
Ch.39 One day

I stared at my lap smiling without regret, this is who I am, why should I hide it. I looked up at the wall and felt a tear slip from my eye, I sniffled, wiped tears from my eyes and looked over at Anyira. Her eyes stared at the floor, she took deep breaths. I glanced over at Zack who was looking toward the door.

"Why can't be accepted in humanity." I said in a flat tone. More tears rolled down my face.

I could feel Zack and Anyira's eyes on me. "Myira." They both said in unison.

"You go first Anyira." he said nodding.

She nodded her head yes. "Myira, we are Deitys of another realm we can't consort with them."

I kept my eyes on my lap as more tears streamed down my face. "I believe," I paused a second to breathe.

"I believe that one day we will be accepted by this terrible reality. One day, it would be a dream come true." I looked back up, both were looking at me with the same expression, concern.

"Myria, who cares what these humans think, if they can't except you for who you are then they don't deserve you." Zack said breaking the silence.

I looked at him a slight smile of bravery grew over his face.

"You know Zack, your not as bad as I thought you would be." Anyira said smiling.

After that it was like we were a friend group, we talked about the four islands of Izayia and how there are three tribes, we filled Zack in on everything we knew.

"What about that beast that attacked us?" Zack asked.

"It's called Aveegoh." I replied.

"It is a beast that is being controlled by darkness, and it will attack again." Anyira said.

"How do you defeat it?" Zack asked.

"With this." I replied and snapped my sword appearing.

I looked at Zack, he stared at the floating sword.

"H-how did you?" Zack questioned astonished.

I laughed "This is the Goddess Sword of Shadows." I said smiling. I snapped again and the sword disappeared.

We talked a little while longer until Zack looked at the watch on his wrist. "12:35 PM. I should probably go home. There is only about an hour left of school." Zack said looking back up from his wrist.

"Yeah." I said nodding.

He got up and headed toward the door. "Is it okay if I come back tomorrow after school if there is any?" He asked stopping infront of the door.

"Yep, we will be here waiting for the beast." I said looking at Zack.

"Okay see you." he said in a cheerful tone.

I watched as he left through the door, the looked over at Anyira.

"So what do you think of him?" I asked.

"He's alright for a human." she responded giggling.

We laughed for a few seconds. "Well," I said getting up.

"I am going to bring my some what sleep deprived self to bed." I said yawning.

"Alright, see you when you wake up." Anyira said laying down on the couch.

"See you." I said walking into my room and flopping down on my bed...

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