
Chapter 12: Werecats in London

The one good thing about having a phone solely for dealing with villains (other than the fact Ivy hadn't smashed it into the wall) was that Danny didn't have to stalk many anymore. Even better, they didn't have to stalk him.

"Have to" being the operative term. They weren't about to stop doing something they enjoyed (to his annoyance).

For instance, he should've known that even though he had planned to meet with Cheetah at the London Zoo, she would decide to abduct him straight from the airport instead. Alright... so maybe he deserved that one.

"Something tells me you didn't want to see the lions," he said snidely to her and she weaved in and out of traffic. She was used to city driving, that was clear, but he questioned how much practice she had with driving on the left side of the road recently.

"Are you such a dick to everyone?" She snapped back.

"Only to kitties I like. Where are we going, anyways?"

Cheetah glanced behind them and made a sharp left turn in response, causing a symphony of car horns to go off from those driving around them. "Away from the punks chasing us."

Danny leaned his head back into his headrest with a sigh. "Please tell me it's not the Batbrats." He smiled as the nickname drew a laugh out of her.

"If it is, it would only be the tiny one." She grit her teeth in frustration and swerved around a pair of cars stopped at a red light, causing Danny to cuss under his breath. "Wonderbrat is here with Wonderbitch, I know. Saw the Blue Beetle while waiting outside the airport. I assume they're not the only ones."

"Good to know." A flash of scarlet caught his eye, and he looked out the window to see the red… figure swoop down on top of a building. "Well, you were right about Wonderkid."

"Goddamnit!" The two lurched forward as she slammed on the brakes. Danny peered up to see that a red and yellow boy was standing directly in front of their car; in a few seconds, he was joined by who Danny assumed to be Blue Beetle.

"You could've run them over?" He offered, receiving a grin from the hybrid. "Alright. Let's see if I can get us out of this." He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door so he could step out. Apparently, this was threatening enough for Wonderkid to land with a green bird that morphed into a boy. "Huh. Another quartet."

"Sir, if you could please back away from the car-" Blue Beetle said, only for Danny to cut him off.

"What are you, 12? Kid, this is my rental. Mind your own business." Danny crossed his arms challengingly. "Next?"

"Hey, mister! You've got a supervillain in there, so step aside and let us do our job!" The red kid said. Danny noticed he had a lightning bolt on his chest, so he figured this was a speedster.

"Good job standing up for your friend, Speedy." Danny laughed as he heard him complain I'm Kid Flash! quietly. "Hey Cheetah, you've been upgraded to 'super!'"

Cheetah threw him a not-so-nice gesture from where she sat still in the car, causing him and the green boy to snicker. "You, I like," Danny said, pointing at the kid. "Okay, Wonderkid, what've you got?"

"It's Wonder Girl," she snapped, "and I've got the big guns."

"Bloody hell," Cheetah muttered as she finally got out of the car, watching as another figure flew down from the clouds.

Did all superhumans take lessons in dramatic timing?

"Wonder Woman," Danny said bluntly as a greeting. He knew when to not cross a line.

Kid Flash appeared to not take kindly to his self control. "What, no sarcastic comment?"

Danny raised an eyebrow, questioning his behavior. "I tend to refrain from pissing off Amazon warriors."

Wonder Woman seemed to find his statement amusing, as he could see she smirked at his words. "And yet you accompany this thief?"

He shrugged, doing his best to ignore that a crowd had gathered around them. They were sure to be all over the internet by now. "Just doing my job. A double-amputee nine year old girl wants to meet her. Used to run races and was nicknamed "cheetah" by her friends."

The Amazon nodded her head in understanding. "An honorable task. I see no reason to impede your journey any further-" Danny had to keep himself from snickering at the flicker of annoyance that passed over Wonder Girl's face "-as long as Cheetah returns the Egyptian necklace she stole from the Natural History Museum this morning."

Cheetah only shrugged innocently when he turned to glare at her. She did hand over the artifact, however.

Well, she actually threw it at her nemesis. Not that it did anything; Wonder Woman caught it without batting an eye. After a quick farewell, the heroes were off. Danny took this as their cue to leave.

"Thanks for the heads-up on latest your criminal action," he grumbled, climbing back into the passenger's seat. Cheetah shrugged again.

"Heard you hang with Catwoman; not my fault you didn't expect it."

He crossed his arms and slouched in his seat as she started the car and shot off back towards Heathrow. "Not my fault you all are compulsive petty thieves."

Cheetah snorted and flipped her orange hair over her shoulders. "Hey, you're the one who called me a 'supervillain' a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, and it'll be the last time I ego-boost one of you."

"No it won't."

Sigh. "I know."

"Out of all the times for you to be silent, Gar, you chose today?"

Beast Boy rolled his eyes. "Bart seemed to have that one covered. Maybe he was being a bit… impulsive." He ducked his head down and snickered.

Kid Flash slouched in frustration. "He thought I was Speedy."

Wonder Girl patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. "He's not the first to make that mistake, and he certainly won't be the last."

"He called you 'Wonderkid,'" Blue Beetle pointed out from where he was seated on the other side of the table. Besides Beast Boy, he was the only one who was touching his food.

Wonder Girl's jaw clenched in annoyance at his words. "I remember."

"I liked him," Garfield said, biting into an apple.

"That's only because he liked you," Blue Beetle commented. Gar didn't seem to be bothered by the fact.

"Now I'm starting to understand why Flash doesn't like him too much. Or Robin," Bart added.

"Robin doesn't like anyone," Zatanna said as she walked by with a food tray in hand. Her commented caused all four teens to struggle to hide their laughter (because there was always a chance of Robin finding out).

In which we see me cave to y'all wanting Cheetah, the Young Justice/Titans not knowing how to deal with a smartass civilian, and Danny regretting his life choices (I'm kidding, don't worry). This chapter should clear up who the two boy heroes were in the last one (KF and Beetle). I also apologize to those who love Wally West as KF, I love him too, but he doesn't work with the mega-DCAU-timeline-merge mess I've created. Thanks for the faves and reviews as always!

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