

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five" Hua Yiling kept counting in her head. Over the years, she had learnt to control her temper by not reacting immediately to things, but she was slowly losing it right now. 

She had only wanted to get a wine for Lijuan's friend, she had no idea how she had ended up being led to the managers office by the security personnel. But she didn't have any option right now, all she could do was follow. The silly man wanted her to pay for the broken wine which was impossible. She was going to make sure the manager understood it had been his fault. 

She exchanged one last glare before the door opened and they walked in. Neither of them made any effort to sit down when they were offered seats by the manager. 

The sudden turn of event took her by surprise when the young man who was now her new enemy, handed his complementary card to the manager. One look at it and the manager's face lit up before he turned his attention to Yiling expectantly.

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