
Chapter 1403: Sound of Decadence

The country of Ogria is an average-sized country with a population of 400 thousands humans

Bordered between a huge ocean to the North, huge mountains to the South, a large, frozen lake to the East and a glacier to the West, the country of Ogria mainly lives off tailoring, cooking and fishing.

Ogria itself is mainly covered in rivers and has a stormy climate, which has lead to a cramped population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in huge towns.

The country's landscape is depressing; dark, gloomy forests, black lakes and smelly, overgrown ponds are just a sliver of the melancholia Ogria has to offer, which is why the country is evaded among foreigners.

A part of this country was destroyed, most of the people leaving in the country had evacuated because of recent monster invasion, it has gotten worse. A clash between monsters and the soldiers.

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