
Ch 413:

"Actually… I wanted you to return me home… However I don't have much to go back too." Ainz says

Kyra nods.

"That was a dying earth. The destiny of mankind is the stars… they either reach it or die trying." Kyra says

"I'm no longer human… I don't have feelings I haven't slept in weeks and my morality is gone." Ainz says

"I don't know how you two have been tolerating me I mean I plotted to take over the world." Ainz says

Kyra looks away slightly embarrassed while Hana giggles.

"What?" Ainz asks

"Well, Kyra led a world war and all but took over the world. Created a new power house that's the leader of a multi planetary alliance then she retired." Hana says laughing

"It was too much paper work. I may not need sleep but I like it." Kyra says

Ainz's eyes glow in humor or Amusement

"I think I actually just felt something… anyways could you possibly change my race to something able to have feelings? Humanoid would also be nice." Ainz says

"Specify your gender!" Hana shouts

"I'm not sandstorm Hana!" Kyra shouts horrified

"Did some one say gender bending!?" A female

Merlin shouts as she teleports in.

"W what!!!!!" Artoria shouts horrified dropping Excalibur into the stone floor.

"So um could you help me?" Ainz asks

"Sure I could try." Kyra says

Everyone is just ignoring the hyperventilating King Artoria who is having a panic attack.

"Artoria is that you?" Merlin asks

"Get away from me you letcher!" Artoria shouts crawling backwards in fear as the female Merlin walks towards her.

"So what race do you want?" Kyra asks trying to talk over the screaming knight and jovial magus.

"How about something that won't completely blindside me? I still need to be able to use my abilities. Though being able to properly use a sword would be nice." Ainz says

Thinks for a bit before snapping her fingers.

Ainz shifts and becomes a tall man with a muscular build. His head sprouting long silver hair which has bangs parted to either side of his face. His eyes change from the glowing red gems and now appear like green cat-like eyes. He is wearing a long black coat with silver pauldrons, black boots and black trousers. With a massive seven foot sword strapped to his back and a single black wing visible.

"Did you just make him Sephiroth?" Hana asks

"I don't know what your talking about!?" Kyra says slightly panicked.

"I actually feel more powerful like this…" Ainz says looking at his hands.

"That would be the wing. Will it away and it's power multiplier will stop." Kyra says

"You turned the badass skeleton into a silver haired prissy boy." Hana says

"You take that back! Sephiroth is a great character!" Kyra shouts deliberately falling into the trap.

"So you admit you made him into Sephiroth?" Hana asks

Kyra groans in response.

"Uh where did Artoria go?" Kyra asks noticing the sword in the stone.

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