
EPISODE 139: Hopscotch Evolution Battle!

The Showdowns are about to begin! Eight pairs remain, and only one can challenge the Elite Four! Who will that pair be?

"What!? Your last opponents used a Magikarp and a Feebas!?" Glade beamed with shock and surprise.

"Yup! We defeat them in one blow! Right Riolu." I beamed with joy while rubbing Riolu's cute little face.

"Well that was unexpected... I guess we're gonna battle soon, that's if, if we pass the Quarter duels of course." Zhery charmed and beamed with determination and exuberance.

"Oh yeah... Arc and Krill also made it to the quarter-duels." Camellia uttered and shivered with fear as she took a bite from her cheeseburger.

"No worries! We'll defeat the both of them soon! All we have to do is to do our best!" I reassured and smiled as determination filled my body.

"Arc and Krill are part of room one, so we know how they battle. They're extremely over-powered, like literally! Arc's Blaziken can mega evolve, looks like he's yearning for vengeance." Zhery warned.

"..." I swallowed my saliva heavily as my confidence started to descend. I never knew that Krill would be this serious when it comes to vengeance. I won against him in the last battle competition, and now? Victory is like walking through a foggy forest.

"Arc's Pokemons are also powerful, especially his Chesnaught," Glade warned.

"Chesnaught? Isn't that the final evolved form of Chespin!?" Camellia questioned.

"It is... Chesnaught's attacks are powerful, watch out for his Bisharp as well. Guillointine is a one-hit K.O attack, he could end all your Pokemons at once." Zhery warned.

"Th... There's nothing to worry about... We still don't know who we're battling next." I beamed with sarcasm while trying to boost my confidence.

"We've got this Kalem! Choose me against Krill and Arc!" Riolu begged.

"S... Sure, but I was planning to use Gardevoir since she's a counter against Blaziken's mega evolve."

"Kalem... I barely enjoyed the last match! Please let me fight... I won't let you down, I promise!"

"Fine... I'll be counting on you Riolu! I'll be using Gardevoir on our other matches instead." I sighed and facepalmed.

"Bravissimo! That was a splendid performance!" Alice entered the room and complimented us.

"Oh hey, Alice! It's nice to see you. Is lunchtime over? Cause I'm incredibly excited!" Zhery beamed with exuberance and vibrancy as sparkles glowed from her eyes.

"Yes, I was about to call the four of you to enter the battle stage," Alice explained.

"Finally! We get to see who we're up against!" Glade beamed with excitement.

"The whole Kanto and Laurenburgian Elite four are rooting for you! The four of you are truly special trainers. Never have I seen such power and bond with your Pokemon, I am happy to battle whoever wins from the four of you." Alice smiled and beamed with joy.

The last eight pairs entered the battle stage! Each bearing excitement, curiosity, exuberance, vibrance, and determination! It's time for our names to be shuffled.

"Welcome back to the Pokemon Tag Battle Frontier! We are now officially in the showdown rounds! Please welcome, our top eight duelists!" Scott announced as he lifted the crowd's joy and exuberance. The eight sync pairs including me of course, waved to everyone with our big smiles!

"Only four shall proceed to the Semi-duels, and the last two shall proceed to the finals! Trainers and competitors alike, please look at the big screen!"

The screen began to shuffle our names and pictures. Everyone was silent for a moment as their attention focused on the big screen hanging above the stage.


[Faerill and Rea] vs [Joshua and mark]

[Zeal and Zoll] vs [Clover and Bob]

[Arc and Krill] vs [Holland and Verzua]

[Camellia and Kalem] vs [Glade and Zhery]

"We're up against Glade and Zhery." Camellia's excitement turned into anxiety as her eyes twitched in front of the big screen.

"We can handle this Camellia! If we lose, then we should accept it. If we win, then let's be thankful." I reassured and comforted.

"Well... you have a point, but I'm still not used to battling our friends. Hehe."

"Just imagine that Zhery and Glade are different people. They won't hold back and neither shall we! I'm going all in." I beamed with determination as my eyes blazed with fire.

"Lucky us! We're up against Kalem and Camellia right from the start! I'm ready." Zhery beamed with excitement.

"The first round is about to begin, we ask all the second to fourth matches to proceed back to your room. First matchers, please proceed to the sides!" Scott instructed.




"Let us welcome the fourth match of the Quarter duels. Who will proceed to the top 4? The referee of this match will be Alice, Laurenburgian's Psychic queen!" Scott announced as the crowd cheered for Alice's name.

Alice stood up and waved at the crowd as she slowly walked forward to the stage with elegance and vibrance."On my left, we have a sturdy duo... their bond with their Pokemons are remarkable! One of them is the daughter of the champion, I give you... Zhery and Glade!"

"On my right... we have two powerful duos with great battle strategies, will they be able to defeat the daughter of our champion!? Let's give it up for Camellia and Kalem! It looks like the four of them have been friends for a long time, how will their rivalry shape? The answer is to come!" Scott announced as we and our opponents walked with confidence to the sky.

"Hey... I'm not holding back!" Glade smiled and warned.

"Neither am I! For now, we're rivals." I beamed with excitement.

"I guess this is a rematch huh? You defeated me last time, I won't allow you to defeat me again!" Zhery beamed with excitement while spinning her Pokeball on top of her index finger.

Camellia was too worried to speak, she swallowed her saliva heavily as sweat fell off from her face. Glade is strong, Zhery is strong, what happens if you combine the both of them? The product is... I don't know either.

