

Willow's brow creased before she asked. "What were you doing with a book on necromancy and sacrificial magic anyway?"

I sighed. "It's for my private collection and no, you can't have a peak. Once I've figured out how to repair the damage the dark magic is doing in you I'll led you all the non lethal spell books you want. Until then it's hands off. As for the dark stuff like necromancy, I've been studying them and breaking the spell work down to understand every aspect of the Magic's involved. It helps me understand magic as a whole."

Willow frowned. "So you're not even using them?"

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. Though I have invented a few spells that are like some of the dark spells I've read about from their parts I've figured out work arounds that don't end up in moon baths every time I use them."

She looked intrigued now. "Like?"

I smiled and raise a hand saying. "Solutem obscura."

I vanished before her eyes and revealed myself again, canceling the spell. "It's an unique invisibility spell that was actually meant to be used for assassination and hiding dead bodies. I've reworked the spell so that it doesn't use demonic and dark magic's to corrode the minds of those I use it on."

She seemed confused so I told her. "You thought I was invisible right?"

She nodded and I chuckled. "In actuality I just made it seem to you that I was invisible when really anyone I don't use it on can see me and the whole picture. Neither of us were actually invisible. The original spell corroded the minds it was used on and drove the victims insane over time."

Giles grimaced. "Not an entirely pleasant death I'm sure."

I nodded. "That's what I do with the dark magic's I learn though. I take the evil taint out of them and find useful non volatile ways to use them. With the resurrection and sacrificial magic I'm hoping to find a way to turn it into healing magic's that simply allow you to bring an immediately diseased person back to life while healing them without calling on dark powers."

Giles smiled. "A worthy cause if I've ever heard one."

I nodded solemnly. "It's also the reason I was so angry with Dawn. Not just the severe dark taint to it but the fact is that it requires a life for a life as it is. I knew she'd have to take a life to complete the spell of it would take hers as the price. Thank the goddess that I found a rat inside the cupboard next to the potion ingredients or I'd have tried to get the poor girl to kill me instead. I'll come back some day, eventually, I'm sure but it would've snuffed the life out of her if she hadn't-"

They both nodded solemnly and I sighed. "Anyway, the point is she's no longer a child to be coddled. If she doesn't start being more careful she could very well get herself or gods forbid all of us killed."

Giles straightened his glasses and Willow nodded looking resolute now. I opened the door and walked back into the main shop area. Tara, Faith and Dawn were all sitting at the round table not far away.

Tara stood up and asked cautiously. "H-how was it?"

I shrugged. "I'm a layer of skin and a whole tub of dark magic lighter now. The skin left a red and sticky residue in the tub so it'll need to be thrown out or thoroughly cleaned."

Faith stood up then wobbled a little saying. "I heard your scream."

I nodded. "Pain tends to do that. I got over it though, hence the fresh redness to my body. Still a bit tender but it'll grow back stronger."

I turned to see Dawn trying to avoid my eyes. I sighed. "You're next lass. You need to get the dark magic you channeled out of you."

She flinched and I turned to Tara. "She needs a moon bath as it's not nearly as severe. You know how-"

She nodded and I chuckled. "Fine, you'll be showing her and Willow how to do one tonight. Take what ingredients you need, Giles or Willow one will charge it to my tab. There's a sacred spot in the back yard of the house next to Dawn's home. It's where I grow the moonlight peaches. I'll remove the trees for tonight and you can set up there."

She nodded saying. "I'll need help l-lifting the tub."

I shook my head and looked Faith over before deciding. "I'll ask Buffy to help you. She'll want to be there I'm sure. They should be back in a bit, Alice says they're done shopping."

Faith went to sit down but missed so I moved and caught her before she could fall and bump her head. She fell asleep in my arms and I sighed before carrying her to the sofa in the back office.

When I came back out I saw

Dawn was far more relaxed now so I told her. "Don't think it's over yet. While a moonlight bath is painless, dealing with a pissed off slayer isn't."

She flinched before shrugging and I sighed. "Don't pull any I'm telling mom crap either. If you want to be treated like one of us you need to face the music like one of us. You could've died from your stupidity today. You're no longer innocent either. You've killed now. It may have been just a rat to you, but it was an innocent creature. Creepy as they are rats are living creatures of nature. And you killed it with your own two hands."

