
Luna's Story 2: Forever!

Snowflakes float down from the dark void that is the sky. They paint Luna's cheeks and nose a cool wet sheer and she opens her mouth to steal one that has landed on her lips. She smiled, the snowflake melting on her tongue. She drifts backward, carving into the barely frozen frost, her silhouette imprinting the earth. Another's silhouette imprinted the night sky and Luna's voice called out to it.

"What are you thinking about?" Luna's voice was loose and flowing, tumbling from her lips like discarded words, lucky enough to form a sentence.

"Nothing in particular." Comes a strong voice from the shadows. Luna shivered deliciously at his voice. Never did his voice cease to excite her.

"How boring!"

She rolled over on her side, closer to him. His face became more defined as he leaned closer. His cheeks gaining shape, his nose sharper, his eyes piercing through the blackness like beautiful emeralds.

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