
The One Who Walks! I

The One Who Walks.

It was a unique distinction to hear, and the entity who stated it could not be taken lightly as his form was grandiose.

A massive purple skull that cried out utmost glory, with thousands of limbs protruding from behind this skull!

Dazzling purple flames burned in its sockets as around it, debris of decimated Existential Domains lay.

They pulsed weakly with an obsidian light of Corruption as behind this skull, a swirling mass of obsidian light that seemed to be absorbing everything for many light years stood.

The glimpse of the Dark Matter Core.

Command Protector Valeria looked at it all with a calm gaze as her body swirled with the grandeur of a Fabled Omniverse.

She stared deeply into the eyes burning with purple flames as she voiced out.

|I wouldn't aim at any part of you if you just stayed away from our Lands. Must you all be here?|

Her voice held no fear.

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