She shivered from my words as tears began to form in her eyes. I nodded. "Good, at least you understand the weight of what you've done at least. Perhaps you won't end up getting those you love killed from your reckless actions."

She whimpered. "B-but you made me do it!"

I nodded. "If you hadn't done it or if there'd have been no rat to sacrifice you'd have died in it's place. Not that I'd have let that happen, but you get my point. Magic always has a cost, dark magic more so. You've played with the darkest magic out there now. Very few can say they've come out of a ritual like that virtually unscathed. If I hadn't been there to take in the backlash from the spell it would've turned you into something like a serial killer."

I shrugged. "That's if you'd have found the rat and killed it without me. If you hadn't you be dead."

She grew paler and paler as I spoke. "No, my only other solution if there was no rat was to get you to kill me. You'd have had to cut out my heart or chop off my head after I took off my protections. It would've been the only way to save your life and even then you'd be corrupted and evil from the Magic's."

She looked sick and not nearly ready to face her sister now. I nodded slowly. "Keep that in mind whenever you feel the urge to do magic without a teacher or someone there to show you the way. Magic always has a cost."

She nodded shakily and I sighed. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but the moment I knew what you were up to a bolt of sheer terror took hold of me. I worry for you Dawnie, you're a sweet kid that's yet to fully understand the dangers out there and in a town atop a hellmouth that's a lot more than just your garden variety perverts."

I rubbed her head lightly. She didn't even bulk at me calling her a kid now so I knew she understood the gravity of the situation. I sighed and held her while she shed a few tears. When she was done crying I told her. "Buck up now. Your sister is here and she's pissed. Remember, face it head on like we do, that is, if you want to be treated like one of us."

I walked to the front door and stopped them from coming inside. I pulled them both out and closed the front door before explaining everything in detail to them. Alice was rubbing my arm gently while I filled them in.

When I stopped I told Buffy clearly. "We got damned lucky with the rat Buffy. If there hadn't been one I'd have been forced to help her kill me. I don't think she'd have come back from that easily. Either way I've told her exactly what she almost accomplished and she's broken up about it. I shudder to think what would've happened if I hadn't sensed her. As for now, she's going to need a cleansing moon bath tonight. Tara and Willow will help with that while you'll need to be there to help move things around."

She shuddered herself now before shedding a few tears and thanking me with hugs. After she calmed down some and dried her tears I told her. "Be gentle on her Buffy. I've convinced her she's killed an innocent creature to save her own life. It's not entirely true but it needed to happen so that she understands the gravity of what she's done and what could've happened. Just remember your first kill, the rush of pure terror and sorrow and speak to her like you would've wanted someone to speak to you."

She nodded abashed and solemnly before passing me and heading inside. I told Alice. "Faith took it hard that I didn't want her in there with me. She's asleep now and very drunk. I'd like you to talk to her if you could. She might not understand it yet and I don't think I could explain it properly."

She nodded and kissed me lightly before skipping passed me into the store. I looked at the evening sky and took a deep breath before sighing and heading back inside. Buffy and Dawn were in the corner talking while Willow and Tara were by the front table near the gaudy fake magic baubles. Giles was at the counter speaking with a customer at the moment so I headed over behind the counter to write checks for the money for this weeks pay.

A lot has happened today and clearly everyone was a bit high strung so I might as well make a few faces smile if only for a moment.

The profits for this week weren't much compared to the last few weeks but with my severely expensive purchases and the low overhead they made a decent amount. I divided it up equally except Giles's pay and gave them approximately five grand a piece.

I handed Giles his check of fifteen grand and Willow her check after the customer left. She beamed with happiness and I chuckled a little before Giles told her the reasons for it.

The rest of the day was a blur of working magic and ward stones into the shop while transferring the engine block sized ward stone to the magic shop. I had a hell of a time adding it to the ward scheme. Magic wasn't the most stable of things especially when you're adding what was essentially a giant battery into the mix.

On the bright side some time after mid morning the next day I finished installing it so the protection spells on the shop were super charged now. I doubt I could even cause a blip in the barriers and shields even at my strongest now. I mean, if I wasn't next to the ward stones at the time.

Another good thing is that the wards now effectively covered both the shop and the apartment next door very easily so they'd be protected there as well. The wards were all intent based so they could still spar easy enough so there's no worry they'll be prevented from practicing.

