
Chapter 1204: Night Walking

''Sure, you won't act like that Silveria because you are not that honest and gentle.''

''Fuck! Master don't provoke me.'' Silveria declared with her fists clenched, she chased after Alex, the two played around for a while before stopping as they have played around enough, it was time to focus on the more important things.

''So, now you will go to his castle?'' Silveria asked while remembering the last part of Alex's story.

He nodded while extending his senses but unfortunately except for animals and ruined buildings, Alex was unable to find any other presence in this ghost town.

''I need to leave this ghost town and explore the other areas. Hopefully, it won't be disappointing as this one.'' Alex said while tapping his right foot on the ground. He was itching for a fight, he thought he would be surrounded by monsters as soon as he woke up but unfortunately, there was nothing more than ruined buildings and animals. 

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