
Senseless cruelty

Senior Pai knew Zhao Fanyu when he was a newborn. They weren't the closest of friends but their relationship was not different from true brothers.

"Don't worry about me," he said with unwavering determination, not batting an eye when Peng Jipei pressed a dagger to his neck.

Zhao Fanyu was not so unwavering. But he hid his panic behind a straight face, not yet believing that this Hidden Mist boy was capable of senseless cruelty. The Wayward Sect Leader kept his voice calm and asked, "Why are you interested in the Ten Thousand Eternal Star Bead?"

Peng Jipei was without mercy and did not hesitate when he cut into Senior Pai's throat, "That's not what I asked!"

Wet gurgling sounds came out and further down the row, Zhao Weiwei screamed, echoing the fear that fully bloomed in Zhao Fanyu's heart. "Stop this! You're being senseless!! There's no need to--"

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