
Held Captive


Edward started heading off to London. He had been riding on his horse for a long time, he was getting colored and closer to London.

The closer he got however, the creepier, and more suspicious it got. Edward started to believe it was. A trap, and indeed was he right.

George and Warwick had known that Edward would try and escape, so they sent their men to fight off Edward's and came there to wait for him, and when he arrived they would trap him.

When Edward started getting to this one spot, he noticed Horses, and men riding them. It was as if they were waiting for him. And that is when Edward realized his plans to escape and make it to London were going to come crashing down, he also predicted that of course Warwick and George were gonna Kidnap him, and probably make him do something stupid.

"Halt!" Two soldiers in front of Warwick and George put their swords in front, blocking Edward from getting any closer.

That is when George and Warwick came a bit more closer, getting bolder and bolder along the way.

Anne Neville:

My Sister and Mother sat at the table along with me, we were waiting to hear news about my father. We were getting worried about what could have possibly happened to him.

Of course he's still my father! I have to worry about him. "Lord Warwick's Back!" When we heard the news from the servants we rushed to the windows to see what was happening.

As we looked outside we saw three horses coming back. One carried my father, Lord Warwick. Another carried George, and the Third one carried King Edward.

"He's done it, Father has The King Edward!

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

I opened up a letter that was sent to me by my husband. Just by looking at the letter I knew something was wrong. If Edward had succeeded, he would be here in my arms. But here he is sending letters. Father, and my brothers have not arrived yet so I still do not know what happened.

Hopefully this letter will tell me what has happened. The letter reads, "Dearest Wife, prepare yourself for bad news. I am prisoner, held by Warwick. I am unhurt but you are in grave danger as Warwick will come after you if he can. Your father and brothers have escaped and will be on their way to you. You must hasten to London. You must raise the city and arm the tower for a siege. For if George has a son we are lost, I love you with all of my heart. Your greatest, King Of England."

When I finished reading that letter it was as if a building had been thrown on me. Edward was being held prisoner. And I am just going to stand here and let it happen, I must at least protect my children. I will wait for Father and My brothers to arrive so that I can be fully secured.

"Antony! Thank God! We must go to London!" I was so panicked that I didn't notice Antony was trying to speak. "Sister!"

"Warwick has captured Edward and he's coming after me!" I was already sobbing, terrified of what could happen. "Elizabeth!"

Antony had a very concerned expression on his face. Why wouldn't he be we're practically in danger where we speak. "Are Father and John with you? Edward said we must go to London!"

"SISTER!" He had lost his patience while I was panicking. Antony walked up to me, as if he was afraid I might collapse with what he is about to tell me.

"Our father....and John. They're Dead"

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