
Chapter 1163: Chaos Descent 1

In this ghost town, a beauty appeared, naturally it was none other than Lilith, the current empress of the reunited demon continent. She left her empire incognito, disguising herself as one of her personas, she was planning to slowly enjoy her adventure while chasing after the fugitive but was stopped by Alex coincidentally, a lot of things happened, the world is slowly changing so she decided to quickly take care of this. 

She pursued a trace into this city, Lilith frowned while using her senses to scan the city when suddenly she got a bad feeling, an ominous premonition, and looked in a certain direction, it was the direction the man who jumped into the abyss was.

''I shall go there.'' She decided before disappearing.

At the same time in another location, someone in a lab coat wearing goggles giggled.

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