
The Old Man/Cliffhanger

Mu walked up to the man yelling and told him he wanted to sign up for the tournament.

Mu was told that in order to sign up for the tournament he has to pay 2 gold and sign a few contracts which state.

"If you die" yada yada "We can't be held responsible for any inhuman torture done towards you" yada yada.

Afterwards Mu was led to a room where the combatants waited, trained, prepared, cultivated, and sacrificed souls to gain strength you know the usual.

There was one man who stuck out to Mu however since he was really old and just sitting in a corner.

Mu walked up to him and said,"Hey old man what are you doing here?" The old man looked up at Mu like he had seen him thousand times

"I was sent here to be the old man who a hero grows to like and then dies to a villain. Then the said hero will go bat shit insane and kill all the other people in the ring who he fights." The old man said in a raspy voice.

"So what your hate bait or something?" Mu asked the old man.

"Yea I guess you could call it that, but I also give out information about the tournament to novices." The old man closed his eyes about to go to sleep waiting for said hero to wake him up.

"Oh really do you think you could teach me a little about this place," Mu asked the old man.

"You're not the hero but sure I'll tell you a little bit but make sure you don't grow too attached to me I am going to die." The old man said to Mu not even opening his eyes.

;)To bad this guy is gonna die

"Yea too bad he has to die," Mu thought back to the voice.

"Umm if I had to tell you one thing it would be that every single person in this colosseum has a secret technique," the old man told this to Mu right before going to sleep.

"Hey old man what is that supposed to mean?" Mu kept asking the old man and shaking him but the guy was out.

;)I guess it means that every single person has a secret technique.

"Yea I guess so...hey wait that's exactly what he just said how does that help me?" Mu thought to the voice while walking away from the old mans body.

Mu looked back at the old man right before he was told that it was his turn to line up and saw the old man talking to a female with very cold eyes.

;)hey it's a female hero

"I think they are called heroins." Mu thought to the voice.

;)haha heroin

Mu was walking towards his first fight in the qualification rounds when suddenly he realized that they were just gathering people in the arena.

;)it's not gonna be a battle royal right

"Probably." Mu thought to the voice.

;)that is so lazy.

"Well I mean would you wanna describe an entire 1V1 fighting tournament with hundreds of combatants?" Mu thought to the voice

;)You could do time skips

It didn't matter how much the voice hated battle royals however.

Since the colosseum has decided to hold one so that they only have to show the best 50 fighters fight 1V1.

Mu was told to stand on one side of the arena which had a bunch of people wearing red. Mu was handed a red vest as well right before he walked in and told the rules of the battle royal.

Rules of Dragon Colosseum Battle Royal

1.There are two teams of hundred people, Red vs Gold, they will fight each other until only 50 people remain.

2.No team killing, unless the person you kill has killed your family and you can't work with them.

3.Make it entertaining.

;)Is this really a battle royal I mean there are teams.

"I mean it must be easier to watch one big fight between two teams then watching hundreds of small fights." Mu thought to the voice twirling his cane while waiting for the fight to start.

;)More like easier to write about

Before Mu knew it a bell rang out on the battle field and the two sides started charging at each other.

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