

The word about Sam's disappearance spread like wildfire. Sam is kind of a celebrity within the western continent. Even though, not many people know about his involvement in killing Oscar directly.

They do know him by the wanted notice place on him by the former emperor of the Orion, his involvement in causing war, his rampage which destroyed almost half of the resources of the empire, and the most recent thing about him is his latest inventions in the communication device field and the railways.

Almost every person in the western continent has heard of his name if they didn't see him.

He has disappeared from the public scene over a year ago. But the commoners and low-level officials don't know that he went to the thunder-god temple, because they don't even know the existence of that place.

All they know is that Sam stays in that majestic skyscraper and there are not many people who can meet him.

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