
The wedding of ye Mei and LAN quan 9

Leng Yejin did not say anything. He looked downstairs and saw a large entourage of bridal escorts driving into the hotel. He could not see the end of the cars. How many cars did lanquan resort to renting just to fetch the bride?

when this is over, we'll also take our wedding photos as soon as possible and complete the wedding as soon as possible.

don't lie to me. My parents and your parents have already agreed that the wedding will be held after grandfather's death. Tong Lu wrapped her arms around Leng Yejin's waist tightly. "Let me tell you, if you act rashly and something really happens to you, I'll immediately remarry. It's not my first time being a widow anyway."

"What did you just say?" Leng Yejin narrowed his eyes and said in an intimidating tone, " "Try saying it again!"

"Then don't take any risks."

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