I sealed the ward stones under the half a foot thick steel vault door and went back upstairs to help finish cleaning out the gym. I smacked my forehead. "Shit, I forgot to follow Buffy and Faith in their hunts."

Alice popped up with a coffee and blood mix for me saying. "Don't worry about it. Faith slept off the alcohol and Buffy was too busy helping Dawn with the moon bath. By the way Dawn was grounded for a week and Buffy's been scolded thoroughly by her mother."

I snorted. "Tuesday's."

She nodded in sympathy before saying. "Speaking of which, I've put the books in your man cave."

I smiled now and kissed her. She really was too good for me. She smiled and slapped my ass when she pulled back. "Let's get the junk thrown away. I bought a whole bunch of gym stuff for the girls to train with and I want to see their smiles when they look at it for the first time, it's going to be epic."

I chuckled and followed her to the apartment where we began throwing all the junk away at speeds that belayed our inhuman nature. By the end of the first hour all we had left was the demonic talismans and those we were keeping to be sold or destroyed at our leisure.

Next came the installation. There was a lot to do so we got to work on the biggest problems first. Sound proofing the walls and padding the floors. That did take a while to complete and by noon we'd finished with it and were putting in all the new dummies and training weapons.

The place went from apartment to dojo to Armory in the span of a single morning. When we finished Giles was the first to come over and take a look. His shocked expression was all I needed to brighten my day. I'd built him a virtual library of books ranging from the old ones to demons and finally the slayers. There was even several shelves of old watcher's journals.

In the center of the library section was a computer with all the safe books we had scanned into it. It even had a book reader and stereo system that read whatever book you wanted that was on it to you. The voice modulator app I'd designed had all the regular famous actors and musicians on file to hear it in their voices as well.

The gym part covered almost the rest of the area. The walls had weapons of all kinds hanging on them. There were even a few cursed and enchanted weapons as well, though they were labeled and easily identifiable.

Next to the wall near the library and gym intersection was a safe with my most powerful items in there. The orbs of Nezzla'Khan. They wouldn't actually make you invincible or crazily strong but they'd put an ordinary person on slayer level with truly powerful endurance and physical immunity.

I'd already studied the spells on them and duplicated them on some wrist bands for the most part. I'd had to embed the bands with diamond stones and spell them to power the magic using ambient magic from all around.

I had no more use for the originals anymore so I'd gifted them to Buffy while gifting the cross of Du Lac to Giles. I told him what was in the safe and it's combination which while it surprised him it also greatly concerned him. The last time he'd seen the cross it was used to bring Drusilla back to full strength.

As for the orbs, he'd have to do his own research on them before he made a decision either way. I did happen to mention they were from the alternate universe vampire Willow was from which intrigued him more than the orbs themselves.

That evening he brought Buffy and the gang over to see the new training gym. I went and roused Faith while healing the migraine she'd gotten from the alcohol. She had a quick shower in the back room before joining us in the magic shop's main room.

Alice was the one who presented everything as she lead the way to the adjoining door to the gym. When she opened it up and revealed what was inside both Faith and Buffy were excited. Or wicked as Faith put it.

While Willow and Tara enjoyed the study slash library that held everything we had on demons and slayer inside. Dawn was nowhere to be seen so I assumed she was suffering her punishment at home.

When Giles mentioned my small added gifts to him and Buffy in the safe I held out a box to Faith. "Open it up. It's not some orbs or a cross but I think you'll like it all the same."

She lifted the lid and saw the diamond wrist bands inside. I smirked when I saw her disappointment. "When have I ever given you a simple gift Faith, try them on and be careful."

She slid them on as I directed and I told her to stand back a few feet. "Now slam them together. Don't worry, you won't break them."

She did so and two magically enhanced collapsible swords shot out of the bands. She grinned and I chuckled. "That's not all. I've taken the liberty of copying spells from the orbs onto them so you're as powerful right now as I am in my hybrid form. Plus-"

I moved and slammed my fist into her stomach and not even a ripple appeared. "There's a type of barrier spell the orbs have on them to protect the wearer from physical harm. I've added that as well. With those on I'd need a super moon to do any real physical damage to you. Spells work all the same so be very careful what you let passed your guard."

