
Unfathomable Grandiosity! II

Eowyn was still connected to Noah in a unique way as what he saw, she saw.

So she saw his actions as he terrifyingly used the Lines of Integration of the Sources he bound to attack those opposing him!

It was a shocking means for him to attain as the worry of his enemies getting stronger the more Dimensions he released was slowly destroyed with this. 

So long as he integrated Sources of Natural Laws and Fundamental Natural Laws, he could force his enemies to shatter their Lines of Integration as their boons would be cut off!

He would first weaken them, and then he would decimate them.

With such moves in his arsenal, how could the most powerful existences that relied on Natural Laws stand against him?

Their only option was to stop him in the quickest time possible- and that was actually seconds ago!

Because now, he had also bound Providence.

The Natural Law that acted akin to the light that would illuminate the unknown.

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