
Bad girl

The instant those words left Alex's mouth, Abi's heart melted as they gazed at each other. The rain continued falling and for some reason, this reminded them of their first kiss.

Alex's eyes fell to her lips. He wanted to kiss her. But Abi beat him to it as her hands wrapped around his neck and her lips slammed on his. She kissed him wild like a raven, wilder than she had ever been, that Alex was completely caught off guard. But the first thing that came to Alex's mind were the words of celebration 'Yes! We're finally okay! We're finally okay.'

Glad was an understatement to explain what he felt. It was like he finally woke up from sleep paralysis. He wondered when Abigail had become his everything. Right now, he felt that his love for her was nowhere near that day he confessed to her. He was falling even deeper every day and he couldn't believe that a fight made him realize how desperate he had become for her. It was no longer possible for him to live without her.

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