I told her how to deactivate them and she did so before jumping in my arms and kissed me like I'd given her a ring. When she pulled away she kissed Alice for her part in the gym as it was mostly her ideas and vision that saw it completed.

Everyone else was staring with a mixture of fascination and in Buffy's case, confusion. She asked. "What happens on a super moon? What is a super moon?"

I chuckled. "I get hairy for a night. As for what a super moon is, it's when the moon is either a full or new moon when it's closest to the earth. It happens a few times yearly but the last few were new moons so I wasn't forced into my full wolf form. On a super moon I'm at the physically strongest I've ever been. In theory I should be on par with or beyond the physical strength of the average old one."

Giles took off his glasses to clean them sayings. "Dear lord!"

I chuckled and Buffy asked. "Wait, you're that strong four times a year?"

I shrugged. "On average, yeah. It's only when it's a full super moon that I'm trapped in my wolf form."

Faith snorted. "It basically means he's a beast in bed. He very nearly collapsed the house last time and I couldn't walk straight for days afterwards. Boy's got stamina and strength on most days that match's a slayers. Those nights though? I'm playing keep up and Alice is fast asleep already wore out."

I rubbed the back of my head. "Anyway, so about the walls. They're sound proof so you don't end up getting the cops called every time you practice sword fighting or sparing. The floor is six inches of padding over a simple concrete floor but it has spells to protect from damage and everything in here down to the books and walls are spelled to self repair in case of damage. Heck, a bomb could go off and so long as the main ward stone doesn't go down it'll repair and fix this entire building back to the way it started before the blast."

Xander commented. "Impressive segway."

I chuckled. "I try. Now the ward stone itself is not to be touched by anyone but myself or Giles as its extremely delicate and would be disastrous if someone messed with it."

Willow asked. "What's it made out of? Something that could channel that kind of power couldn't be your every day quartz crystal."

I grinned. "Diamond. I carved and did all the time work myself. It's about the size of a car engine and is worth more than the entire state of California."

Xander choked on the drink he'd brought over. "The huh with the wah?"

Willow herself wasn't shocked while Anya simply said. "You don't pay me nearly enough to-"

I looked at her with narrow eyes. "I don't pay you at all. Giles pays you and if my diamond goes missing not even D'Hoffryn could protect you from what I'd do to you."

Xander stepped slightly in front of her saying. "Anya, please don't think about it. I love you way too much to die a pointless death moments before you do."

I think the only words she even heard were, I love you, because she sort of went into her own little world before doing hand gestures I could only think meant sex now before dragging him off towards the library.

I turned to Giles. "Probably best to seal the basement. While the ward stones are protected with a ten ton three foot steel safe door and enough magic's to neutralize a small army or one very pissed off old one, I think it's best not to take the chance."

As soon as Anya and Xander closed the door to the library Buffy replied. "Oh thank god, if I actually had to hear them having sex I'd have lost my lunch."

I chuckled while Faith made a perverted comment. Alice told them about the computer in the library as it was now a biohazard zone. When she mentioned the books were now on tape as it were and read to you in the voice of famous movie stars Buffy screamed. "Yes! Finally a break from all the boring reading."

Giles whipped his glasses while I told her. "Not all of them are like that Buffy so don't get your hopes up. There's about ten percent of the library that's to dangerous to be put into a computer. Those you'll still have to read the old fashioned way."

I turned to Giles. "And the rest of the library has actual hard copies of everything on the computer as well. Be sure to tell Xander said computer isn't for porn as it's not nor will ever be connected to the internet. While the information on there isn't dangerous enough to warrant keeping them only on hard copies, it is still too dangerous for the general public and hackers can and will get inside it if it's connected to the internet."

Willow nodded. "He's right, it's probably best we keep it away from where others can easily get into it. Now that I think about it, is it really all safe here?"

I snorted. "As apposed to where? This is currently the most secure building in this town. There's only one other more secure building in the state and they aren't the good guys."

Giles frowned and Buffy asked. "Who are they?"

I sighed. "An evil law firm in LA called Wolfram and Hart. I had to use their services when we came to this dimension just to set up a creditable background. Sketchy bastards the lot of them. They give me the creeps and set my less than happy other side on edge."

