
New life and new determination

I opened my eyes I wasn't expecting to be in somewhere specific to be honest maybe all that was just a dream possibility of that was pretty high maybe I was still on that road whit nearly all of my bones broken could be on a surgery table or hospital bed possibly in an ambulance.

Even infront of some God that will give me wishes I wouldn't be surprised after reading it so many times.

In Heaven Hell Limbo I don't know Asgard or Olympus not that I will recognize any of them though I pretty sure none of them looks like this.

I was in grey room whit a giant black phone floating in front of me.

Completely same as the cheap phone I just bought ony differences are It is two times of my heigt and floating.

I didn't have to be a genius to understand my current predicament had something to do whit It

I stood up and said "open"

Nothing happened. I touched to its screen. Again nothing. I looked around to be sure that there is nothing else in it nope nothing Just a grey room whitout a door or window.

I punched It.

It didn't move an inch.

' My hand wasn't hurt either so I am not in physical world maybe in some kind of mind or soul space '

' That makes me think if I am dead or just my mind is disconnected from my body because It is damaged'

I decided to inspect the phone carefully to see if I can find anything that will enlighten me about my current situation and there is on its sides there was a button yeah I should have probably looked for it before I puched it.

I had a habit of doing things without thinking.

On my defense nothing bad happened to me because of it.

Alright that was lie.

I pushed the button and the screen lit on.

There was a forest scene and together with a digital clock that showed the as zero zero.

I swiped it to the side and finally It opened the home screen.

There was just a few apps on it Six to be exact.

Their names was written just below them.

They were [note book] [messages] [phone] [status] [Transmigration] [Contacts]

It looked like I had message.

Icons was on the top of the screen so I had to jump to reach It.

Messages opened

^Transmigration Department^ was written on it.

It looked like it voice record I started It.

It started to play. A male voice sounded like as It jumped out of an advertisement talked.

"Lucky Transmigrator You are the person who was chosen to Transmigrate and save multiple fictional universes from their impending doom caused by an unknown space and time quake"

" Why me ? " I asked ofcourse it didn't reply as it was a voice recording.

" We ^Truck-kun Company ^ are apologizing for any discomfort or traumatic experience you had in transmigration. And wish you success on your new endeavor. "

And it ended. ' Yes I had a lof questions but there is no way for me to reach their answers now so I should probably check Other apps. ' Just as I was about to do what was on my mind I suddenly got an idea.

I jumped and clicked to options annd found what was looking for in It.

[Save Its Sender] Clicked on it.[Contacts] opened. I named it ^Truck-kun Company ^ and saved It. Then pressed to the phone icon that appeared beside it.

It stared to ring. I waited for awhile when I was about to give up it answered.

"Who is calling" come from other side of the line. It was a mature womans sound She sounded like She was having fun and there a loud noises coming from the background.

' Are they partying ? ' I thought. I added whit a sarcastic voice " You sent me a voice mail. Apparently I am lucky transmigrator who will save multiple fictional universes. "

'Don't misunderstand I am not complaining if some asked if me to do so I would have said yes I am otaku. But its rude to people lives irreversibly and sending them to other universes without asking much less fudging them whit a voice mail. '

She shrieked and I heard a loum tumbling

' Did she threw thrle phone.' "Hey Are there anyone "

no reply

Suddenly all noises from background got quite and someone finally picked the after half a minute.

{pov change}

In the ^Transmigration Department^

"What are we gonna do Sir ? " asked the formerly dresed woman to director in now quintened room whichs inhabitants was having the craziest party of their infinite life because they got a raise because their actions "saved " a big piece multiple multiverses.

It was quintened after learning who the caller was.

Director picked up the that got thrown away and said " Proceed "

She took the and using the formal she could muster at moment " Sorry for the wait I am Jeanette. How can I help You ? "

" Yes my is " He paused and added whit a confused voice " I don't really remember what my name was "

"That happens." She said as if its comon knowledge.

" Uum whatever Can you explain my current situation or why was I chosen for this job ? "

She closed microphone and asked to The director " What should I say ? "

He look at her as if she was stupid " Do what you should do when you are about to get into trouble because you lied or covered something up. Keep lieing and covering things up. "

She opened microphone back " I can't we are just a transportation Company "

" Can't you learn it or ask some one who knows the anwer ? "

" I am afraid I can't our clients informations is highly confidential and never gets recorded and the one who took the job First Trucks driver got thrown into pit of eternal burning because he couldn't pay his debt to ^Dimensional bank^. "

She look to the director who suprisingly looked like Jack sparrow whit his party make up and was listening to conversation.

He gave her a double thumbs up.

" Okey can't you at the least give me information about what happened these universes I am supposed to save ? "

Jeanette asked whit her lip movements to the Director can I

Director said " Why not ?"

Next chapter will be the Last one before He gets transmigrated .

Yfhucreators' thoughts
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