"Oui! I get to watch the four trainers I idolize battle! Bonne chance à tous, I'll surely enjoy the match." Alice smiled and cheered for all of us. The Elite Four and the crowd paid attention to our match.

"Ze rules are simple! I want a fair match from of all you. Please send out your Pokemons!" Alice instructed.

"Simisage, roam the volcanoes with me!"

"To the hoops of success, I choose you Buneary!"

"Master of Illusion, stay by my side, and uphold the wisdom of twilight darkness!"

"The ghost of maiden's peak, the ghoul of terror and apprehension, Misdreavus, dread their sorrows and turn it into nightmares!"

"Let ze battle begin!" Alice proclaimed.





"Ah! Little Zorua has evolved." Ms.Beatrice beamed with joy while hearts filled her eyes.

"Zoroark, use Night Daze on Simisage!"

"Simisage, dodge the attack then use Fire Punch!"

"Not now, Zoroark uphold Simisage's burning fist then kick him back!"

<Zor! Zor!>Zoroark ran swiftly like a wolf hunting for its prey! Fire punch was countered and intercepted by physical responses.





"Alright Misdreavus, use hypnosis on Simisage!"

"Wait... Misdreavus knows Hypnosis!?" Glade and Zhery beamed with shock and surprise.

"Surprise! We knew that the only way of defeating the both of you is through a status condition, now use Shadow ball on that sleeping Simisage, Misdreavus!"

"Oh my! Simisage has fallen asleep, it was followed by a powerful shadow ball!"

Simisage[200] Sleeping!




"Quick Buneary, use double hit on Zoroark!"

"Dodge the attack Zoroark, then use Night Slash!"

<Zoroark!>Zoroark giggled and rushed behind Buneary but Buneary also dodged the night slash!

"Great Buneary, now use double hit on Zoroark!"

*Zoroark was hit four times! As Buneary kicked Zoroark, she began to glow!*


Simisage[200] Sleep



"Oh my!? Looks like we're witnessing an evolution!" Scott announced as his eyes were in awe.

<Bun! Bun! Buneary! Lopunny!>Buneary evolved into Lopunny.

[Lopunny currently knows four moves: High Jump Kick, Sky Uppercut, Thunderpunch, and Power-up punch!]

"Thanks for the information Pokedex." Zhery beamed with determination and excitement as Simisage woke up!

"Oh no..." Me and Camellia uttered softly as we started to worry for our Pokemons.

"Great Lopunny, use High Jump Kick on Zoroark!"

"Simisage, use Flamethrower on Misdreavus."

*Lopunny kicked Zoroark in the chin which sent the foe up to the sky! While Flamethrower dealt maximum damage on Misdreavus.*





"We're not giving up yet, Zoroark use Throat chop on Lopunny!"

"Protect Lopunny Simisage, use Arm Thrust!"

"Misdreavus use Shadow sneak on Simisage!"

*A shadow crawled behind Simisage and attacked from behind. Simisage got distracted and canceled his fire punch attack! Zoroark was able to use Throat chop on Lopunny.*





"Lopunny, use High Jump kick on Zoroark!"

"Zoroark that's it! Use night slash on Lopunny's foot!"

<Zor! Zoroark!>

"Oh my! It loos like Lopunny has been paralyzed!" Scott beamed with shock and surprise as the attention of the crowd goes to us.

"Simisage use Flame thrower on Misdreavus!"

"Zoroark, protect Misdreavus, and counter Flamethrower with Flamethrower!"

*Simisage's flamethrower was more powerful than Zoroark's! Zoroark's flame thrower was pushed back.*




Lopunny[100] Paralyzed.

"Oh no... Kalem's Zoroark is about to faint." Camellia beamed with worry.

"Finish Zoroark with Fire punch!"

"Misdreavous, protect Zoroark then use Shadow sneak!"

*Misdreavous blocked Zoroark as a shadow from behind kicked Simisage. Fire punch missed!*

"Thanks Camellia!"

"You can count on me Kalem!"





"Lopunny I know you can do this, battle your paralyzed leg and rise!"

"We have to attack them before Lopunny rises again. I'll be using a Z-move Camellia!"

"Go ahead Kalem!"

I switched my Z-crystals from Fightium to Darkinium Z! My Z-crystal started to glow together with my passion to strive and win!

"Zoroark... Master of illusions, stand by my side and no one else will dare to fight! I call upon the twilight darkness, bring forth power to the master of illusion! Use Black Hole Eclipse!"

"A powerful Z-move! A large black hole formed at the sky, as it sucks the foe inside!" Scott leaned forwards as his eyes dazzle across the move together with the eyes of the elites and the crowds behind us.



"Bravissimo! The battle was amazing, amazing indeed! The winners are Kalem and Camellia, they are now part of the semi-finalists!" Alice beamed with excitement and joy.

"That was an awesome battle Kalem. Congratulations."

"Thanks, Glade, you and your Pokemons were amazing as well!"

"I guess you defeated me again Camellia."

"Hee-hee, sorry if you lost. At least your Buneary evolved!"

Rivalry turns back into friendship as we shook each other's hands. One more tough opponent remains... Krill and Arc!

"That concludes our quarter-duels! We shall now move on to the Semi-finals, here are your sync pairs:

[Arc and Krill] vs [Joshua and Mark]

[Kalem and Camellia] vs [Rea and Faerill]" Scott announced as the crowd began to cheer for their favorite pair.




"The winner of the match is Arc and Krill, they shall now move on to the final duel! Who will be their final competitor!?"


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