to you, as it definitely weight above 1*10^16, but it was possible thanks to the Khaydarin crystal. It could output so much energy that all the engines on the Ark could move another Ark and even more.

Why do I take it and not just a fleet?

Well, do you know what face recognition is? Add to it precise weapons, geolocation, instant calculation, orbital weapon and ta-da! You have easy way to kill anyone and destroy anything.

As for government? I am currently in contact with them.

" Mr. General, I would like to notify you that I decided to join the war and is currently moving my ship towards Earth, I would like to be allowed to use my weapons to kill anyone on the enemy side. Even humans " I said, as I was preparing to jump towards Earth.

" What can a single ship do?! You should just continue supplying us with food and weapons. " One of officers who I was in a call with responded.

" Is it just one ship? If it is, I don't think it will make any difference. Don't interfere with army, we know more about it than you. " Replied one of generals.

This talk was a long one, but they couldn't just directly decline me. Politic is a difficult thing even in a war.

After some more talking and discussing.

" So, you are telling that you have an enormous sized ship with extremely precise weapons that could safely shoot from the orbit? " One asked.

" Why didn't you provide us with such a weapon? Why didn't we know anything about it beforehand? " Asked another.

" Ugh ... I'm getting tired. It's my technology and my ship. I'm not going to provide you with everything I have. It's ridiculous for you to think that I should do it " I replied to one of people who suggested for me to just give them my ship, as they ' Would use it better ' than me.

" Yes you should provide us with the best things you have. WE ARE AT WAR" Said one of them, shouting at the end.

At that, my artificial face changed to a calm one and I said.

" So. am I allowed to destroy the enemy on earth and any other I encounter. If I obviously can " I said, adding last part because they were not satisfied.

Why could I just talk with them like that?

Well, ten years and a workforce that can work efficiently without accidents with infection. Stable current of food and weapons, and a lot of force manipulation allowed it.

Why didn't I call it an active involvement? Well. I didn't nearly provide everything I could. An weaponry was of their own schematic.

In these ten years of war I easily became one of the richest people in the world. All thanks to ever growing robot workers with enough experience to do difficult and complicated work.

Add to it some intel gathering, some infections of opponents that were not my actions, as I kept away from it after the war started in full. And voilà. Here we are.

" Fine. We will see what exactly you have there when you arrive. Jump is allowed " Commander allowed, as he massaged his forehead and eyebrows.

" Thank you. You won't regret it " I replied, as they disconnected.

Why I've done it? It was necessary. These are just rules and I don't have any reason not to follow this small rule if it would keep me from fighting against humans as a whole.

* Whoooshm *

Came the sound of a jump, as we arrived to the earth. Obviously I kept a distance from it, as my gravitational pull is pretty big, and I didn't want to disrupt Earth's moon and such.

" You said it is big, but you never said it is THIS big" Came the sound of one of generals that I came in contact with them again.

" You wouldn't have believed me. You didn't want to believe that I could make a difference with one huge ship. Don't even begin with how long we argued about precise targeting and weapons that would only destroy living beings " I replied, as we argued again.

For some time we were arguing, but After a while, thanks to my absolutely incredible charisma.. ghm ghm ... Force... Ghm ghm... I managed to convince that I should just begin.

And I began. Began shooting energy blasts that ripped, burned and destroyed any living tissue while passing through non living with minimal destruction.

Obviously, They didn't allow for me to shoot inside the cities. At first.

But after spending days with Ark shooting with thousands of weapons, And all of the Earth getting cleaned from the Antropomorphs, I proceeded to surviving fanatics of unity.

They were hard to find, but after finding - they had no way to hide. It didn't matter what they've done to hide, they still were killed.

Obviously, not everyone could be killed from orbit, so some of them were ambushed and kindly killed in other ways.

Why kindly? Because fast. They didn't really deserve fast death, but it was necessary.

From that point I began travelling the known space and destroying anything that showed signs of infected.

Ships. Cities beyond salvation. Deep space stations with no hope of having humans and much more.

In a year, I cleared all of the known universe from them, while some moons were destroyed by the famous ' Terrorists ' Who were not terrorists anymore, but just a bunch of underground mercenaries.

After everything was over, all the obelisks destroyed. all known moons erased, I began shifting all work onto others while enjoying my time basking in a hive.

Yea, addition is heavy in this one.

But it was one of the best ways to spend time while waiting for a way to get a connection.

It costs too much to just simply wait in a normal way. And by using help I knew, it was unnecessary to move to the connected being.

What would I do as a system?

For now, nothing really. Maybe just a small buff to something. I would find out with my... customer. Yes. customer.

I could connect to the hive as a first choice. It would cost too much. Price correlates to the host.

I hope I would have much higher UE generation. It is really hard with just this much.


2080/2127 words in chapter.

thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well. mc now goes in a way that no one really expect. Even me.

But, I like it.

It would be a nice change.

And all the next stories might have a certain connection ;)

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