
Return to Eternal Slumber

After a few moments of silence, I decided to go with the truth. I don't think I have the ability to convincingly lie anyways. I couldn't handle the woman's intense stare, so I decided to look at the girl. She seemed less intimidating.

"I was pas-sing by when I saw you two being attacked. The man...Daniel... was already dead. I used magic to get him to help fight them off."

That went better than expected, I only stuttered once. It seems I can sort of have a conversation with this girl, though my voice was still extremely low.

"Will he be like this forever?"

The woman asked after I finished my explanation. I forced myself to look at her face, it looked sad and worried. She probably was wondering if I was going to make him my undead minion forever. I honestly don't know how long the spell will last, but I do know that I can release him. Those words also came to my mind when I learned "Arise and serve me".

She seemed to be holding her breath, apprehensive since I had not replied yet. I forced myself to look at her before speaking.


Even one word is too hard huh? I could see relief on her face as she looked at me, her look becoming slightly more amiable. Hmmm this feeling isn't so bad.

"Then when will you..."

I had already turned toward the zombie... no... Daniel. I turned toward Daniel, cutting her off as I spoke.

"Return to the eternal slumber."

Again I heard unknown words coming out of my mouth as I saw Daniel slightly shake, and then collapse on the ground, like a puppet with its strings cut. I could of sworn I saw his lips curl ever so slightly before he collapsed...must of been my imagination.

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