
Chapter 93: The Basilisk

"The thing in the cave is called a Basilisk. It was first discovered, and named, by my brother, John Cull. A few weeks ago, John was in the desert, chasing after an Ascendant of the Sect of Ascension who overstepped her boundaries. She kidnapped a few of our younglings and feasted on their flesh...when John discovered it, he went after her."

"At one point in his pursuit, my brother realized he was having trouble jumping…"

"Wait. Jumping?" Katie cut in. She was a good student. Whenever she had a question, she asked. "Like something was wrong with his legs?"

"No...jumping as in teleporting. You know...the blood magic where you temporarily connect two locations in space and travel across a distance in the blink of an eye? The thing you were just doing back there?" The old man raised his eyebrows as he looked at Katie like she was ignorant. Then again, she did say she wasn't really a vampire, so...who knew what was up with this girl? This happened to be the least of his concerns as of now.

"Fine. Fine. I just know it by a different name. Mine is better." Katie threw her hands up in frustration. "Go on. Tell me why we should work together to kill that big bad beast."

"Well, after slaying the Ascendant and feasting on her blood, John returned to that particular location in the desert. He realized that within a certain area, the fabrics of space become a lot tougher, and ripping through it became a lot more difficult, if not outright impossible. He wasn't sure what it meant, but he started looking into this. After all, the ability to take teleportation out of the equation can be of significant tactical value."

"It took John a while to narrow the source of this effect to the underground. Based on the strength of this null field, he also came up with an approximate location of the source. But what truly made him realize the importance of this discovery was a report he found in the archives when he was doing his research."

"A family of vampires in France reported experiencing a similar condition where jumping became difficult and extremely exhausting even for their most powerful members. Aside from the subjective opinions, the symptoms they felt seemed to be identical to what happened to John. And when did they experience those symptoms? Ten years ago, a few hours before the fall of Heaven and the disappearance of the Vampire Counts. That was the only occurrence of this effect in the archives...and likely in all of history"

"Wait, are you saying…" Now Katie was surprised. "Are you saying that the Basilisk thing was present during the assault on Heaven? Or whatever event that resulted in that?"

"I'm saying that perhaps it knows a lot more about what happened than any of us do, and we need that information." Harrison's tone darkened as he continued. "My brother immediately realized what this opportunity represented. He summoned his underlings and descendants and got ready to go underground and track down the thing that he called Basilisk. He wanted to find out what happened that made this planet into the living hell that it is today."

"The next day, he was gone. He never made that trip."

"When I and a few other family members went to investigate his disappearance, we found his entire mansion emptied. There were dozens of our people in that house, including John's wife and four children. His personal guards and other underlings were also present, of course. In the flash of an eye...they're gone."

"We never found out what happened to them, but it is likely the work of the new faction infiltrators that have been lurking inside the city."

"I discovered everything that I told you from a notebook John left in a hidden spell-protected safe, which could only be discovered by a vampire with his family blood. That's how I learned everything about the Basilisk, and that's why I decided to come down here."

"You got one thing wrong, Ms. Lockwood…" Harrison proceeded to say something that annoyed the brunette. "I didn't hire you and the War Wolves because I can't spare the vampires. No...I hired you because I don't trust my underlings and descendants any more. John did, and now he's dead. I will not make the same mistake. Even vampires may be working for the new factions to save their own skin. The only people I trust...are in this room."

"As a matter of fact, even the sentinels back in that mansion were human. Human security that I hired. Most of my people don't even know about this whole operation. Trust is a luxury none of us could afford."

"Congrats. You've proved me wrong." Katie tilted her head. The old man was suspicious, and rightfully so. One could never be too careful when dealing with the Pantheon. This was a painful fact she learned from the gruesome days she spent with Mr. Isaacs. In terms of deceptions, agents of the Pantheon were the experts. "But how do you know I'm not working for the Dark Pantheon or something? Or the War Wolves?"

"I personally looked into the history of the Wolves. Unless they have been undercover for the last five years, they're cleared. They have also been checked for possession and mind control. As for you, Katie Lockwood...you are way too high profile to be a spy." Harrison let out a small smile. "I have never seen a spy that is as aggressive and active as you, Ms. Lockwood...plus, I did my best to look into your history. I don't know every detail, but I know you were involved with the Dark Pantheon, and it didn't turn out too well for those scum."

