
Red Snow

Thinking about it now, with his current level of power, wouldn't changing the weather be a simple feat? Forget about using something like [Breath of the Storm], just going into his elf form should be more than enough to bend the elements found in nature's mana to his will.

He'd have to give it a try sometime.

Strolling through the snow covered market, he breathed in the frosty air and enjoyed the local atmosphere. Placing his hands in his pockets, he noticed a small gathering taking place off in the distance.

'What's going on?'

Deciding to take a closer look, he saw many Spade soldiers abusing their power and roughing up some of the local citizens.

'Same shit, different kingdom eh.'

Picking up an apple from one of the stalls, he bit into it and watched the events from a comfortable distance.

"Stop! Please she's just a child!"

Pulling on the arm of one of the soldiers, a black haired young woman fell to her knees and begged a buff looking soldier not to drag away a child that bore an uncanny resemblence to her.

"Please don't take her!"

"GET OFF ME WOMAN!!" He snapped and slapped her across the face.

"Jenny!" A gray haired old man yelled running over.


Releasing some of the devil power granted to him by the dark triad, teeth flew out of the soldier's mouth and riddled the elderly man full of holes.


"DAD!!" The young woman screamed as she watched her father fall to knees and cough out a mouthful of blood before the light in his eyes vanished and he collapsed.

"Damn filth." He spat. "He should be honored that I bothered wasting my precious mana on trash like him."

'Decisive, cold bloodled and remorseless... The Dark Triad choose their soldiers well.'

"Y-YOU MONSTER!!" Jenny cried looking at the soldier with tears streaming down her eyes.


Regrowing his teeth and looking her up and down, a perverted grin settled on his face as he grabbed hold of her arm.

"Publicly criticizing a member of the royal army. Such an act can be considered treason. Maybe I should take you back to be disciplined."

Understanding the look in his eye, all the blood in Jenny's body ran cold.

"N-No..." She crawled back much to the entertainment of the soldiers.

"Oho." The soldier chuckled seeing her actions.

-Resisting arrest as well? You just can't help yourself can you? But don't worry. The boys will help you put that energy to better use."

Licking his lips, he reached his hand out-

"Pffthahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!" The sound of laughter broke through the air.

-Resisting arrest? Really? Man, that's a good one."

Not expecting to hear from anyone at the moment, a frown formed on the face of the buff looking soldier as he looked over to see who was causing the commotion.

Leaning against a stall with half eaten apples littering the geound beneath him, a black haired young man in a white wintery coat bit into a juicy looking apple before discarding it to the floor with the rest.

"Ah~ There really is nothing like wasting food when you know that there are people out there starving."

Seeing the smile on the young man's face, a dark chill ran down the buff soldier's spine.

'What the hell is this?'

It was like every instinct in his body was warning him of danger. Something about that boy wasn't right.

But how could he show such weakness in front of his fellow soldiers? And towards a boy who didn't even look like he had reached his 20s yet.

Ignoring his instincts, he puffed out his chest and stared Grim down.

"You got something to say BOY?"

Hearing that, Grim's hand paused moments before it could take hold of another apple.

"Oh...?" A massive grin crept onto his face as he turned to look at the soldiers.

"Have you guys ever seen red snow?"

'Red snow? What the hell is he talking about?'

Feeling confused, the soldiers looked at each when they suddenly heard a high pitched shriek-

Turning their heads to look at the person who had screamed, the noticed that it was members of the crowd whose faces had all turned white. But contrary to the scream, it didn't look like there was anything that warranted such a reacti-

Realizing that all of the civilians were looking in the same direction. Frowning and following the trajectory of their sight. What they saw left them all frozen.


Lying before them and completely motionless, the image of the buff soldier known as Coldar laying flat on his back with all his limbs missing and a mysterious red stain soaking his crotch burned its way into their eyes. If it wasn't for the subtle rising and falling of his chest, no one would be able to tell if he was still part of the living world or dead.

"Y'know." Grim spoke up biting into another apple. "Under normal circumstances I wouldn't give walking tombstones like you the time of day. But man o' man did you lot fuck up. You did something you really shouldn't have. Something that no sane individual should ever do."

'W-What is this! I can't move!!'

Moving past them like a gentle summer breeze, Grim stood behind them with a helpless smile spread across his face.

"You dared to be arrogant in my presence."


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