
Chapter 63: Never Give Up

May 15, 2022, 10:15 pm:

I haven't been the most consistent because I doubt myself and my abilities. It's not easy being cheesy either or random; I know I can be strange and out there, but I know that the Lord has made me an instrument in His hands for His purposes. I can't stop now.

It would help if you didn't give up on your dreams, either and that it's okay to dream and dream big. The easiest way to make your dreams a reality is by being patient while putting in the work. It isn't easy, but it is worth it.

I know God needs me to help inspire you on a long journey called life, and I want you to know that I will stumble and fall, but I'm not giving up just yet. I love you, my readers, and I hope you know that even though I may have been gone for a season, I will never truly leave you. Life isn't easy, but it's worth it, and going after those dreams is even more vital to your happiness.

A song says, "If you got a chance, take it because your dream won't chase you back." (paraphrased). Pursue your dreams while you still have a breath to take. Because again, your dreams won't chase you back.

Keep trying and keep doing because when you fail, and you keep getting back up, you are trying, and that's all that is required. God doesn't expect perfection now, so let the Savior keep perfecting you, for He is perfecting me. Again I love you all, so never give up; my champions!

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