Harrison looked around the scene of the carnage. The corpses were already starting to smell and the blood from the dead was getting stale. It was far from a pleasant experience for the vampire the same way people had no love for rotten food.

"My plans were simple. The mercenaries would take out these descendants and suffer minor losses. After that, you and the Wolves will work together to take down the Basilisk itself. My son and I will help as well. When the kill is finished, I will draw on the Basilisk's blood."

Harrison paused when he saw the surprise on Katie's face.

"You probably don't know this, but powerful and ancient vampires like me can choose to access memories from the blood we ingest. It is a complicated and extremely dangerous process. A being as powerful as the Basilisk...I don't know if I will survive the process."

"Either way, after I relay as much of the beast's memory as possible, Jake will return to our territories with the information that will hopefully be the key to winning this war and saving our people from extinction."

As Harrison said this, it was obvious he was determined to complete this task. He knew very well the danger in the operation. The Basilisk was powerful. It was powerful enough to participate in a war that shook the foundations of this world and ravaged countless powerful players. Who knew what accessing its memories by force would result in. The old vampire knew this could lead to him being driven mad or worse, but he had no choice.

He had his responsibilities toward his race and his people, and he was willing to go to any length to achieve it.

"Well, that plan went down the drain a while ago. Although, in my defense, I never knew there were this many descendants down here, nor did I know they're smart enough to set a trap. That's my fault. These animals are the children of the Basilisk. All evidence suggests that it had been down here for the last ten years, which means it had quite the time to reproduce."

"Regardless, here we are. Three vampires, against a beast from a war that crippled the world."

As Harrison finished, his eyes turned back to Katie, hoping that she would make the right decision now that she knew what he knew. If Katie stood by him, then the three of them had some possibility of taking down the Basilisk, although none of them actually knew how powerful the beast was other than that it could make teleportation difficult. The lack of information made it especially important for him to gather as much help as possible.

Katie stood there as she went through all her possible options. The old man in front of her was being honest with her, as far as she knew, but he did lie to her at first and only started confessing the truth when she called him out. Plus, as noble as his goal was, he was fighting for the good of the vampires.

From a broader perspective, there was little difference between the vampires and the Dark Pantheon or other new factions that were hunting their predecessors into extinction.

"What happens if I turn and leave? Will you strike me down?" She suddenly asked, glancing from Harrison to his son, who was slowly approaching the two, and then back at the old vampire again. "What if I just walk away? I mean...I'm not really a vampire. I am not responsible for the survival of your people. And if the new factions want to hunt me down, well...I would like to see them try."

The best part of being a masochistic immortal: she wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. What could the Dark Pantheon do to her? Imprison her? Torture her? Kill her? To say that she welcomed them was an understatement. She didn't have to do anything that she didn't want to. It was the ultimate freedom.

"If you wish to leave, then so be it." Harrison said slowly. "Jake and I will continue with our task with or without you. It will be unfortunate, but what you do is your own choice."

He had no intention of going after Katie by force before taking on the mysterious Basilisk. That would be the very definition of stupidity. Plus...

Katie raised her eyebrows. Come on...why is everyone around her making so much sense and being so reasonable? She turned to the tunnel and started walking while keeping an eye on Harrison's response, just for the kicks of it. One step. Two steps. The vampire did as he promised. He didn't try to stop her from leaving.

Finally, Katie stopped walking. Yeah...there was no way she was walking away from a fight as exciting as this one. Plus, she would love to find out more about what happened ten years ago. If nothing else, it would be entertaining.

Harrison grinned as well. He knew it. From the information he collected about Katie, the girl was always itching for a fight. Also, she was one of those people who it was better to play nice against. Try to force her to do anything and it would only backfire.

That was when, right as Katie was about to turn around, Jake pulled out a controller from his pocket and raised his voice.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you, Ms. Lockwood. Not unless you want a hole in your chest."

Harrison's expression turned pale as he snapped to his son in horror. He told Jake he would handle this! He turned even more horrified when he realized what Jake was holding up.

"It's the trigger to a pack of N5-X nano-explosives." Jake continued as Katie slowly turned around to face him. "These are some prizes I collected from a Section U facility we overran. Tiny things that pack quite a punch. I had my servants mix these explosives into your food last night. They're inside you right now, and all I have to do is press this trigger to end your life."

The first to answer his threats wasn't Katie. It was Jake's own father, who snapped at him in fury.

