
Tennis Full Slam

At the beginning of the game, Federer changed his slow and hot habit. He started very aggressively in the first set and Zhang Guan performed very well. As a result, no one could get too many opportunities in the opponent's serve. In the first six games, both sides kept their serve. In the game, the two had a 3-3 draw. In the next four games, both sides also won their serve. In the first ten games, the two sides scored 5-5.

This result is acceptable to both parties. The two have already played for the fourth time and have learned a lot from each other, especially Federer, who is more and more familiar with Zhang Guan's play style and rhythm, so Zhang Guan was also not expecting to get a break in the first few games, Federer also did not feel that Zhang Guan would give him a chance to break, so both sides were ready to tie the game.

In the end, in the first twelve games, the two sides had a 6-6 draw, and the first set entered the tie-break.

In the tie-break, the two sides scored serve points in the first 4 points. Federer made the first mistake in the 5th point and returned the ball to the net. However, Zhang Guan also appeared to return to the net after two goals. The scores of both sides remained unchanged.

However, at this time, a dramatic scene happened. After 6 goals, the two sides exchanged venues, and there was a strong wind on the court. The wind direction was very unfavorable for Federer. Federer was also very cautious. Zhang Guan took this opportunity and strengthened the attack. Zhang Guan finally took the lead and won the tie-break and the first set victory with a score of 7-5.

This result was somewhat unexpected by Zhang Guan and Federer. Zhang Guan never thought he would win in this way, and Federer also didn't expect that he would lose the first set game because of a strong wind.

At the beginning of the second set, Federer played a little cautiously. He seemed to be worried about the wind coming again. As a result, he made consecutive mistakes in the fourth game of the second set, trailing 15-40 and facing two breakpoints. Although Federer first saved the first breakpoint by the opponent's mistakes in the bottom line hold, then the problem of interception in front of the net was broken and fell into a 1-3 backward. Zhang Guan played a love-game in the next game, expanding the score to 4-1.

However, Federer is still the king who ruled the tennis world. In the face of such disadvantages, he stabilized his position and began to mobilize Zhang Guan. This also helped Federer stabilize the situation. The strong winds also stopped at this time, and Federer also let go. He opened his hands and feet, causing trouble to Zhang Guan again and again.

4-2, 5-2, 5-3, the scores of the two sides alternately increased, but Federer hasn't broken after all, which put him at an absolute disadvantage. In the ninth round of the two sides, although Federer tried very hard to achieve a tie, Zhang Guan finally won a game with a strong serve. At the same time, he won the second set with a 6-3 score.

After the two sets, Zhang Guan led Federer 2-0 again. This is the same as their previous three encounters. In the overall situation, Federer has become more and more passive, looking farther and farther away from the victory.

During the break between the two sets, Federer began to sum up the gains and losses of the two sets.

"Zhang Guan has become stronger again. Compared with the first time we played in the Australian Open, his performance has become more stable, and Zhang Guan is very good at seizing opportunities. If I play with him, the fault tolerance rate is too low. If there is a slight mistake, I will be caught and the game will be lost. And Zhang Guan's fast attack and defense rhythm are simply forcing the opponent to make mistakes! Strong physical fitness and high technical level, these two points I can still accept, but his handling of the ball is still very mature, is this his first-time participating in a professional tennis game? How can there be such a monster in the sky!"

Federer shook his head. He still didn't come up with a solution for Zhang Guan. In the end, he felt that all he could do was to play his highest level, play his characteristics, and play this game well.

Federer stood on the court again, and the third set of the two sides began.

At this time, Federer has put down his burden, and he wholeheartedly thought that as long as he played well, Federer played his highest level. In a service game of Zhang Guan, Federer took the lead to get a break of 40-30, but Zhang Guan's stable serve is still the biggest weapon to secure points at a critical time. He has successfully saved his serve.

In the next few games, neither side was able to get a break, and the result was again tied 6-6. Then the two started their second tie-break in this game.

In the tie-break of four or five points, Zhang Guan served the first out of bounds, Federer took the lead 3-2, then Federer used two strong serves to expand the score to 5-2, Federer at this time, only needed two more points were needed to win the tie-break.

The next two serves of Zhang Guan did not have any mistakes, the score became 5-4, and then Federer's serve score, the score came to 6-4, at this time Federer has got two counts.

At this time, Federer felt that this was his closest time to victory. At this time, Federer's mood began to become tense. He made a mistake in his first shot, and then Federer added a heavy rotation on the second shot continuously, but Zhang Guan guessed the direction of the ball and returned with an easy forehand. Then the two began to hold each other.

Federer remembered at this time that Zhang Guan's physical strength was better than himself. If he persisted, he would lose, so he took the lead in launching a strong attack, but the opposite Zhang Guan showed extreme patience at this time, he insisted on playing steadily, he finally found a chance in Federer's backhand kick and successfully scored this point. The score of both sides became 6-5.

Federer lost this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and was very frustrated. His mentality also showed a slight loosening. After Zhang Guan served two times and changed the score to 7-6, Federer chose to serve the net, but there was a return to the net. It was this mistake that made Zhang Guan win the tiebreak 8-6.

At the same time, Zhang Guan also won the US Open championship.


"Oh my god, Zhang Guan did it! He did it! Full Slam! He got the full slam in one year and became the only male full slam player among active athletes! And this is his first year of professional tennis! In January, he could only enter the Australian Open with the sponsor's wild card, and after nine months, he was already at the peak of tennis history. People, this is a miracle!"

The narrator took a breath and then said, "Zhang Guan is worthy of being a "miracle creator". When he was engaged in track and field, he continuously created one miracle after another, and now he comes to the tennis court and continues doing the same thing! I don't know what to say now, or what language to express my mood at this time!"

The narrator raised his tone slightly, but then continued in a deeper tone, "But I can be sure that Zhang Guan will inevitably become a legend in the tennis world!"

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