
Tysons character

As we all know Tyson is one of the goofy friends that says things outgoing. Mostly he says the weirdest things with Bryan. But his attitude does change when he is talking to different people

He is nice and sweet when talking to girls.

He is tough and mean when talking to bullies.

He is weird and soft when talking to his best friends.

But he is overall the best friend or ideal friend everyone gets.

He is there for them through thick and thin no matter what it costs him.

He's 6'5,

With black hair,

Grayish greenish eyes,

And has a fashion sense that Xai tries to copy all the time.

He laughs at everything that isn't funny and dies of laughter when it comes to things that are actually funny.

He always tries to help people even when he can't be helped himself.

He is truly the best friend that they all love and can't live without.

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