
Ch 305: There is no Victory in the Jaws of Defeat.

With Hana 1 week from entering the war.

"Liberate them!" Hana shouts as several of the fanus and human soldiers on board rush the prison camp.

The few atlas soldiers guarding the camp fall quickly to the onslaught.

"This front is finished." Hana mutters as she sits down taking a breath.


Meanwhile in the city of mistral under the cover of darkness.

"Are you sure you're okay to come with me?" Naruto asks

"Yeah mom said I was allowed to fight." Rias says

"Yeah but fighting and assassinating the leaders of a country are diffrent." Naruto says

"Well, the air fields are almost done and Mistral has lost most its war time manufacturing capability thanks to the bombing raids. Only Argus which had an Atlas garrison is left before we can move onto Solitas." Rias says

"I still don't understand why they haven't surrendered either, it's obvious they lost, most atlas troops on the continent are gone, they are still licking their wounds from order 66." Naruto says


"The war seems to be coming to a close nya." Nekra says

"Yep, Atlas has been repelled at Vale, Vacuo has been freed and Mistral is unable to enter the war with any significance." Kyra says

"And you are preparing to strike the heat of atlas with a decisive victory." Nekra says


"Atlas can't face them in the air!" An atlas general shouts.

"They beat us with primitive crafts." Another one says throwing down a folder which has a picture of F4U and SBD-3 clipped to the front of the folder.

"We couldn't even capture pictures of what they were using in mistral to bomb munitions and equipment factories." The one that threw down the folder says

"Our mantas were slaughtered in Vacuo and the Bullheads and Dropships would stand no chance and the airships from Reports just randomly exploded." Says a different general.

"It won't be long before they counter attack us." Cardin says

"We need to develop something that can at least put up a fight in the air. Give us something." Cardin says

"We could maybe refit dropships to be able to give a decent fight, and Manta's are our best chance." An atlas engineer says

"How about the rocket lockers? Can't we put explosives in those and launch them at targets?" Another scientists asks

As it can be seen Atlas is getting desperate.


"Hello, I'm looking for Miss Catalina." Naruto says closing the door of an older style tavern.

"Depends who's asking." A man asks

"I am Naruto Uzamaki, oldest son of Sapphire Stark." Naruto says

The man holds a finger to his ear before letting Rias and Naruto through.

"That was easy." Rias says

"So, may I ask what you two needed to see me for?" A woman with blue hair wearing purple and black with a white hat in a style that was seen in old American mobsters.

"Yes, we could use some help sneaking into the councils chambers during a meeting." Naruto says

"You know rumor has it you're a ninja style hunter skilled in espionage." Lilly Catalina says

Naruto smiles.

"So maybe we could work out a deal." Naruto says

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