
Chapter 108: Strange and Shocking Tribulations

On a desolate planet in the origin verse, a gigantic golden gate was standing on the surface of the planet. There was a massive city constructed around the gate. Millions of people could be seen moving towards the golden gate or arriving at the city through the gate. Even a fool could tell that the gate lead somewhere. Oddly enough, the people arriving or leaving bowed towards the western direction.

There was a massive silver dragon sitting on a very high mountain whose peak was seemed to be cut off to form a platform. The dragon seemed to be sleeping but every cultivator would be able to tell that the dragon was cultivating and the amount of energy that the dragon was absorbing from the surroundings was so great that they would not be even able to measure it even if they tried. The dragon was so large that only his head could be seen and gave off a very oppressive aura. The dragon was Alexander and he was advancing his bloodline right now.

Suddenly the sky darkened and very massive bolts of lightning could be seen gathering in the clouds. Strangely, the clouds were concentrated above the mountain on which Alexander was cultivating. The cultivators in the city stopped whatever they were doing and turned to look at their emperor. Alexander opened his eyes and spoke, " So the tribulation has arrived."

Alexander knew that he would undergo a heavenly tribulation when his bloodline advancement would be complete. The tribulation was summoned because he was not a natural born chaos dragon and had evolved into one. A chaos dragon was a favoured child of the heavens or the world laws. The world laws were now testing Alexander to know whether he was worthy of their favour or not. The clouds rumbled and Alexander saw that all the lightning gathered over him.

The clouds were not making any sounds anymore and there was an unnatural stillness all around the mountain. Alexander mentally prepared himself for his tribulation and roared loudly towards the clouds in challenge. His roar was so loud that the earth surrounding the mountain developed deep trenches and the parts of the mountain also crumbled into dust. The clouds rumbled more loudly than Alexander and suddenly a 4 feet thick lightning bolt struck Alexander's massive body. Alexander felt a massive amount of lightning qi rampaging through his body. Alexander's body was strong enough to come out unharmed so he started to absorb the qi. Alexander felt his body growing even stronger than before.

Alexander smirked and looked towards the sky in mockery. The clouds rumbled furiously and in the next moment, 12 massive bolts of lightning struck his body simultaneously. For the first time, Alexander cursed the increased size of his body. The lightning qi was right now was frying him from inside out. Alexander's innate adaptive ability was working overtime to make his body adapt. Alexander had enough king's might to supply it for months as his subjects had conquered tens of quadtrillions of worlds in the origin verse.

Alexander sighed in relief as his body rapidly adapted to this cheating move of the tribulation and smiled gleefully as all the lightning qi was again absorbed making his body tens of times stronger. Alexander looked towards the sky in bewilderment as the tribulation clouds had not dispersed yet. Alexander watched as the clouds rumbled and this time bright red coloured bolts started gathering in the sky. Alexander prepared himself for this round of tribulation.

When the first bolt struck his body, Alexander felt his body being invaded by a scorching fire qi, Alexander was once again subjected to the feeling of being burned from inside out. After a few minutes, Alexander was able to overcome the qi and absorbed it inside his body. Alexander felt his connection to the fire element strengthening even more. Alexander laughed gleefully but his laugh was cut off in mid-way as he saw multiple bright red bolts coming down towards him.

Alexander cursed the world laws to hell for taking such a test. The tribulation was still going on and Alexander had been struck with dozens of qi bolts. First came the lightning after that bolts of fire qi, water qi, earth qi, wind qi and metal qi. After that Alexander saw the clouds disappearing and took a sigh of relief but his relief was cut short when bigger and darker clouds started gathering, even the city was covered by them. Alexander immediately ordered all his subjects to leave the planet for other nearby conquered planets.

Alexander watched as hundreds of trillions of cultivators took to the sky and left within a few minutes. Strangely, the tribulation clouds did not attack Alexander during the time, the cultivators under Alexander were evacuating the city. It took half an hour for all the subjects to leave. Alexander sensed that they had not really left but were floating in the space above the planet, keeping watch over him.

