
Tidal Pools

The Problematic Team was split into two lifeboats. Some members were tasked with defence while others were responsible to row towards their destination. Gu Jun was one of the latter. Without any training, Gu Jun only knew how to apply brute force to the paddle. His muscle soon felt sore. Staring at the swamps by the shoreline, he wondered if Jack Wales had experienced the very same thing… 

Xue Ba, Lou Xiaoning and Malachite worked beside him. Wu Siyu, Uncle Dan and Peacock guarded the horizon with their guns. Deng Ximei sat silently in the middle of the group. Around them, more than 10 lifeboats proceeded to their destination in this prehistoric manner. The Shearwater Team strived to lead ahead. The male members threw everything into the rowing exercise. It was clear that they wanted to be the first team to land. 

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