
Prison Break Part II  

As soon as Black Howler opened the doors, he knew something was amiss. It wasn't anything like Jaybird's [DANGER SENSE], just that feeling in the back of one's neck like someone stepping over your grave — that's what he felt. 

However, instead of backing away to avoid whatever danger lay within, Black Howler rushed forward, performing a rolling maneuver that helped him avoid the axes that had swung for the spot where his next was only a moment ago. 

"Ambush!" Black Howler yelled. 

Then he pulled out Masamune's Dark Blade from his back and swung forward, repelling the sword that sought to cleave him in two. 

"Wunder-twins! I need a lullaby!" Black Howler ordered. 

They came in after Dragon Joe who'd engaged the horned man hiding to the left of the door, battle-ax clashing against battle-ax. 

"I've got the one on the right," Wunderkid said. 

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