
Rose petals are meant to be tossed from dusk till dawn (1)

"You can't bail halfway," Malfoy threw his hands and contested, "Come on, we have to keep going."

"No way I can keep spinning without a break," I shook my head and walked off to the side, "Let me get another drink, then I'll be right back."

"Am I suppose to dance around myself here then?" Malfoy followed me and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His ever neatly combed and styled blonde hair was now messy and the top three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. I had no idea how long we've danced, but the music was only getting louder and the crowd was getting more and more excited.

"More firewhiskey?" I poured another two shot glasses and handed him one.

"How many shots have we taken?" He asked as he took it over, "Should we stop?"

"I've lost track many shots ago," I had to yell over the loud music and chatter. I felt lightheaded, but I was happy. Perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was the surprisingly positive atmosphere, or both, "Stop drinking would be a wonderful idea so that we don't get severe hangovers tomorrow."

"But?" He swirled the whiskey around.

"But screw that," I clinked my shot glass with his, "This is the best party I've ever had."

"That's my girl," He laughed, and was about to chug the liquor.

"Wait," I stopped him, "We are going to drink with our arms intertwined."

"Sure," He concurred, "You want to give a toast?"

"Sure," I mimicked his tone, then I cleared my throat, "Okay. I would like to propose a toast to the drunk Malfoy who stopped giving a damn about grammar and eloquence."

"Only nerds use the word eloquence," Malfoy frowned as if he was disgusted by an exquisite word that he would definitely use when he was sober, "Give me a break, Hermione."

"Quiet, I'm not done yet," I shushed him, "And to our bright future together. No more triviality, and more openness. No more Ron Weasley or Pansy Parkinson. From now on, it will only be about us."

"To a wonderous future," He said as we took our shots simultaneously.

It was a wonderful moment. The Irish jig music continued on, it was another round of tireless dancing and partying.

"Let's go," Malfoy grabbed my hand, "Time to go again."

"No, no, I need to cool down a little," I shook my head, "And get some water. Cut me some slack, I'll go for the next round."

"Fine," He fake rolled his eyes. He squinted and scanned around before he looked being my shoulders, "You, Greengrass, you are going to stand in for Hermione in this round."

"Nobody answers to your demands except Parkinson, and that's because she wants to be your lap dog," Daphne Greengrass rose her eyebrow, "You can take my little sister instead, she can benefit from some swinging around, she's been standing here like tree for the past hours."

"Daphne," Astoria Greengrass said embarrassedly, "Don't talk about me like that."

"Good for you for following the no underage drinking rule," Daphne patted on her younger sister's shoulder, "But dear, please, I started feeling bad about bringing you here. Maybe you'd be better off to that stupid Gryffindors' party, I hope they have some apple juice for you. No offense."

"None taken," I curled my lips and threw my hands.

"Daphne!" Astoria raised her voice a little and her face turned even redder, "Alright, I'll stand in for Hermi—Miss. Granger this round. But promise me that you are going to stop talking about me like that."

"You can call me Hermione," I smiled at her.

She only had a brief second to smile back and me before Malfoy pulled her to the dance floor. I poured myself some water and stood next to Daphne, watching them swing. At first, she was a little stiff around Malfoy, but as the music went on and the dancing sped up, I was glad that she slowly became relaxed.

"That girl," Daphne said, "She's just so shy. She begged me to bring her here after I said you might come."

"What?" I was about to drink the water, but my motion stopped mid-air.

"You heard it right," Daphne grinned, "She adores you. Ever since after the war, she can't stop talking about you. She and I went on a campaign to get those judgemental bastards who still hold the prejudice against muggles and muggle born wizards and witches to change their stubborn minds. Sadly, that didn't turn out as well as we wanted, but at least we tried. Oh, remember that time you came to the Slytherin common room after a Quidditch match? Astoria was there, but she was too scared to go talk to you."

"I'm flattered," I said in surprise, "That was unexpected. I thought she'd be more interested in Malfoy."

"Why? Because she's a Slytherin girl, and all Slytherin girls are like Parkinson, who's obsessed over the one and only Draco Malfoy?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant," I realized how misspoken I was and hurriedly trying to save myself.

"Ha, I'm just messing with you, don't take it seriously," Daphne nudged my arm with a sly smile, "Don't worry, nobody is trying, or wanting to steal your dear Draco from you. Except Parkinson, I guess. However, trust me when I say everyone is rooting for you. Now drink your water."

"That's also not what I meant," I said quietly, took a sip of the water but immediately spat it out, "This is not water, this is vodka. What kind of sick person would put vodka in a water jug?"

"Welcome to the Slytherins' party where we even have the muggles' hard liquor," Daphne opened her arms before she put her elbow on my shoulder and winked, "Different from what you are used to, am I right?"

"Totally," I tried to sound serious, "Is it even possible to find water here?"

"That question makes the two of us," She attempted to act sombre as well.

We stared into each other's eyes, and that short-lived solemnity soon turned into laughter. Standing next to each other, talking while watching Malfoy and Astoria, Daphne Greengrass and I managed to get along. It was as if a void in my heart was being slowly filled again.

It was almost like I miraculously managed to make a new friend. A fresh start.

"Thank you for your time, young Greengrass," Malfoy said after the song was over and he was once again, standing next to me with his arm around my waist.

"No, thank you," Astoria was back to her shy and quiet self, "It was my pleasure."

"We are at a party, for Merlin's sake," Daphne protested, "Drop those stupid manners, people."

"Whatever you say, Greengrass, all I heard was white noise," Malfoy teased, "Now, if you can excuse me, I'm stealing the famous Hermione Granger from you, we are going outside to get some air."

Daphne Greengrass waved at us while her younger sister nodded.

The chilly, fresh February air cleared my head in no time. I took a deep breath and felt more alive than ever.

"I see that you are enjoying the party?" Malfoy said as he held me close.

"Thank you for brining me here," I said gratefully, "It's a good change of scenery."

"I hope you befriended Greengrass while I was away," He said with a smirk, "Though in my eyes she doesn't have much redeeming qualities, but I gambled and assumed you'd like her."

"Was that the reason you went to dance with Astoria?" I squinted.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation," He said cunningly before he gently kissed me on my forehead.

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