"How come I was not made aware of this?" He demanded loudly. "I had this under control!"

"The fate of our entire race is at hand here." Jake tried his best to defend himself. "I will not leave the fate of everyone I know to her choice!"

The interesting thing was that both Jake and Harrison knew about Katie's personality and her love for trouble. After all, Katie wasn't really discreet since she arrived in Los Angeles. The difference was that Harrison played it nice and hoped Katie would be too tempted by what he told her to leave. Jake, on the other hand, was a lot more aggressive. He didn't want to hope Katie would make the right choice. Instead, he decided to force Katie's hand.

He was still too young compared to his father. If only he had waited a few more seconds, everything would have been different.

Katie tilted her head as a wicked smile climbed onto her face. She slowly approached Jake with murderous intent in her eyes. The young vampire bit his lips nervously, now remembering the trail of bodies Katie left behind her. He knew all too well how dangerous the woman was, but believing he was doing what was best for his race, Jake stood his ground and doubled down on his threats.

"I know you can heal, Katie. So can I. But I doubt that healing capability will come in too handy when your entire body is blown to a thousand bits. Not even the most powerful vampire can survive a blast like that from the inside." He gulped.

Katie didn't care about his threats as she kept on advancing. Suddenly, a puff of red smoke consumed her form. The Culls were both taken back as she disappeared. Suddenly, Harrison was the first to snap to the side, where his son was standing.

"Behind you!" He called out while forming a blood danger with the stale blood of the corpses all around them. At this moment, he had no choice but to step in and protect his son.

Jake did his best to react. Blood condensed behind him and formed a shield. The younger vampire himself tried to jump away to safety. That was when Katie materialized behind him. In one swift move, her arm reached out, slammed into the blood shield, and cracked it in one brutal blow. Before Jake could react, Katie grabbed onto his collar and yanked him toward her, preventing him from fleeing.

Katie wasn't nearly as familiar with blood magic compared to the Culls, but she was so much faster and stronger than the two.

Harrison's eyes widened and sent the blood dagger forward. It crashed into Katie's side and cut a deep wound in her. It was a mortal wound for most, but just a flesh wound for Katie. With himself held up by the collar, Jake made one last effort to tap the control and ignite the explosives. Unfortunately, before that could happen, Katie pulled the remote device out of his hand, disarming the younger vampire.

Instead of killing Jake, Katie blinked again and reappeared a distance away from the Culls, who were surprised to realize both of them were perfectly fine.

The two turned to Katie in surprise.

That was when Katie did something even more surprising. With one swift move, she did what Jake tried to do and pushed the trigger.

With a muffled explosion, the nano-explosives in Katie's stomach went off. The explosives were designed to rip its victim's body to shreds, but Katie's flesh and bone alike were a lot more durable than most. All the explosives did was blast a giant hole in her midsection, reducing her heart, stomach, liver, and a number of organs into a bloody mist.

The explosion knocked Katie off her feet. She fell over onto the bloody ground. The two Culls exchanged a look. What the hell just happened? Even Jake Cull merely wanted to intimidate Katie with the control! He never actually wanted to kill her!

That was when they saw it. Slowly, organs grew back into place, followed by bones, flesh, and skin alike. Katie didn't even draw energy by draining the blood around her. All she did was utilize the energy from the pain she felt, and that was enough to fix her.

"Well, that stung." As she stood back up with a significant part of her tank top ruined, Katie glanced at Jake Cull. The shock on the younger vampire's face was clear as day to her even in the darkness of the underground dwelling. The brunette grinned and offered him her prayers. "I hope you survive this fight, Mr. Cull. I really do. But for now..."

"We've got a monster to kill."

The Cull exchanged another complicated glance. This Katie Lockwood was even more eccentric than anything they have imagined. The things she did just didn't make any sense from a logical point of view. After all, what was the point of triggering a bomb in your stomach after it is no longer a threat and you already have the trigger in your control? And who in the world would tell their ally 'ok, at the end of this fight, I will kill you? If there was one word to describe Katie, it was 'wild'.

Still, the two of them had no choice but to work with Katie, for now. Katie might be terrifying, but the Culls needed her if they wanted to stand a chance against the mysterious Basilisk. As for her promise to kill Jake afterward...Harrison had no choice but to watch and see how things turned out.

Slowly, the three vampires approached the cave that housed what appeared like the lone survivor from the ancient war.

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