
Forty Minutes Walk

A car was passing by with a driver driving it, and two girls sitting on the backseat.

Suddenly the car stopped.

"What's wrong, mister driver?" the girl asked.

"I can't go further"

"What! Why?"

"The road is blocked and vehicles like taxis are not allowed"

"No way! We are already late!"

"I can't do anything, miss. If I go further, I might get fired from my job"

"Don't worry. My boyfriend is the king--friend! My boyfriend is a close friend of the king"

"I can't do that, miss. You have to go by foot from here"


"Leave it El. We will walk"

"We are already late! We can't--"

"You are just wasting more time like this"


They both got out of the car.

The car turned back and drove off.

"What do we do now, Sely?"

"We will walk"

"But it's like 40 minutes walk from here!"

"We can run"

"It's all your fault" Elena said, puffing her cheeks.

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