
Thick Tension

Anne Neville:

"Welcome to Court." There was a pause, "Warwick. George. The prodigals return." King Edward walks towards, Father, very slowly. Like a snake lurking on it's prey.

But then he pulls, Father, into a big hug. We look with caution, the we hear footsteps once again. Then King Edward pulls George into a big hug, George looking very uncomfortable. I could still feel Richard's burning glare on us.

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

I awaited as the 3 women walked into the room. My Mother and I were waiting in the room. Warwick's pawns were to meet us in there, of course to show respect. But I know that they will not show respect, maybe fear, but they are mostly proud. Especially that wife, she is proud her husband got away with betraying the King.

The Children perhaps were scared, but that did not mean I will show them mercy. Did they mourn when my Father and brother were murdered by their own father. I believe not, so I will not give them mercy for the way I treat them.

Anne Neville:

We walked to the room in which we were to meet the Queen. She had something to say to us, I was not looking foward to it. We knew the Queen hated us, and Issy fear her the most. I believe maybe she will be a little more kinder to us, then she will George and Father. But I do not hold on to that little hope.

"Your Grace..." My mother broke the long silence I long since waited to end. To show our respect for the Queen we all did a Courtesy. An awkward one, and It only got more awkward.

They were staring at us with burning eyes. There eyes as if hadn't slept for days, as if they had just faced their child's killer. "Lady Rivers." My mother again, broke the silence. But the tension was still there, I don't think it was going away anytime soon.

"I am sorry for your loss.." We were not here to show our condolences, but we had to. This was our fathers doings, and we had to find a way to fix it. But we're interrupted by a very angry Queen.

"By which you mean the brutal slaying of my father and my brother. Who were innocent of any crime in all their lives and merely obedient to their lord and King." The Queen's eyes were red. They were said she had cried for weeks. She was angry, you could tell by the harsh way she spoke, and she spoke fast as if so she didn't have to know what she was saying.

"In the fortunes of war.." My mother was trying to find a way to cover up the fact that The Queen's father had brother were both murdered by our Father. Now there will be nothing but war between us, a sorry will not be easily forgiven, if for it ever even acknowledged.

"It was not war. This was no honorable death on a battle field, it was murder. And it was treason in the eyes of god and man." I closed my eyes in hopes that this was all just a nightmare and I would wake up, and none of this had ever happened.

Father betraying the King had never happened. Isabel and George getting married had never happened. This, whatever it is, had never happened. If only live had been that simple, I would not be here right now.

Only my mother dared stare the Queen and Her Mother in the eye. Issy was visibly shaking. "Your Grace." My mother was trying to calm down the Queen but no avail. "Be Quiet."

With that I opened my eyes, and the candle right next to the Queen had gone out.

I’ve been trying to get more episodes in for you guys. I think the Tension between these 5 ladies will add fuel to the fire. Like it ? Add to library!

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