"We met their representative again when Giles and I went to an estate auction just after the mayor went snake like. They bet on a certain item I'll not be revealing unless this planets screwed. I wanted it enough to kill the demon that beat them in a bid and even then I think they were using me to get rid of a rival."

Buffy asked. "What is it? The item I mean?"

I smiled sadly. "Our last resort in case the apocalypse is inevitable. A portal generator to other dimensions. No I won't reveal where I've hidden it and no I won't be using it for vacations. It's a very dangerous and powerful artifact that is without a doubt a get out of hell free card. If we lose, and I mean really lose, I take everyone we know and love and get the hell out of this dimension before twilight or one of the many other apocalyptic entities fucks this planet six ways from Sunday."

She seemed far more relaxed for a girl hearing about the various world destroying entities. I sighed. "Buffy, I gotta tell you now, odds are if I need to use it, you'll have already fallen in battle. The way you and all slayers in general fight, it's to up close to survive something like that. If Faith and Alice fall as well it won't be twilight this dimension has to fear. I'll burn everything down and kill every living thing between me and their killers and destroy myself in a blast of magic that'll level this plane and possibly a lot of others connected to it."

My words seemed to put a rain on her parade for a moment before she nodded. "I got it. If it's time to go, it's already past time for me and the others."

I gave her a grim nod saying. "There's hope at least. I can arm you to the teeth and fight side by side with you till the end but after that, it'll all depend on whose left standing. While Alice and I carry the Gems of Amara, they're not perfect and they can be gotten around. I gave Faith her wrist bands but again, they too have their limits. The magic that's drawn to them won't sustain them during a drawn out war for long. Short skirmishes and even several hours of intense fighting won't mean much but a war, a war would see them useless after the first day. Like all things magic has it's limits."

My words took the air right out of the room as I sighed and left them there to think on my words. I headed for the office when I heard the words of a freshly sexed Xander. "Hey, why's everyone so glum for? We've got some celebrating to do. This awesome place of awesomeness needs some partying."

His infectious words brightened their day up much better so I let it be. My words were the hard truth and they needed said but so do his. They can't think to much on the future or they'll forget to live for the now. I picked up the bottle of scotch Faith had put a pretty big dent into and proceeded to polish it off. I had classes tomorrow so today I'd get tipsy and have some very good times with my girls.

On the way back out of the office I heard them turn on the stereo system and I chuckled as I closed the door leading to the gym. The sound instantly cut off and I smiled knowing both Faith and Alice has slipped away right after I did.

I set the bottle on the counter and turned the open sign off. They were officially off the clock and seeing as how no one was in the store I went to grab the bottle and found it missing. Sighing I asked the room. "Which of you has it? The one behind the counter or the one behind the shelves?"

I heard Alice's laughter before her words rang out right next to me. "Come find out."

I chuckled and leaned over the counter landing just perfectly on top of Faith. She pushed herself up against me saying. "Not here lover. I guess you'll have to go without."

She reached for my belt and I stopped her. "Like you said lover, not here. They're in the apartment and the magic room is sealed so it's the office couch or we take this party home."

I heard Alice's voice ring out near my ear again. "Home it is. They're going to interrupt us if we stay here."

I growled and pulled myself up withFaith in my arms. I hopped over the counter now carrying her bridal style. Alice was by the door with the bottle of scotch waving it in her hand. I chuckled and followed her out using telekinesis to close the store up without the keys.

That night both of them received spankings and the leather wax treatment. It was Faith preferred pleasure treatment next to the bull whip and something that required me to hook up the sex swing we have in the closet. Lately I'm just glad I soundproofed the house after we moved in.

It had taken a weekend but it was well worth it. I sat in bed sometime in the middle of the night smoking my last joint and enjoying the after glow of sex on their bodies. They were both dead tired now and if it wasn't for magic, they'd still be really sore. I'd used the hot wax treatment before but this time Faith wanted the burn just as much as she wanted the spankings.

Both of their asses were still red and I will be cleaning wax out of the bedsheets tomorrow but it was worth it. I'd move but I don't have my Gem of Amara on and my back feels like a leopards scratching post. One of the rules in our bed is that magic that heals everything stays away. I winced as I moved away from the headboard and heart the dried blood and skin peel away from it.

