
Order of the Fallen

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Hidden Base- Order of the Fallen)

A gigantic mechanical city was built in the middle of an empty desert on planet Xerciam Prime. 

This area of the planet was lacking in natural resources so naturally no other settlements were built nearby.

What was strange was that the city appeared to be both real and imaginary as its existence to an outside observer would fade in and out of reality every few seconds.

Of course, this was nothing more than an illusion created with the help of spatial disruption technology.

The purpose of this device was to prevent the city from being revealed on any of the scanners present onboard the starships owned by the various financial groups.

The residents inside this mechanical city were all from the same alien race. Pink scaly skin, no visible orifices, and a bipedal body as well as a whip-like tail.

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