

I brought my hand up to my face as I entered the nearby forest. What is that word I'm thinking of.... happiness? It had been so long since I thought to use it to describe something related to me, but this is definitely happiness.

"Our hero...", I mumbled.

She definitely said that... to me! No one else was around besides her and Reen, I double checked. It must of been me right? Should I have stayed? Was she sad that I left? I can still go back.... wait no, calm down. I shook my head again, ah there it is. That momentary happiness had clouded my judgement.

Looking at it rationally, it was probably just something she did on a whim since I refused to take the original reward after talking with their Chief. Yes, they were just running high on adrenaline and were like me. So happy to be alive that it clouded their judgment. That seems... far more reasonable. It is a good thing I didn't act on impulse and run back. It would of only gotten their ire and destroyed my cool exit.

After her words about me being some sort of... hero was it? I ended up just giving the two a nod and walked toward the forest to meet up with the zombie. Non-verbal communication seemed far more doable. I should try that more.

I continued walking forward, toward what I felt to be the zombies position. I'm guessing since I created it, it was attached to me some how, which gave me a vague sense of its position. I soon found it up ahead, standing in a small clearing. It looked directly at me as I approached.

As I got closer I saw something hanging in its mouth, it looked to be an ornate necklace. I remember the bandit leader wearing that... I guess it must of gotten stuck in the zombies mouth as it chomped down on him.

"Give me the necklace."

It ripped the necklace from its mouth and handed it to me. It was a bit... bloody. I tried to ignore it as I jammed it into my pocket. It might be worth something, who knows how long the money Yema gave me would last? I looked in the pouch again. 25 bronze coins and 3 silver coins. I have no idea how much this is worth.

What should I do next? I can't go back to the village. In trying to be cool I didn't even ask for directions or information from Yema.

"I'm a fucken idiot."

My stomach chose that moment to groan. I have money... but nowhere to spend it. I don't know how to hunt or live off the land... this is going to be the shortest Isekai ever. Looking around I see through to a path outside of the forest. I can see the road that connected to the village.

I look at the zombie, I'm not nearly as disgusted or horrified this time. Guess I'm getting used to it a bit? I have no idea how long this guy will last, but hopefully it lasts long enough to get to another village, town, or city.

"Follow me. Protect me."

I jerked my head toward the direction of the road as I started forward. I really hope the next place doesn't require identification...

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