
Chapter 4

Sarah was as shocked as Shawn, except he was literally shocked and Sarah was emotionally shocked.

As Shawn convulsed on the ground, Sarah turned, grabbed her tazer, tazed him for good measure, and ran.

Sarah was gasping for breath after the first block. 'I really need to get in shape, don't I?' She thought, worrying that Shawn would catch up.

After she had reached a relatively busy street, she stopped running and caught her breath.


Sarah reached her apartment and caught her breath. 'I'm sticking to busy streets from now on.' She declared mentally.

She exhaustedly picked up her TV remote and tried to turn on the TV. The remote didn't work. She checked the batteries and saw they had exploded in the remote.

'Why would that be?' She wondered. She went to her drawer of batteries and pulled out two batteries. As she held them, they exploded in her palm.

"F**K!" She shouted in surprise, dropping the remnants of the batteries.

Rinsing off her hand, she started cleaning the leisions caused by the battery shrapnel. While she cleaned her wounds with rubbing alcohol, it caught fire.

Sealing the container and dropping the cotton ball with the alcohol on it, she tried to wash her hand of the burning material.

Seeing electricity course through the water, Sarah panicked.

She wanted desperately for the electric discharge to stop.

Miraculously, it did.

Finishing the cleaning of her wounds, she passed out in her bed, hoping that it would just end up being a dream.


"It wasn't a dream." She said, astounded.

Sarah was holding her phone just a few minutes ago. She had (understandably) forgotten to charge it the previous night.

Seeing that it was about to die, she thought of her charger and before she could get up, she felt electricity discharge through her hands and into her phone, charging it.

'I hope doing this doesn't fry it.' She thought, pulling out a multimeter and curiously measuring the paramiters of her electricity.

She measured a maximum of 1,000* amps, and 400,000** volts. Through her thoughts she relatively easily able to regulate the current and amount traveling through her to make it so she could safely charge her phone.

It was fascinating for her to be able to manipulate electricity because it should have killed her thousands of times over when she discharged so many amps.

'Must be magic.' She thought. 'That'd explain a lot.'

Deciding not to think too deeply about it, she added gym workouts to her daily routines.


Over the next two weeks, she did her job, endured her boss, and right after work, no matter how tired she was, she worked out.

She didn't give up on working out, to the point where she actualy began harming herself. She didn't care, however. She was focused on getting stronger. She wasn't about to be deterred by her pathetic body.

If her boss noticed her sudden buildup of muscle, he didn't comment. Instead, he began treating her a little more like a human being, rather than a servant.

She was almost thankful to Shawn for her sudden change in mindset. Almost.

*For reference, 100 milliamps can kill you. 1,000 milliamps are in 1 amp.

**For reference, there's about 345,000 voltis passing through powerlines. Also, that's one hell of a multimeter.

Shawn is a dumbass constant across both Faultline and Soul Reaper. He just doesn't learn, does he?

Ferneincreators' thoughts
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