
The King

3 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

"Mother why shall I have to go, can we not just send a messenger to give him the message"

"This will show our loyalty to him, he is King now Thomas and we shall show our loyalty if we don't want our heads on his wall" Elizabeth, Thomas and Richard had decided to go meet the King as he is on patrol to make amends. Elizabeth planned on Talking to him about John Grey's properties. She believed they belonged to her boys.

"Are we almost there mother?" Richard asked

"Yes darling we will go and greet the king, show him our loyalty and get your land back."

'I know it's a risk going to the New King Edward Vl asking him for my boys land back, but I have no choice.' It was taken by force, and I shall not let anything be taken away from my boys that right fully theirs. He's my only hope to getting my boys land back, and so If that means going to him and showing my loyalty, I shall do it.

As we waited we hear horses in the distance. Preparing to meet the New King my boys and I wait hopefully they will see us.

The horses soon approaching us... they stop.

"Hello My Lord, my boys and I are here to give you our loyalty.

The Earl Of Warwick then says

"Please My King, they are Lancaster supporters her husband died on the battlefield. She is just a widow hopelessly begging the king for money. Well I'm sorry widow we don't give money to traitors."

"My husband only fought in what he believed was right, so I'm sorry if that was not your side. I could not do anything but support him your Grace." 'I never expected The King to be so Handsome, his smile was incredible."

'Edward smiled effortlessly as he saw the beautiful woman before him, and her two handsome sons.'

"Boys, let's take a break I would like to know what this Lady wants."

"C'mon Edward don't tell me you actually believe her"

'If only that Earl Of Warwick would know how to keep his mouth closed.' But as my boys and I curtsied to The King, he simply asked me a question that caught me by surprise"

"What do I have the pleasure of seeing such a beautiful woman out here, are these your children"

"Yes your Grace these are my boys Thomas and Richard."

"Do you live around here" Seeing the area was practically deserted, he found it strange to see a lady around here"

Thomas answered him very quickly

"No sir, we leave nearby over there" As Thomas pointed in the other direction The King simply stared at Elizabeth.

"I came to ask for something your Grace, you see when my boys father died his land was supposed to be inherited by them."

"But the lands were taken from us, and we were forced to live with my parents. I ask if there is any way you can help me get my boys land back"

"I would love to, now I would need you to write down these lands you speak of on a piece of paper and hand it to me."

'Elizabeth had completely forgotten to bring a letter writing down her boys land'

"I'm so sorry, I've forgotten to write it down"

"Well that's okay, we can go to your home and get it"

'This slapped Elizabeth in the Face, the King wants to come to her home'

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