
Ch 312: United States exerts its Influence.

At Atsugi air base a shared air base of the JDSF and the United States Navy.

"Yep, the United States would get involved aswell." Kyra says with a nod drinking her tea.

"Well they are our greatest Allies." Itami says

Suddenly the door closes as a man walks in." We wanna thank you for moving your "mirror" to this base for us." Akihito says in his suit and tie.

Itami freaks out and bows to the Japanese emperor.

'Well, from my research of this world the United States is on a different path and the mess that is the corona virius is unlikely to happen on this earth.' Kyra thinks to herself.

"It's an Honor to meet the emperor of Japan." Kyra says with a light bow but bowing equal to the emperor.

The door opens again a woman wearing a UN uniform walks through.

"Oh my god it is you." Natalie says seeing Kyra again.

"Miss me?" Kyra says with a smile.

Suddenly the emperor puts his hand to his ear.

"I wish to talk with you after all of this, and wish to see what can be done trade wise with the prime minister." Akihito says as he turns to exit.

'They must really want me on their good side... makes sense I showed tech which could rival the US.' Kyra thinks to herself.

"My rank may be a bit low but I'm the highest they could get here so quickly." An old man with white hair an eyepatch and a slight limp says walking in.

"Poppop?" Kyra asks her voice cracking a little recognizing the man.

'How is he a vice admiral? the highest he ever got was master chief? His eye!' Kyra thinks to herself looking at what is this earths version of her grandfather slightly worried.

"I am no ones poppop girl." He says with a slight growl.

"I'm Levin's daughter!" Kyra says as the old admiral comes to a stop and does a double take on the girl.

"That's not possible Levin and Maurice died in Panama when the handing over of the canal turned violent." Richard says

"Did aunt Lily die aswell?" Kyra asks with tears.

"Sir, shes from another world maybe." Natalie says cautiously.

The 70 year old admiral suddenly hugs Kyra crying a little.

"How is nana? Nana is okay isn't she?" Kyra asks

"She hasn't been the same since Panama but she will be, we always wanted grandkids." Richard says

"Rhode Island or Maryland?" Kyra asks

"Maryland." Richard says

"I can teleport there with you after this discussion is over I have no doubt there is some official work you need to do." Kyra says

The old vice admiral nods.

"I have kids." Kyra mutters.

"Right luckily it was mostly to see what kind of person you were and what your intentions were." Richard says

"It well... I might sell some F-23s to Japan.... other than that I'm thinking cultural exchange and resources. My world right now although not my original is connected to a few others and has a lot of goods going through it."Kyra says

"We might have some issues with weapons being sold no clue how you... right probably from your world. But why would Japan need better weapons and planes?" Natalie asks

"I'm all for better gear although America supplies us with amazing stuff. There is some they won't give us." Itami says

"Well North Korea is developing nukes right about now." Kyra says

"Of course you know top secret military knowledge." Richard says with a sigh already getting used to his granddaughter.

"Knowing that is nothing like putting together the puzzle of stuff you did before Panama." Kyra says with a smile.

"That's impressive I will give you that." Richard says

"So, is this done because I'm fairly certain that our emperor, prime minister and top military officials are outside wanting to talk to her." Itami says

"Ah poppop, before you go, I just wanna warn you I'm not exactly human anymore." Kyra says unraveling her tail.

"I'm gonna pass you with flying colors because you are family but..." Richard stops as Kyra hands him an up to date resume.

"Family above all else." Kyra says with her smile.

The admiral leaves.

"Thanks for not telling him what I am.... I wanna tell him on my own later on." Kyra says looking at Natalie.

"What exactly are you?" Itami asks

"I'm a god my divinity is related to dreams." Kyra says

"I only know what that means because of my hobby you know?" Itami says before he thinks more about a local shrine before shaking his head.

"If it wasn't for my job I would probably pick up writing again. It was one of my favorite things to do." Kyra says

Itami nods.

"So have you seen initial d?" Kyra asks

Itami looks confused before realizing he's with another Otaku.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door as the emperor and prime minister come back in.

"So Natalie I'm guessing your representing the UN?" Kyra asks

"It's only like that since the mess that happened in the Sahara I got promoted. Though I wish the US military would take me back." Natalie says

"So, when it comes to the gate, as you call it what is your recommendation?" The Prime minister asks

"I could answer like a mysterious head master, but im gonna be straight with you. There are maybe a handful of things in that world that present an actual danger. it's a wealth of resources and your jets and helicopters should easily be able to compete with that worlds lower dragons and wyverns. Some of the elder ones may take some flak to bring down. Personally, it's an entire world with more than just humans. There is one main human empire that suppresses all the other races.

Your gonna get refugees and not all of them will be human. There are also gods on that world, though calling them gods is a bit much they survive off of faith power which is a slippery slope for gods since you die once people stop praying to you. Their apostles are a bit of a diffrent story, semi immortal with super human strength. They could probably compete with some of the top hunters from my world." Kyra says be

"You know a lot about them. You also know know a lot about gods." Akihito says noticing Kyra's tail

"And what do you recommend we do?" The minister asks.

"I would team with the Americans the humans on the other side of the gate are easy to villainize with the rampant slavery and abuse of power over there. Luckily they didn't take any of your citizens because I and my forces interfered. if any citizens of this country had been captured it probably would've been a fate worse than death. it's also to vast of a world to try and conquer, explore, or peace keep alone." Kyra says hinting that they should get America involved.

"Would you send people to help?" The minister asks.

"The thing about hunters is they work on a guild system." Kyra says with a smile as a tablet appears out of know where that talks about the system hunters follow.

"I got a copy of the sheet you gave the American vice admiral... could I see Koa academy?" Akihito asks

"Sure." Kyra says with a bright smile.

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