
Chapter 79:

Ace got home at around two in the morning, the gala had gone on for quite a while, and later on, they had had a full-on party. Ace wanted to leave, but Melissa and the others convinced him to stay. It had been pretty fun, but he was extremely tired now, luckily, he did not have anything to do the next day, and could just relax at home.

As Ace laid on his bed, he breathed out, and before he could think about anything else, he fell asleep.


Ace logged on to his computer, and checked the news, he was specifically looking for what was reported about last night's gala. And effectively, it was quite different. More than a few people had passed out drunk, but of course, there was no mention of that. All people could talk about was the great service all these stars did for the community, and how humble and kind they were. Ace laughed, watching it from the other side of the screen was certainly amusing, yet disheartening. He closed the news page, and messaged John, asking if he wanted to play. He answered yes almost immediately, and Ace began his stream once his game was up and running.

"Hello chat! So, today, I will probably be playing some with John, but I also have a pretty big announcement: I want to host a tournament. I want to host a creator's cup, the first one yet. John will cast it, of course, with someone else of his choice, and content creators can begin to make their teams now. By the end of the week, you should have submitted your team. Then, on stream, we will carry out the random matchups. It will be a basic tournament, with Best of 3s, and the final will be a best of 5. This is the fairest way, while also being optimal, and keeping things under a tight schedule. There will be multiple matches at the start, of course, but later on, as the tournament progresses, the number of matches in a day will be reduced, so that people can watch as many matches live as possible. The tournament will be going live in the newly created R6 - Tournament channel. Players will of course not be streaming their viewpoints, but will be able to record themselves, and are free to upload it whenever they wish.", he took a small breath.

"There will, of course, be various prizes and so one for viewers, and all of the proceeds will be going to charity. Of course, there will be a prize for the winner. The team that places third will get 10 thousand dollars for the team, the team that gets second 20, and the winners will receive 50 thousand dollars. Of course, I plan on hosting as many of these tournaments as possible, and the prizes will increase, as the average skill gets higher and higher. This tournament will be more of a test than anything. Every person that watches the stream for more than an hour will get a special emote, and will also enter one of the many raffles. This is a community event, and the prizes for all the viewers, I hope, will reflect it. Good luck to all the players, you may begin to send me your teams now. The teams will also be listed on the official website, as well as information on the tournament and prizes. Keep a watch out for the website, since there will be updates soon, with the brackets, and much, much more."


The stream was a success, after the initial announcement, people were excitedly typing away in chat, and Ace spent a large part of the time answering questions, something he was more than happy to do. The plan had come on a whim, as he thought of a way to support John into making a career. This was the way, he would be the main caster for the tournament, and was, of course, free to invite another partner to cast with him, Ace had already talked to some analysts that would handle the pre-game talks, so it was all running smoothly. Of course, people that had expressed an interest in participating already knew about it before the announcement, and within minutes, he had received the listings from multiple teams.

He had already linked Alfred to all of this, so he was able to update the website as needed, while also adding information about the tournament as Ace requested. People were already getting very excited, and it was a trending hashtag in the Gaming space of social media. Ace had also received a lot of questions, and soon made an announcement on his social media, informing people that they would be able to ask questions on the FAQ of the tournament website itself, and he would answer all he could. As questions poured in, Alfred answered them at superspeed. It already had all the information, and knew exactly what to answer and the way to do so. He even gave hints as to future updates on the website, and various prizes that could be won.

All the while, Ace was sitting in front of the TV, gorging himself on a bowl of ice-cream, not lifting a finger.


"Damm man, you broke the internet again, seriously, when did you get the idea?", John asked, they were skating around the park, teaching Ace some of the more intermediate tricks, since he had pretty much gotten past the beginner level.

"Well, I was thinking of the way to help you kickstart your career, and I decided on this. I have enough clout with these people to get them interested, and the chance for good PR is always appreciated. Now, all you have to do is a good job, that should get you enough coverage. If you are successful, you should be getting more than a few invites to more tournaments", Ace grinned, and John stopped, and looked at him straight in the eyes,

"Thank you. For real man, thank you.", Ace slapped him on the shoulder, and replied, "Of course man, I got your back, that's what friends are for."

They stayed in the skatepark the whole afternoon, having streamed in the morning to early afternoon, and then went to a restaurant to have dinner. By that point, CJ and Ray had joined them, so it was an absolute clown fiesta.

They had a lot of fun, and with only a few more days until Christmas, Ace was truly living his life.


Ace woke up to hustle and bustle, mind you, it was not late, in fact, it was nearly 5 in the morning, but people were already running around. Ace had no idea what was going on, so as he went to the gym and dojo for his workout, he asked Alfred.

"What's going on?"

"Well sir, as you well know, it is your grandmother's birthday, she wanted you to look perfect, so all these people are assistants that will help you prepare, they will also drive you to the venue whenever the party is to begin. YOu must remember sir, you are the hosts, and you must look perfect."

"Perfect my *ss, this is ridiculous, there must be at least 20 people here."

"23 sir, although I believe the chauffeur is waiting downstairs, and will be doing so for at least 8 hours."

Ace sighed, and rubbed his temples, "Ok, Alfred, bring the chauffeur up here, and tell him to sleep, give him the guest room and some spare clothes to change into for sleeping. Tell him I want him to be as fresh as possible. Let the house service know please.", while talking, Ace was going through his reps, and it was making him a lot more tired than usual, he should do it more often, just speak with Alfred while exercising, in order to get the most out of his training. Although by now, he was pretty much at the peak of his physique for his age. He would have to wait until his body and muscles developed and grew further in order to have any truly noticeable improvement. As of now, he mostly worked on his stamina, elasticity and reflexes, since those were things he could improve on, and would also give him a lot of improvements in the long run. He was still extremely young, but if he was able to begin making his muscles used to the exercise, it would only be beneficial, since it would make them stronger and more durable in the long run.

For now, however, Ace had to deal with a home invasion, and had to begin to get ready for his grandmother's party. His gift had already been given, of course, but he would have to plan something to surprise her with, luckily, that was his main thing, surprises.

Today's chapter, sorry for the shorter chapter, but I have a lot of things going on today, and since I was not sure If I would be able to release anything later on in the day, I just wrote a shorter one today.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and are having a wonderful day.

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
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