
Chapter 21

After forty eight hours of waiting all the teams arrived at the arena, at least all the team I originally saw in the series.

With the second team being the sand arriving fifteen hours later, apparently having Gaara unconscious made them average team.

The Konoha nine were all here too.

Sasuke already had the curse mark on his neck, making me wonder how did Orochimaru manage to achieve that without Jugo.

'It's seems the snake is resourceful,' I thought.

As I watched the kids exchange words and congratulate each other for passing, I notice the Hokage arriving.

Like in the series, because too many genin ended up passing they decided to extend the second stage of the exam to a one on one matches, where only the victors would get to continue the test.

The Hokage gave a little speech, which I completely tuned out, didn't really care to hear a dead man talking.

After some teams decided to forfeit the match, the tournament begun.

First match was Hinata vs Neji, I was surprised that even with extra variables in the equation.

It was clear like water that she had absolutely no chance of winning, and like it did on the series she ended up almost dying.

"That girl should've known when to quit... she has teeth for a leaf sucker," Zabuza said nonchalantly without caring that some ninjas were glaring at him.

Then then next match begun, and I can't say I wasn't surprised.

Shino Aburame vs Tayuya.

"Watch me kill the roach guy!" Tayuya shouted while jumping and landing on the area with a smile.

Shino on the other hand, walked down the stairs completely collected.

"Ready?" The proctor asked, getting nods of confirmation, "Go!"

Tayuya jumped backwards getting almost against the wall and smile, "I like to play but I'm here to show how strong I am!"

Shino was confused as to why she said that and took distance but soon understood why.

"Banshi no nageki!(wail of the banshee!)" Tayuya put her hands together and took a deep breath and with a powerful scream that shattered the floor like it was made out of crackers, knocked Shino against the wall.

The proctor noticing shino didn't move at all went to check on him, to find Shino bleeding through his ears and complete unconscious.

The attack was strong enough to knock back and harm most Jounin, and it was unblockable if you didn't know of it before hand.

"Tayuya of Yuki wins the second round," The proctor announced.

"Fuck yeah!" Tayuya smiled as she looked down of the other kids.

As soon as Tayuya got back to our spot I congratulated her.

"Thar was great," I smiled at her.

"Go big or go home," Tayuya smiled back.

———Jugo vs Kiba ————-

Jugo vs Kiba now that's a waste of time, Jugo could kill him in a single shot and without even trying.

"I forfeit," Kiba announced, shaking a bit.

It seems the mutt has a brain on his head after all

"You are giving up! Don't be a coward Kiba!" Naruto shouted, while Kiba just ignored him.

"I'm glad I didn't have to fight an animal," Jugo smiled looking at Akamaru.

Huh, maybe Kiba had a chance if he exploited Jugo's main weakness his love for animals, maybe using Akamaru as a shield.

—————-Karin Uzumaki vs Sakura ————

"Uzumaki!" Naruto shouted as he started to run towards us.

"Oh god please kill me," Karin muttered jumping into the arena immediately to avoid the blond boy.

Naruto who has just arrived stared at me and asked, "why is her name like mine and why is she with you?"

Before I could in a intellectual way tell him to fuck off, Kimimaro step in, he apparently noticed how uncomfortable and disgusted I was by his behavior.

"Leave or I'll maim you," Kimimaro said protruding a bone from his hand.

"No need to do that," Kakashi chuckled putting a hand on Naruto's mouth stopping him from steeping deeper into the hole he dug in.

"Next time I won't give a warning," Kimimaro smiled back.

I didn't hate Naruto, but I never liked him, he was too stupid and obnoxious for my low tolerance to accept and that was coming from someone that deals with Zabuza and Tayuya daily.

"The winner is Karin!" The proctor announced.

It seems that minute we lost interaction Karin had eliminated Sakura.

"So how was it?" I asked.

"Glad you didn't see it," Karin pouted, "All it took was a slap... and not even a powerful one... like what that hell! How the fuck did she survived that forest with that low, low level of strength?!"

"Plot armor?" I shrugged, this was one question that not even I could answer.

"What?" Karin tilted her head.

"I'll make you swallow those words!" Naruto growled.

"Yeah... sure," Karin said as she went back to her team.

"Alright I'm done here, who wants to eat in a really expensive restaurant as a reward?" I asked getting my entire squad including Kimimaro drooling with anticipation.

I smiled seeing their reactions and proceeded to get out of the arena, waving at Orochimaru, who got startled at first but simply waved back.

I made it look like I was saying bye to everyone but the snake got the tip.


|Orochimaru POV|

Just when that man was leaving he waved at me, everyone else thought differently but I knew he was waving at me.

So this confirmed he knew and didn't tell anyone, this is getting interesting I wonder what role am I playing on his chess board.

"Kukukukuku," I couldn't help but feel excited, I have always been the player not the piece and yet here I am not being able to do anything, I wonder where his wind will take.


Meanwhile in Yuki, Kakuzu was dealing with some negotiations with some merchants, and out of nowhere he felt a disturbance on the force.

"I feel the boss is getting out of the budget we talked about," Kakuzu said holding one of his seven hearts, "By a lot,"


The other matches were like this for those interested.

Misumi vs Temari = Temari.

Zaku vs Sasuke = Sasuke

Kankuro vs Ino = Kankuro

Tenten vs Gaara = Gaara

Shikamaru vs Dosu = Shikamaru

Kin vs Rock Lee = Rock Lee

Choji vs Yoroi = Yoroi

Naruto vs Kabuto = Naruto


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