
Chapter 1

Another miserable day , time for school. School is a place to make friends and to find yourself but not for me. Ever since i started seeing Dr Bolton i've been bullied and i lost all my friends. So life was hard now for me. I know my parents were helping me with my so called issues it just made it worse for me, i try my best to hide my scars by always wearing clothes to hide them.

' Tiki wake up or your be late for school!' mom shouts well making breakfast pancakes an hash browns.

looking at my clock hour and half before my alarm goes off . I lazily roll out of bed and head to the shower. Taking my clothes from the top of my dresser i go to my bathroom. I turn the shower on to get it to the right temperature. Look at my body covered in bruises from the neck down, my bullies at school always made sure not to leave anything showing. i look at my scars on my arms wondering why i didnt go through with it..


" I'm so sick of this!" I shout well i throw a picture of myself when i was happy. Mom dad hugging me laughing well we was at the lake..happy times. Then i see a peice of glass that shattered from being thrown, i put it to my wrist but then i heard a faint voice it wasn't mine but a mans. 'Don't your still needed we need you'..

Snapping out of my flashback i jump in the shower and get ready for the day. Fixing my hair in a normal ponytail, i put my hoodie on grab my back pack and head to breakfast.

' You took awhile everything ok?' Mom wonders well she hands me my pills to take.

'Yeah im ok just lost it thought.' i say well trying to figure out why that mans voice was so familiar and soothing. Pouring my self a glass of orange juice mom reminds me about my appointment with Dr Bolton.

'Do i have to go, i dont need his help its been years?' Hoping that the start of my misery will come to an end, now i know i shouldn't blame him or my parents for my teenage life being a living hell but i can't help but feeling so.

' Yes you do, we are all going to this session. Its the last one you, me, and dad will be talking about our growth as well as yours. He thinks it will be better for you to let everything out since you don't talk very much.'

She's right i stopped talking about everything hoping deep down if i stop i could remeber something i dont want to forget. I dont remember its fuzzy but i know it will still be there if i stopped talking.

' Well everything is fine now, i dont think we need a closing session as a family. its your fault i live in hell anyways'. I say very dryly and icy leaving my mom with a hurtful expression on her face.

Looking at the time seeing i have thirty mintues left to get to school. I grab my bag and head out the door and start walking to school it's a twenty minute walk. It started to pour rain and wind started to blow.

' oh come on really?!' I shout towards the sky just then there was a crack of thunder so loud it shook the ground.

' Why have you forgotten us? Why didnt you come back? ' The voice boomed it was as loud as thunder. That voice i heard it before but where?! Or was it the one thing a didn't want to forget?

'I didn't want to forget about you or the things i did. It was out of my control.' I said in a faint voice barely a whisper.

I didn't know why i said that all i know is it brought falling tears that mixed in with the falling rain.

There was a bight lighting bolt and struck the ground causing it to split and crack open.

'Tiki , run you have to run! MOVE!!' My mom shouted running towards me. Just when i found the courage to move the ground broke apart and i fell into the ground and a bright light. Not wanting to see what happens next i shut my eyes out of fear.

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