
Chapter 792: Talk between friends

After leaving the others, Alex asked where Saeko was, and the others said she went out to train. Going to his room, Alex took out a communication stone and injected mana into it; the stone glowed and was connected to the other side.

Immediately a holographic image appeared above the stone, and Leon's face could be seen. He seemed to be training as he held a bastard sword and swung it. 

''Long time no see Leon.''

''It's good to see you, my friend. What coincidence. I was thinking about contacting you once I'm done with my training, but how would you contact me first.'' Leon said while putting away his sword. After wiping away his sweat, he sat on the ground in a lotus position. 

''How are the others?" Leon asked. 

''They are doing fine, and what about you guys?" 

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