
Ch 52: The legendary Super Saiyan.


The elevator opens up at the sub basement.

"Welcome." Ozpin says holding his cane.

"Oz! Where is the maiden!" Cinder shouts noticing Amber is not there.

"She's not in Vale at the moment." Ozpin says pushing a button on the console which locks the elevator.

Suddenly Emeralds voice can be heard through Cinder's scroll.

"Cinder! Mercury woke up! It's a Trap! It's all a trap they knew about us since the beginning!" Emerald says her voice staticky and cutting out.

Cinder looks at Ozpin.

"Yes, quiet a well planned out one. Your trapped in here with me unless you manage to beat me of course." Ozpin says.

Cinder begins to float up in the air her right eye doing the maiden thing.

Ozpin surrounds himself in his green force field and launches himself at Cinder.

The entire room is ignited in a massive explosion. Beacon Academy had an earthquake with very few people there to experience.


Cinder exits the elevator exhausted walking out to the courtyard. A massive headless body damaged of a Drake Grimm falls to the ground in front of her. Which is then followed by the head.

Bouncing off the head of the drake a girl with a blue hood, long blonde hair, and blue scythe rolls to a stop.

The pointed end of the scythe is stabbed into the ground the barrel pointing directly at Cinder.

Black particles dispersing on the blade.

Time seems to freeze no one says anything.

Cinder barley manages to into a combat ready stance as the sound of a safety being clicked can be heard.


Rewind a bit with Kyra.

"Time to level up the dragon slaying skill." Kyra says floating in the air with the Blue rose looking at the Wyvern.

Blasting off towards it she swings her scythe in a wide arc and removes its head from its body.

"That was a little anticlimactic." Kyra says landing.

"Jarvis hows the city looking?" Kyra asks

"Mostly clear Ma'am, However." Jarvis says but before he can finish he's cut off by the city's sirens.

"Grimm threat level raised to level 25. Please evacuate the city!" Is echoed all through out the city.

"That can't be good." Kyra says turning around to see a Grimm Drake.

"Oh... I thought that was a creature of Yangs nightmares." Kyra says watching bullets and laser shots bounce off of the Drakes scales.

"It seems to be heading Straight towards you ma'am." Jarvis says as Kyra starts flying up.

It Roars looking at Kyra with its glowing red eyes.

Kyra twirls her scythe and it folds into sniper mode.

Taking aim she shoots at one of the dragons eyes removing it.

Kyra flys towards the drake as it swings one of its paws at her.

"Weak spot? Where is a weak spot." Kyra says dodging under the paw and looking at the scaly stomach.

Kyra stabs the Scythe into the Drakes ass.

The sound of a whip cracking can be heard and Kyra lets go of the scythe as her vision is suddenly spinning.

Followed by a feeling her back hit something really hard. Kyra stands up to fall over with her right leg in immense pain.

"Agh!" Kyra yells in pain sitting up.

"The tail got me?" Kyra asks her self sitting up completely pissed at the dragon.

Looking down to see her leg bending in ways not exactly health.

Kyra looks into her pip-boy and stabs her leg with a Stimpack. She is assaulted with more pain as the leg begins to set itself back into place.

Kyra begins circling Ki, Mana, and Aura ready for launch her self at the dragon.

Looking she sees a giant wave of fire heading towards her coming from the Drake.

Kyra holds up her hands making a small force field ok Aura and magic to block the waves of flames.

Kyra hair suddenly changes to blonde then black then blonde again.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!!" Kyra gives a war cry in her not so deep voice. Sliding backwards from the force of the flames besides having her feet firmly anchored into the ground.

Watching the drake she can see her scythe slip out of its weak spot and start to fall aiming for that she jumps through the remaining flames shielding herself with aura.

The mountain she crashed into had a land slide as she jumped off.

Grabbing the scythe and Screaming as she swings for the drakes neck with full force knocking the body of the beast towards the beacon courtyard hundreds of yards away.

The blade of the scythe made a sickening snapping sound as the Drake was beheaded from the powerful exchange.

Kyra looks at the landing sight to see the elevator open and an exhausted Cinder step out.


Back to the present.

A shot rings out as Cinder uses her aura and hand to attempts to block it.

The bullet goes through her aura and hand barley stoping after hitting her body armor.

The scythe falls apart all over the ground.

"Oh fu-!!!" Cinder screams grabbing her hand as the blonde girl throws her fist and a shotgun round is put through Cinders head.

The Kyra's hair turns back to black with the blonde ends. While she picks up the parts of Blue rose.

"They should be in Patch by now right?" Kyra thinks to herself.

"Jarvis... I'm going ghost, run the company well while I'm gone. Don't contact me through Atlas devices use our satellites." Kyra says Taking one last look at Beacon after a minute Kyra's after image dissipates since she's long left.

Not noticing all security cameras in the area were still working.

So finals next week. I will try to get an chapter out a day for this story. And maybe a few for Fateoria. I should be back to my normal crazy uploads by Friday. Have a good week everyone. Good luck to the other who also need it.

Commonnerfercreators' thoughts
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