
The long drive

*At dorm* "Okay guys so we're going to Utah for two days to go see my family is that ok with you?" Tyson gets excited, "Yea of course it's okay let's go!"

Everyone starts to pack their things and takes off on their 12 hour drive.

*In car* "Are you guys excited or what?" Kay starts jumping in his seat, "Yea of course man I've been wanting to get out of the house." Tyson looks at Kay, "Seriously it's been so long since we went somewhere."

They stopped half way to get gas and they got some fireworks for Bryan's nephew.

*Half way to Utah* "Wow it's so dark it's scary." Kay looks out the window to see the stars, "Ahhh it's so pretty."

They start telling stories while they are very close to Bryan's sisters house. Tyson looks out the window after laughing, "You guys I wonder when we're gonna get there it's just pitch black." Kay sees everything, "Look there's a cave with a light in it." Bryan looks at Kay through the mirror, "We should go inside and see it." Tyson looks at Bryan with a dumb look, "Are you trying to die?"

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