Not the worst injury I've received in the bed but definitely the bloodiest. Back wounds take a while to heal unless I stop suppressing my natural healing abilities but that would be cheating and I play fair when it comes to my girls and I.

I crawled slowly and silently to the edge of the bed and slid off careful not to wake either of them up. Once I was on my feet I winced once more before straightening myself and heading to the bathroom. There I got a good look at my back and I gotta say, it certainly looks worse than it feels. I think I see a fake nail hanging out of the skin on my lower back.

Sighing I pull it out and wince once more. Yep, one of Faith's black glue on finger nails. I tossed it on the counter and headed to the fridge downstairs. I need to replenish the blood and fluids I lost from tonight's fun.

By the time I opened the fridge door I noticed Buffy was at the kitchen table. Sighing I asked. "What's on your mind?"

She fidgeted a little before asking. "Are those from Faith?"

I snorted. "How about you answer my question first and maybe I'll answer yours."

I grabbed the bottle of blood and sat at the table while she debated with herself for a bit. Finally she said. "It's about what you said earlier. About me not making it out of a battle. I've been going over it over and over again in my head and I realized you're right. Odds are I'll die again this time fighting an even bigger battle."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but I gotta ask, would you really have it any other way? I mean, deep down, when you think about it, does it matter to you when and where you die? You could die at any moment at any time by freak accident or some higher beings big plan, yet you're most likely to die on a battle field surrounded by your friends and allies saving the world one last time. When it comes down to it, I personally can't see a more epic death."

I sighed at her solemn face and said. "Nobodies life is a fairy tale and you're no princes. You're a badass warrior wielding the powers of a goddess into battle against the armies of hell. All I can promise you, if anything at all, is that you won't be alone on that battlefield."

I passed before saying. "Every breath you take, every swing of your weapon denies your enemies and their followers one last moment of victory. Where in that one glorious moment you make a stand and tell those that are watching that you and you alone decide the outcome of the battle. Will you take that breath? Knowing that when you do, those behind you take theres as well or will you give in to the pain and feeling of loss and deny those that stand behind you that one last breath, that one moment when all the hope in the world resides on that breath?"

She took a deep breath at my words and I smiled. "There's your answer Buffy. Because between breaths your allies die and your enemies take theirs. Between breaths worlds fall and gods bleed. It's because in that moment when you've decided to act when inaction means certain death over the possibility of life that we will follow you onto that battlefield."

I smiled weakly. "The last resort was never actually meant for me Buffy. If push comes to shove I'll use it to send all those behind me to a safe dimension and take that breath with you. I'd send Alice and Faith, Giles, Xander Dawn, Joyce, Anya, hell even Spike away and if I get the chance, yes, I'd send you away as well."

The room went silent and I contemplated on my next words when she hugged me. I patted her back before she released the hug. She looked down for a moment and I told her.

"Like you I've experienced death. I died a long and drawn out painful death before. It wasn't on some battlefield or saving the world. I died in something akin to a bullet train accident. And because I've died I now know that death isn't always the end. I know I'm no longer completely mortal or even human. But I also know that I'll not stay dead once I die again and that gives me strength, strength enough to send you all away and face the final moments, the last breaths, alone."

She smiled weakly and I wiped the tears on her cheek away. "There, you're no longer so worried about battle are you? I'll tell you a secret that very few people alive know."

She smiled before asking. "What?"

I grinned. "Death can only take you if you let it. It's not death that people fear in the end it's the doubt, the doubt of whether they'll be strong enough to survive what's to come. So long as you never give in to that doubt so long as you never head those thoughts, you'll never fear death and even if it comes for you, you'll be ready."

I swallowed the last of my blood and threw away the bottle before saying. "Life is a mysterious thing. It's magic after all. A force of nature. The most alive person in the world is the one just about to die. It's when those breaths I told you about begin to matter. Because each one takes the lives of your enemies instead of yours. And if you take enough, eventually you'll find the battles over and you've won."

She sighed. "And what happens after that?"

I smiled. "Exactly."

She looked perturbed so I told her. "You'll understand when you're ready."

She frowned now. "Ready for what?"

I chuckled. "To begin breathing of course."

I left her there as I headed back upstairs to my girls and the reason I breathe. I crawled back into bed and they snuggled up to me as if they'd missed my warmth. Sighing I fell asleep holding them.

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