
Being together


'I wonder how Yuhi feels after seeing me like that. Even though he always says he loves me, shadows and all. The seed of anxiety in my mind doesn't disappear. What if one day he sees me as a monster just like everyone else does?'

What if one day those loving eyes turn into hatred and disgust? 

Recalling Sano's face on the day they broke up, Sumire shudders. No, it won't be like that. Besides in the end San was only acting, he didn't truly mean those words.

But, for an act it felt too real. For an act, it caused irreversible damage.

"How do you feel after watching me going into a murderous rage for you my dear-"

"I've never felt so turned on in my entire life."

For a moment she froze, before her entire face reddened. What on earth is he thinking?

'I feel stupid for even worrying about it.'

Sumire pouted and hit his chest. "You're really deranged, you know that?"

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