Alexander was somewhat flattered at their concern but immediaty turned serious when the clouds again rumbled and thick black bolts radiating nefarious qi gathered in the sky. Alexander squared his shoulders and looked towards the darkening clouds in determination. Alexander didn't know why this strange tribulation was happening but he was sure that he would get massive rewards out of this.

Alexander woke up to find himself inside a deep cavern. Alexander tried to move but found himself buried under massive rocks. Alexander was quite injured and many of his bones were broken but he was healing rapidly. It took him some time before he regained enough of his mental capabilities to completely remember where he was and how he had got here. Alexander didn't pay attention to the new information that was present in his head as he was feeling very tired and sleepy right now, and ,wanted to return to his kingdom immediately for rest. Alexander used his mastery over earth element to turn all the rocks that were keeping him down to dust. Alexander sneezed loudly as massive amount of dust entered his nose. Alexander then manipulated the wind element to gently lift his battered body out of the deep hole he was in.

While he was going up, he thought about the 88 types of qi bolts, his body was subjected to and these bolts were just the beginning. The tribulation had not stopped after he had tanked the black qi but had grown in intensity. Alexander had been struck with 81 different types of qi bolts after that. In other words, Alexander had gone through 88 tribulations, each containing a different qi. Moreover, each tribulation was stronger and longer than the last. Alexander had lost the track of time while undergoing the tribulation. The ground around him had given way long before and he was in a deep hole that had formed due to the aftereffects of tribulation bolts. The hole of further enlarged itself when Alexander had thrashed around in agony, in the later stage of the tribulation. When all the clouds had vanished, Alexander still had not dared to let his guard down.

Alexander was quite right in doing so as white clouds had gathered after that. These new tribulation clouds didn't rumble and no qi bolts could be seen gathering in the sky, this had made Alexander warier. His instincts were warning him that this tribulation was much more dangerous. Alexander was suddenly struck with a slight headache but he was easily ignore it. The headache ended as suddenly as it began. It took three more rounds of these sudden bouts of headache to make the weary and tired Alexander to realize that he was undergoing another tribulation. This tribulation was of mind.

Alexander wanted to curse loudly at his circumstances but another blinding headache had dispelled his thoughts and he decided to focus on the matter at hand. Alexander had undergone 33 rounds of various mind attacks which ranged from headaches to hallucinations. At the end of the tribulation, Alexander was just tired, there was no triumph feeling of overcoming his insecurities, fears or stuff like that. He had already made peace with all the aspects of his personality and there were no self-doubts present inside him. Alexander was just tired.

Alexander watched as golden clouds gathered above him and thought seriously, " After body and mind comes the soul. This is the tribulation targeting my soul. One mistake and I would be probably erased from existence or become brain dead." Alexander saw a golden bolt coming straight at him and jumped to his right but the bolt changed directions and struck his body. Alexander felt an unbearable agony as he felt his soul being nearly ripped apart.

Alexander didn't know how he managed to overcome the pain. Alexander immediately transferred his king's might to his soul with the intention to heal it. As he was healing his soul, another bolt struck which was more powerful than the last. Alexander nearly lost his conciousness due to the pain but was able to overcome this round also. Alexander then transferred as much king's might his soul could withstand without exploding, as there is a limit to how much energy one's soul could hold, in order to heal it.

Alexander realised that the bolts were making his soul stronger and clearer. Alexander soul was already very strong but now it was growing stronger. Alexander grumbled and prepared himself another round of soul rendering agony. Alexander had to undergo a total 13 rounds of soul tribulation and at the end of that, Alexander had crashed heavily on the ground. The boulders and rocks that he had found himself under, had maybe loosened and fallen on him due to the impact caused by his fall. After all, he was millions of tons in weight. Alexander let out a sigh as he was fully healed and then blasted himself out of the massive crater. When Alexander came above the ground, he looked around and only one word escaped his mouth, " Oh Shit!!!!"


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