
Why Did It Feel Like His Brother’s Head Was Green

Biên tập viên: Rainystars

Qiao Qing answered, "No time."

Jun Yexuan paused and then placed his gaze onto the medical book she was reading.

In his memory, ever since he got to know her, she's never done any activities for entertainment.

There was Go in the study room but she's never touched it. For the zither, she was interested but she never played. 

When she had time, she would choose to read her medical books. 

Even after she wrote her entrance exam, a time when all other students were crazily playing around, she remained home and read her books quietly.

When he realized this, he tentatively asked, "You are so keen on these medical books. Do you have any problems you are trying to solve in the medical field?"

Qiao Qing stared at him for a while - long enough for Jun Yexuan's hair to stand up on their ends, "It's not the time to tell you yet."

So that meant she had plans to tell him later? Jun Yexuan raised an eyebrow. His heart couldn't help but soar.

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